You can import clip art, pictures, movies, or almost any computer image
into the Microsoft programs listed at the beginning of this article. This
feature allows you to take advantage of the libraries of artwork already
available without having to draw new artwork yourself. Microsoft programs
import an image from another application by using graphics filters.
Graphics filters are installed when you run Setup for that program.
NOTE: Some graphics filters have been discontinued in Word 97. See the
"Discontinued Graphics filters" section in this article for a list of the
Limitations on Importing Graphics in Windows
If you have trouble importing a graphic, the problem may occur because of
differences between the original graphic format and the way Windows handles
graphics. Limitations in graphic primitives in Windows pictures prevent
display and printing of:
- Mirrored or backward text
- Rotated or vertical text (unless scaleable or vector fonts are used)
- Double underline and outline
Windows may not scale an image as expected. For example, if a bitmap is
reduced or viewed at less than 100 percent, display information may be
lost. This can result in odd patterns or gridlines. For example, thin lines
may appear to be missing on the screen. When you print, however, the
complete picture is present.
If the image is an object- or vector-oriented picture, text can only be
scaled by its point size. Stretching a character to make it
disproportionately tall or wide may result in poor text layout.
AutoCAD Format 2-D (.dxf) Filter
The AutoCAD Format 2-D graphics filter (Dxfimp32.flt) supports all AutoCAD
versions through Release 12, including AutoCAD for Windows.
The filter has the following limitations:
- Extrusions that are part of 3-D drawings are not supported.
- Control codes and special characters embedded in text shapes that
require special characters are not supported.
- The .dxf files that require separate shape definition files are not
- For multiple viewport .dxf files, the file is imported using the current
Computer Graphics Metafile Graphics Filter
The Computer Graphics Metafile graphics filter (Cgmimp32.flt) supports
Version 1 of CGM:1992. The filter handles all three encodings and
interprets and supports all elements. The filter will correctly handle all
valid .cgm graphics files.
The major industry profiles of ATA (Air Transport Association) and CALS
(Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support) are fully supported by the
Computer Graphics Metafile filter. The filter has been certified as ATA
compliant and CALS-compliant by testing administered by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
If you install the filter during Setup, the following files are installed:
Cgmimp32.flt, Cgmimp32.fnt, Cgmimp32.cfg, and Cgmimp32.hlp.
The computer Graphics Metafile filter has the following limitation:
- CGM 1992 Versions 2, 3, and 4 are not supported.
NOTE: When you insert a .cgm graphic file, an Options dialog box is
displayed so you can set image options before importing. If the Options
dialog box doesn't appear on your screen, you can run the Conversion Wizard
to display the dialog box. To do this, on the File menu, click Open, and
change to the Microsoft Office\Office\Macros folder. In the Files Of Type
box, click All Files. Double-click Convert8. If the Warning dialog box
appears, click Open With Macros. In the Conversion Wizard dialog box, click
"Edit converter or filter options." In the Conversion list, click Computer
Graphics Metafile. In the Options box, click ShowOptionsDialog=No. Click
Yes to change this option to Yes, click OK, and then click Close.
If Convert8.wiz is not installed, run the Setup program again and install
it. Convert8.wiz is located in the Word Wizards and Templates folder;
click to select the Macro Templates check box.
The CorelDRAW (.cdr) Filter
The CorelDRAW filter (Cdrimp32.flt) supports .cdr, .cmt, and .pat
files from CorelDRAW 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 6.0 and has the following
- CorelDRAW Preferences, such as page size/orientation, units, grid, and
guidelines, are not supported.
- Lenses and powerclips are not supported.
- Pages, layers, and groups are not supported.
- OLE objects are not supported.
- Rotated bitmaps are not supported.
- Object and PostScript texture fills are replaced with solid gray fills.
- Gradient fills are split into monocolored stripes.
- Vector fills are not supported.
- Multiarea paragraph text is not supported.
For additional information on the CorelDRAW Filter, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
157737 PUB97: CorelDRAW! Filter Imports .Pat and .Cdt, Not .Cmx Files
Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) Filter
The Encapsulated PostScript graphics filter (Epsimp32.flt) supports the
Adobe Systems Encapsulated PostScript Specification versions 3.0 and
earlier. The filter supports .eps images from tagged image file format
(TIFF) and Windows Metafile (.wmf) embedded previews.
If an Encapsulated PostScript graphics file contains an embedded TIFF or
Windows Metafile preview, a representation of the image appears on the
screen. The quality of the preview depends on the resolution of the TIFF or
Windows Metafile image embedded in the Encapsulated PostScript file when it
is created. Low, medium, and high resolutions are generally available for
creating an EPS file. The higher the resolution of the preview image, the
larger the EPS file size will be. Because such previews are intended
primarily to be used to position images on the page, resolution is often
low. A high-resolution preview is not necessary because it is discarded
when the EPS file is printed to a PostScript printer.
If an embedded TIFF or Windows Metafile preview is not included in the
Encapsulated PostScript graphic you import, the graphic displays a message
instead of a preview of the graphic in your document. However, the graphic
prints correctly to a PostScript printer. If you print an EPS graphic to a
non-PostScript printer, the preview is printed as it appears on the screen.
Encapsulated PostScript graphics are designed for printing to a PostScript
NOTE: There are two lines that must be present in the EPS header (the first
part of the .eps file). In the first line, you can substitute 1.0 or 2.0
for 3.0 if you are working with an earlier version.
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: LLx LLy URx Ury
Enhanced Metafile
The Enhanced Metafile graphics filter (Emfimp32.flt) converts Enhanced
Metafiles (.emf) to Windows Metafiles (.wmf). You must have the Enhanced
Metafile filter installed to insert an .emf file into a Word document as a
Microsoft Clip Gallery object or a Photo Editor object. However, to insert
an .emf file directly into a Word document, you don't need the Enhanced
Metafile filter. The Enhanced Metafile filter is also used by the Word 97
import text converter to open Word 97 documents in Word 6.x and Word 95.
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) Filter
The Graphics Interchange Format filter (Gifimp32.flt) supports file format
versions GIF87a (including interlacing) and GIF89a (including interlacing
and transparency). The GIF filter works with the Portable Network Graphics
filter (Png32.flt) to import GIF files into Word. The GIF filter is also
used by the HTML converter to export pictures in a Word document to .gif
images linked to an HTML page.
The GIF filter has the following limitation: Only the first image of a
multiimage GIF is imported.
JPEG File Interchange Format File
The JPEG graphics filter (Jpegim32.flt) supports Version 6.0 of the JPEG
File Interchange Format (JFIF). You must have the JPEG filter installed to
insert a .jpg file into a Word document as a Microsoft Clip Gallery object
or a Photo Editor object. However, to insert a .jpg file directly into a
Word document, you don't need the JPEG filter.
The JPEG filter has the following limitations:
- The filter does not support JPEG Tagged Interchange Format (JTIF) files.
- The filter does not support cyan-magenta-yellow-black (CYMK) JPEG files.
Kodak Photo CD (.pcd) Filter
The Photo CD graphics filter supports Kodak Photo CD version 3.0. The Photo
CD graphics file format stores multiple images with different resolution
and color depth, and the filter must choose one of the images when you
import a Kodak Photo CD file. When you import a Kodak Photo CD file, an
Options dialog box appears so you can choose the resolution, orientation,
and color depth of the image before importing. By default, the filter
imports an image with 768 x 512 pixels and 24-bit color depth.
Macintosh PICT Graphics Filter
The Macintosh PICT graphics filter (Pictim32.flt) is used to import
Macintosh PICT graphics and to see graphics in a Word for the Macintosh
document that you open in Word for Windows. Rename your Macintosh PICT
files with the .pct extension when you copy them to a computer that uses
Windows so that Word for Windows can recognize the files as PICT graphics.
For example, if you have a graphics file named Bear on the Macintosh, you
should rename the file Bear.pct before you insert the file into a Word for
Windows document.
Micrografx Designer/Draw Graphics Filter
The Micrografx Designer/Draw graphics filter (Drwimp32.flt) supports
Micrografx Designer 3.x, Charisma 2.1, and Draw files. The filter imports
the entire first page of the file as it would appear in Micrografx Designer
because these files don't contain information about the size of the image.
After the image is imported, you can crop the bounding box to make it fit
the size of the image.
The Micrografx Designer/Draw filter has the following limitations:
- Text arrays are not supported.
- Some Micrografx Designer 3.x fonts are not supported.
- Clip paths and tiled paths aren't supported.
- Gradient fills aren't supported.
PC Paintbrush Graphics Filter
The PC Paintbrush graphics filter (Pcximp32.flt) supports all versions of
the .pcx file format through ZSoft version 3.0, with support for 256-color
images. This is the common interchange format used by Microsoft Windows
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Filter
The Portable Network Graphics filter (Png32.flt) supports files conforming
to the Portable Network Graphics Tenth Specification (Version 1.0). You
must have the filter installed to insert a .png file into a Word document
as a Microsoft Clip Gallery object or a Photo Editor object. However, to
insert a .png file directly into a Word document, you don't need the
Portable Network Graphics filter. You must have the filter installed to
import GIF files into Word.
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Graphics Filter
The Tagged Image File Format graphics filter (Tiffim32.flt) supports all
image types and compressions that conform to TIFF Specification Revision
5.0 and 6.0, Part 1: Baseline TIFF. These types include monochrome,
grayscale, palette color, and RGB Full Color images. The filter correctly
handles a single 8-bit alpha channel stored with an RGB Full Color image.
The TIFF filter also supports the TIFF Extension for CYMK images.
The TIFF filter has the following limitations:
- Only the first image of a TIFF with multiple images (subfiles) is
- The filter does not support multiple alpha channels (stored as subfiles)
or alpha channels that don't have 8 bits per pixel.
- The filter does not support alpha channels that are not "pre-
multiplied". When you create your TIFF file, make sure you enable the
"write pre-multiplied alpha" option, if one is available. Otherwise,
your TIFF file will appear opaque when imported.
Targa Graphics Filter
The Targa graphics filter (Tgaimp32.flt) supports Truevision Targa images
with up to 32 bits per pixel.
Windows Bitmap Files
The Windows Bitmap graphics filter (Bmpimp32.flt) supports Windows and OS/2
bitmaps, Run Length Encoded (RLE) bitmaps, and device-independent bitmaps
(DIB). You must have the Windows Bitmap filter installed to insert a bitmap
file into a Word document as a Microsoft Clip Gallery object or a Photo
Editor object. However, to insert a bitmap file directly into a Word
document, you don't need the Windows Bitmap filter.
Windows Metafile
The Windows Metafile graphics filter (Wmfimp32.flt) supports the Windows
Metafile format. You must have the Windows Metafile filter installed to
insert a Windows Metafile into a Word document as a Microsoft Clip Gallery
object. However, to insert a Windows Metafile directly into a Word
document, you don't need the Windows Metafile filter.
The WordPerfect Graphics (.wpg) Filter
The WordPerfect Graphics import filter (Wpgimp32.flt) support WordPerfect
Graphics versions 1.0, 1.0e, and 2.0, which correspond to WordPerfect
version 6.x and earlier. For graphics stored in WordPerfect documents, the
filter uses the size of the picture frame stored in the document to
determine the size of the picture to import. For .wpg images created in
DrawPerfect, the frame size is the size of the screen.
The WordPerfect Graphics import filter has the following limitations:
- PostScript information is lost in Encapsulated PostScript images
embedded in WordPerfect Graphics files.
- WordPerfect Graphics files with large embedded bitmaps may not appear
properly on computers that use the Mach series video drivers from ATI.
If you think you have this problem, try running Windows Setup and
changing your video driver to the 8514/a drivers supplied with Windows.
The WordPerfect Graphics export filter (Wpgexp32.flt) is used by the
WordPerfect 5.x export converter when you save Word documents to the
WordPerfect 5.x format. The filter converts images embedded in a document
to the WordPerfect Graphics 1.0 format.