How to Disable Installation of NWLink NetBIOS (156203)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0

This article was previously published under Q156203


The installation process of the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport under Microsoft Windows NT also installs NetBIOS support for the protocol. NetBIOS support is installed automatically, and is not offered as an installation option. You may want to disable this support if your configuration does not use the NWLink protocol for NetBIOS.


You can deactivate NetBIOS support for NWLink by disabling the network binding for NWLink NetBIOS. You can also disable NetBIOS support for NWLink prior to installation by changing a value in the Oemnxpip.inf file.

Disabling NetBIOS functionality will prevent the NWLink transport from being used for NetBIOS activity. If other protocols providing NetBIOS support are installed, those protocols will be used for connectivity with other computers that use NetBIOS. Microsoft does not advise the removal of this functionality, and it should be done at your own risk.

Windows NT 4.0

To disable the network binding after installation, follow the steps below:
  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Network icon.
  2. Double-click the protocol whose properties you want to change.
  3. Disable the binding for NWLink NetBIOS.
  4. Close Control Panel and restart the computer.

Windows 2000

  1. In Control Panel, double-click the Network and Dial-up Connections icon.
  2. On the Advanced menu, click Advanced Settings.
  3. Clear the checkbox for the NWlink Netbios binding.

To edit the Oemnxpip.inf file prior to Setup, follow the steps below:
  1. Locate the source folder for your unattended setups.
  2. Use the Expand utility to expand the Oemnxpip.in_ file to Oemnxpip.inf.
  3. Delete the Oemnxpip.in_ file.
  4. Start Oemnxpip.inf in a text editor.
  5. Find the following lines in the file:
          Ifstr(i) $(Option)  = NWLNKIPX
          Set DoNWLNKIPX      = TRUE
          Set DoNWLNKNB       = TRUE
          Set DoNWLNKSPX      = TRUE

  6. Change the value for DoNWLNKNB to FALSE.
  7. Save the changes to the file, and quit the editor.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/3/2003
Keywords:kbhowto kbsetup KB156203