When MessageBoxEx is called, regardless of the value of wLanguageID (the
last parameter of MessageBoxEx), the pushbutton text can only be displayed
in the native language of the operating system.
On Windows NT 3.51, if the wLanguageID is the native language ID of the
operating system or the wLanguageID is MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL,
SUBLANG_DEFAULT), the pushbutton text is displayed in the native language
of that version of NT. Otherwise, the pushbuttons are blank.
For example, on US Windows NT 3.51:
MessageBoxEx( hWnd, "string", "title", MB_RETRYCANCEL,
would display a MessageBox with two buttons reading: "retry" and "cancel."
However, on the same operating system:
MessageBoxEx( hWnd, "string", "title", MB_RETRYCANCEL,
would display a MessageBox with two blank buttons.
On Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, regardless of what is specified in wLanguageID, the pushbutton text is in the native language of that version of Windows 95. For example, on US Windows 95, both:
MessageBoxEx( hWnd, "string", "title", MB_RETRYCANCEL,
MessageBoxEx( hWnd, "string", "title", MB_RETRYCANCEL,
would display a Message Box with two buttons reading: "retry" and "cancel."
Windows 2000 will have the ability to display the pushbutton text in
the language specified in wLanguageID.