The Windows 95 Device Driver Kit (DDK) contains a number of sample
multimedia device drivers. Many of these drivers contain both a 16-bit DRV
component and a 32-bit VXD component. In order to build the 16-bit
multimedia driver components, you can run the following three batch files
in the order listed. Note the two parameters passed to ddkenv.bat:
- new-vars.bat, typically located in the \masm611\binr directory.
- msvcvars.bat, typically located in the \msvc\bin directory (use a 16-
bit version of Visual C++, such as 1.52).
- ddkenv.bat 16 mmedia, typically located in the \ddk directory.
The ddkenv.bat file is built dynamically when the Windows 95 DDK is
installed. The standard ddkenv.bat file will not work properly for building
the 16-bit sample multimedia drivers. Specifically, the include order is
incorrect. In order to build these 16-bit drivers, you can modify the
:ENVIRON16 section of ddkenv.bat. Following is the unmodified :ENVIRON16
section of ddkenv.bat:
REM *** add the location of your 16-bit environment here ***
set WIN16=TRUE
set include=%ddkroot%\%2\inc;%ddkroot%\inc16;%sdkroot%\inc16;
set lib=%ddkroot%\lib;%sdkroot%\lib16;%_lib%
prompt Windows 95 16-bit %2 build$_%_prompt%
In order to build the 16-bit sample multimedia drivers, you can modify the
"set include=" line above and move %sdkroot%\include ahead of %_include%.
Following is the modified "set include=" line:
set include=%ddkroot%\%2\inc;%ddkroot%\inc16;%sdkroot%\inc16;