A corrupted send request (.srq) file may cause the SMS Scheduler to enter
an infinite loop, repeatedly writing an error similar to the following to
its log file:
Size mismatch in RoutingInfo record. Got 0, expected 544.~
$$<SMS_SCHEDULER><Wed Nov 06 08:49:37 1996~><thread=D7>
Size mismatch in RoutingInfo record. Got 0, expected 544.~
$$<SMS_SCHEDULER><Wed Nov 06 08:49:37 1996~><thread=D7>
Because the Scheduler is stuck in a loop, the Sched.log file is no longer
overwritten at a specific size, and will keep growing in size until it
either runs out of space on the hard drive, or until the Scheduler is
If DUMPSEND is used to dump the same send request, it will also enter an
infinite loop, writing an error similar to the following repeatedly to the
screen until broken with a CTRL+C:
Unknown Record Type 18
Length: 0
This occurs when the SMS Scheduler or DUMPSEND encounters a record in the
Send Request that has its record length set to zero. In order to read the
next record, the record pointer is advanced by the length of the record. If
that number is zero, then the record pointer never moves, and the current
record is read repeatedly.
To work around this problem, do the following:
- Stop the Sms_executive.
- Remove the corrupted .srq file from the SMS\Site.srv\ or
SMS\Site.srv\\Requests\<outbox> directory.
- Restart the Sms_executive.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Systems Management Server
versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft
Systems Management Server 1.2 U.S. Service Pack. For information on obtaining
the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
(without the spaces):