When you activate an SNA Server connection using a Distributed Link
Service, the connection may remain inactive and never activate. The
following event will be logged in the Windows NT Application Event Log
where SNA Server is running:
Event 77
Source: SNA Server
Connection <connection name> failed to activate due to failure at
link service.
Error Code = 0D0D
where 0D0D = Link Service not active on remote server
The Distributed Link Service (SNAREMLS.DLL) was not allocating a buffer
large enough to read the list of link services from the registry, causing
the end of the link service data (for example, the service name) to be
truncated. The error occurs when the distributed link service tried to
locate the link service on the remote computer, and the service name was
not found because the service name was truncated.
To identify that this problem is occurring, the following entries will
appear in internal traces. On the computer running the Distributed Link
Service (or "SnaRem1", "SnaRem2", ...), internal SnaRem# traces will
include the following:
GRLSN Remote Services = \\sna_central_gw\snadlc2
GRLSN Read service name "\\SNA_CENTRAL_GW\SNADLC2"
reslc Try link service 0 "\\SNA_CENTRAL_GW\SNADLC2?"
reslc Remote link service is \\SNA_CENTRAL_GW\SNADLC2?
DFIND Look in DOMAIN 0 SHR a040000
DFIND Open type = 0
DFIND Locate remote link service \\SNA_CENTRAL_GW\SNADLC2?
NOTE: The question mark (?) at the end of the link service name may be any
"garbage" character.
On the computer running the SNADLC2 (remote) link service, SnaBase
internal traces will include:
SVCED Searching for service SNADLC2?, type 11
SVCED Service SNADLC2?, type 11 not found
NOTE: The question mark (?) at the end of the link service name indicates
that while this server does support a link service called SNADLC2, it is
not found.
Add a semi-colon (;) character to the start and end of the Distributed Link
Service name(s) specified during SNA Server Setup of the Distributed Link
Service. For the example above, enter the following:
Remote Link Services: [;\\sna_central_gw\snadlc2; ]
A hotfix for this problem is available from Microsoft.
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft SNA Server
version 2.11 Service Pack 1.
This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 U.S.
Service Pack. For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the
following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):