This is Part 2 of 2 articles which describe the files and folders that
are installed during each type of workstation installation.
You may perform a workstation installation of Works 4.0 after performing an
administrative setup (Setup /a) to a server. During the administrative
installation you may choose the type of installation to be performed during
subsequent workstation installations.
This article addresses installing shared components on the server or
user's choice (server or local). Part 1 describes the local option.
For more information about Part 1, please see the following article in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
151573 Works 95: Files Installed During 4.0 Workstation Install (1of2)
During the administrative installation of Works, you may specify where the
shared components, Draw, WordArt, and Spell Checker, for example, will be
installed when you run a workstation installation. The choices are
installed on the server, or installed locally.
NOTE: The information below assumes that the workstation's local hard disk is drive C; and that that Windows is installed in the Windows
The dates are for files from the CD version. If you install from diskettes,
the dates will be 7-10-95.
If you install the shared components on the server the following files and
folders will be installed on the workstation. Setup creates the following
folders when they don't exist:
Folder C:\Program Files\MSWorks\Setup40
Setup.stf (size depends on network pathing)
Folder C:\Windows\System
E95thk16.exe 3,904 07-15-95 12:00a
Encapi32.dll 20,992 07-15-95 12:00a
Pcdlib32.dll 116,736 07-15-95 12:00a
Picstore.dll 12,288 07-15-95 12:00a
Preview.vbx 151,584 07-15-95 12:00a
Pubdlg.dll 22,016 07-15-95 12:00a
Pubole32.dll 72,704 07-15-95 12:00a
Wksgrph.vbx 37,052 07-15-95 12:00a
Wkspages.vbx 20,920 07-15-95 12:00a
Optional (will be installed if not already present)
Vbrun300.dll 398,416 07-15-95 12:00a
Folder C:\Windows\Fonts
Arialnb.ttf 64,456 07-15-95 12:00a
Arialnbi.ttf 67,676 07-15-95 12:00a
Arnar.ttf 62,792 07-15-95 12:00a
Arnari.ttf 63,400 07-15-95 12:00a
Impact.ttf 56,936 07-15-95 12:00a
Mistral.ttf 102,060 07-15-95 12:00a
Mtextra.ttf 7,656 07-15-95 12:00a
Wingdng2.ttf 59,688 07-15-95 12:00a
Folder C:\Windows\ShellNew
Msworks.wcm 326 07-15-95 12:00a
Msworks.wdb 4,608 07-15-95 12:00a
Msworks.wks 1,136 07-15-95 12:00a
Msworks.wps 4,608 07-15-95 12:00a
Folder C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Works 4.0
These files are all 1 Kb shortcuts created on the install date.
Microsoft Works 4.0.lnk
Frequently Asked Questions.lnk
Network Administrator's Guide.lnk
Microsoft Works 4.0 Product Support.lnk
Introduction to Microsoft Works 4.0.lnk
Microsoft Works 4.0 Setup.lnk
Folder C:\Windows\Desktop
If you create a shortcut to Works 4.0 during the workstation installation,
there will be an icon on the Windows 95 desktop and this entry in the
desktop folder:
Shortcut to Microsoft Works 4.0 1 Kb <date of install>
This option offers the workstation setup a choice between installing
the shared components on the server or locally, at the time of the
workstation setup. If you choose installing shared components on the
workstation, the files installed are listed in the following article:
151573 Works 4.0: Files Installed During Workstation Install (part 1).
If you install the shared components on the server, this article lists the
files installed on the workstation.