The following examples show syntax for returning different data types as
values from Visual FoxPro to a calling AppleScript:
To return a numeric value from a program file (.PRG):
tell application "Microsoft Visual FoxPro"
display dialog "Enter thickness in inches:" default answer 1
set param1 to the text returned of the result
display dialog "Enter width in inches:" default answer 6
set param2 to the text returned of the result
display dialog "Enter length in feet:" default answer 8
set param3 to the text returned of the result
Do Script "BdFeet(" & param1 & "," & param2 & "," & param3 & " ) "
display dialog "Calculated board feet: " & the result
end tell
Visual FoxPro:
* BdFeet.PRG - Program to return the board feet based on TWL
* nThick - Thickness (in)
* nWidth - Width (in)
* nLength - Length (ft)
#DEFINE nInPerCuFt 144
#DEFINE nInPerLinFt 12
PARAMETERS nThick, nWidth, nLength
nBoardFeet = nThick * nWidth * nLength * nInPerLinFt
nBoardFeet = nBoardFeet / nInPerCuFt
RETURN nBoardFeet
To set and return a numeric value from an object property:
tell application "Microsoft Visual FoxPro"
Do Script "_screen.resettodefault('backcolor')"
-- Syntax 1 incorrect example to set backcolor to red
Do Script "_screen.backcolor = RGB(255,0,0)"
-- grab the backcolor
Do Script "_screen.backcolor"
display dialog "The current value of the backcolor is " & the result
-- Syntax 2 correct example to set backcolor to red
Do Script "Store RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) to _screen.backcolor"
-- grab the backcolor
Do Script "_screen.backcolor"
display dialog "The current value of the backcolor is " & the result
end tell
Both syntax 1 and 2, if executed directly in Visual FoxPro, would assign a
value to a property. In AppleScript, only Syntax 2 would work as expected.
The equal sign in Visual FoxPro is used as an assignment and a comparison
operator. Syntax 1 is simply a test for equivalence, but Syntax 2 will
correctly store the value to the property.
To return a numeric value from a MessageBox:
tell application "Microsoft Visual FoxPro"
-- iconless message box with yes no cancel, note no equals sign
Do Script "MESSAGEBOX('What happens happens.', 3 , 'Acceptance')"
if the result is 6 then
-- yes (6)
set btnclicked to "Yes"
else if the result is 7 then
-- no (7)
set btnclicked to "No"
-- cancel (2)
set btnclicked to "Cancel"
end if
display dialog "The user chose " & the result & "."
end tell
To return a text value and a logical value as a text value from a table:
tell application "Microsoft Visual FoxPro"
Do Script "USE :samples:data:customer"
display dialog "Enter a key in all caps." default answer "LETSS"
set keyval to the text returned of the result
-- note concatenation and inclusion of single quotes for argument
Do Script "LOCATE for Cust_Id = '" & keyval & "'"
-- forced conversion of logical result to string
Do Script "IIF(FOUND(),'TRUE','FALSE')"
if the result is "TRUE" then
-- note argument syntax
Do Script ""
display dialog "Key: " & keyval & ", Company: " & the result
display dialog "Key: " & keyval & " not found."
end if
end tell