The Iomega Parallel Port Zip Drive is not listed in the Windows NT Hardware
Compatibility List (HCL). Iomega Corporation does supply a Windows NT 3.51
device driver for the drive.
The Parallel Port driver for 3.51 is available on the Iomega Web Site at:
Windows NT 4.0 only supports the SCSI version of this drive. The parallel
version is not natively supported.
For additional information on the Iomega ZIP drives and Windows NT, refer
to the Iomega FaxBack service at (800) 456-5522 or (801) 778-5763, or
contact Iomega Technical Support at (801) 629-7610.
The Iomega ZIP drives and cartridges are manufactured by Iomega Corp., a
vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.
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help you find the technical support you need. This contact information is
subject to change without notice. Microsoft in no way guarantees the
accuracy of this third-party contact information.