When you do an unattended setup with the following section:
DetectAdapters = ""
InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList
JoinWorkGroup = WORKGROUP
TC = TCPIPParameters
IPAddress =
Subnet =
You get a dialog box with the following message:
The IPAddress key has an invalid IP address. Please correct the problem
after the property sheet is displayed.
The property sheet will then be displayed with the IP address entered.
Click OK, and the IP address is now accepted. This message only occurs
when a zero is the second or third octet.
This problem has been fixed in the Tcpcfg.dll file contained in Windows NT
4.0 Service Pack 2.0 and later service packs.
To work around this issue:
- Rename the Tcpcfg.dl_ file to on the distribution server.
- Copy the Tcpcfg.dll file from the latest service pack onto the
distribution server.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows NT version 4.0.
This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 U.S.
Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the
following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):