Disk Contents: Office Pro 7.0b for Windows 95 (Disks 1-10) (151015)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95 Professional edition

This article was previously published under Q151015


This article lists the disk contents file names and sizes along with the files that each of the .CAB files contain for Microsoft Office Professional version 7.0b for Windows 95. This article lists disks 1-10 (30 disks total) for the 3.5-inch DMF disks.


Disk 1

File date  Time            File size    File name
03/20/96 4:00p ----        87,916      Extract.exe
03/20/96 4:00p ----       884,777      MSOFF1.CAB
03/20/96 4:00p ----        21,412      Network.txt
03/20/96 4:00p ----        18,660      Ofreadme.txt
03/20/96 4:00p ----        73,312      Setup.exe
03/20/96 4:00p ----           149      Setup.ini
03/20/96 4:00p ----         2,170      Setup.lst
03/20/96 4:00p ----            84      Setup.tdf
                  8 file(s)      1,088,480 bytes

Contents of MSOFF1.CAB

File date   Time           File size    File name

01-31-1996  5:02:50p ----  696,832      Off95_bb.dll
01-31-1996  3:26:42p ----  421,108      setup.stf
01-31-1996  5:23:58p ----  134,295      Off95pro.inf
01-31-1996  2:53:02p ----  131,557      Admin.inf
01-31-1996 12:40:22p ----   73,312      Acme.exe
01-31-1996 12:53:14p ----   92,672      Off95inv.dll
01-31-1996 12:40:28p ----   54,784      Msacccah.dll
01-31-1996 12:40:16p ----  278,528      Msaccbb.dll
01-31-1996 12:40:30p ----   26,112      Ffast_bb.dll
01-31-1996  3:21:18p ----    1,344      Off95pro.pdf
01-31-1996 12:40:18p ----   22,408      Acmsetup.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:28p ----   41,700      Offsetup.ttf
01-31-1996 12:40:16p ----  331,776      Acmsetup.exe
01-31-1996 12:40:18p ----  249,344      Mssetup.dll
01-31-1996 12:14:04p ----    2,058      acme.lst
01-31-1996  3:23:38p ----    3,011      Odbckey.inf
01-31-1996  3:21:24p ----   18,432      Odbcstf.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:06p ----  253,952      Msvcrt20.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:18p ----   91,136      Odbccp32.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:20p ----   32,768      Odbcint.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:18p ----   64,512      OS\System\Odbc32.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:18p ----    7,168      OS\System\Odbcad32.exe
01-31-1996  1:00:18p ----    6,656      OS\System\Odbccp32.cpl
01-31-1996  1:00:18p ----  167,936      OS\System\Odbccr32.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:20p ----   18,321      OS\System\Odbcinst.hlp
                25 Files      3,221,722 bytes
NOTE: The CCP version of the Setup.stf is the only difference between the retail and CCP disk 1 contents. The CCP Setup.stf contains an additional line that calls the file named Off95inv.dll which performs the compliance checking. This file is present on both the CCP and retail versions of Microsoft Office version 7.0b for Windows 95.

The following listing is the entry for the Setup.stf file on the CCP disk 1. Again, this is the only difference between the retail and the CCP disk 1 images.
File date  Time            File size    File name

01-31-1996 4:50:18p ----   421,197      setup.stf

Disk 2

File date  Time            File size    File name

 3/20/96  1:00p           1,716,224   MSOFF2.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF2.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

01-31-1996  2:00:40p ----  336,896      Office\Binder.exe
01-31-1996  1:00:04p ----  922,384      OS\System\Mfc40.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:08p ----   72,976      OS\System\Olepro32.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:08p ----  312,832      OS\System\Msvcrt40.dll
01-31-1996 12:40:50p ----   44,867      Office\Binder.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:50p ----    6,264      Office\Binder.tlb
01-31-1996 12:40:50p ----  259,420      Office\Binder.aw
01-31-1996 12:40:52p ----   93,569      Office\Bivisex.exe
01-31-1996 12:40:50p ----    3,875      Office\Binder.txt
01-31-1996 12:40:54p ----  256,987      Office\Vba_bin.aw
01-31-1996 12:40:54p ----   48,124      Office\Vba_bin.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:50p ----    2,697      Office\Binder.cnt
01-31-1996  3:51:20p ----      127      Office\Binder.gid
01-31-1996 12:40:54p ----    1,850      Office\Vba_bin.cnt
01-31-1996 12:41:06p ----      127      Office\Vba_bin.gid
01-31-1996 12:40:48p ----   44,544      Office\Bdrec.dll
01-31-1996 12:41:06p ----    5,120      Office\Binder70.obd
01-31-1996 12:40:54p ----  130,560      Template\Binders\Report.obt
01-31-1996 12:40:52p ----  364,032      Template\Binders\Client.obz
01-31-1996 12:40:54p ----  165,376      Template\Binders\Proposal.obt
01-31-1996 12:40:54p ----  183,296      Template\Binders\Meeting.obt
01-31-1996 12:42:38p ----   29,613      OS\MSAPPS\Vba\Vba_off.hlp
01-31-1996 12:42:38p ----  233,359      OS\MSAPPS\Vba\Vba_off.aw
01-31-1996 12:42:38p ----    1,008      OS\MSAPPS\Vba\Vba_off.cnt
01-31-1996  1:00:28p ----   23,552      OS\System\Docobj.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:32p ----   92,160      OS\System\Mso5enu.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:30p ----   37,472      OS\System\Mso95.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:30p ----   10,240      OS\System\Mso95fx.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:30p ----   11,264      OS\System\Msothunk.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:32p ----   53,760      OS\System\Openenu.dll
01-31-1996 12:40:52p ----   29,696      Office\Explode.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:38p ----   54,784      OS\System\Commtb32.dll
01-31-1996  1:00:06p ----   27,648      OS\System\Mstool32.dll
01-31-1996  1:02:00p ----  107,008      OS\System\Ttemb32.dll
01-31-1996 12:40:30p ----   86,528      Office\Findfast.exe
01-31-1996 12:40:30p ----   19,456      OS\System\Findfast.cpl
01-31-1996  5:01:44p ----        1      Office\ffastlog.txt
01-31-1996 12:33:32p ----    6,083      OS\msoffice.acl
01-31-1996  3:51:46p ----3,782,144      Winword\Winword.exe
                39 Files      8,761,699 bytes

Disk 3

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96  1:00p           1,716,224   MSOFF3.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF3.CAB

   Winword\Winword.exe : Starts in cabinet MSOFF2.CAB on disk
   'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 2'

Disk 4

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96   1:00p           1,716,224   MSOFF4.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF4.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

   Winword\Winword.exe : Starts in cabinet MSOFF2.CAB on disk
   'Microsoft    Office Setup: Disk 2'

01-31-1996 12:34:44p ----   48,624      Winword\Dialog.fon
01-31-1996 12:34:46p ----   15,088      Winword\Winword7.reg
01-31-1996 12:34:48p ----      280      OS\Ttembed.ini
01-31-1996 12:34:48p ----    2,041      OS\Msfntmap.ini
01-31-1996  3:53:52p ----   24,051      Winword\Wdreadme.txt
01-31-1996  3:51:22p ----  843,264      Winword\WWINTL32.DLL
01-31-1996 12:28:18p ----  236,800      Access\Msacnv30.dll
01-31-1996 12:28:18p ----  102,400      Access\Msacnv30.exe
01-31-1996 12:30:34p ----  117,964      Access\Msaccess.tlb
01-31-1996 12:30:36p ----  155,136      Access\Msaexp30.dll
01-31-1996 12:30:42p ----  339,968      Access\Utility.mda
01-31-1996 12:30:34p ----2,839,552      Access\Msaccess.exe
                12 Files      4,725,168 bytes

Disk 5

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96  1:00p           1,716,224    MSOFF5.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF5.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

   Access\Msaccess.exe : Starts in cabinet MSOFF4.CAB on disk 'Microsoft
   Office Setup: Disk 4'

01-31-1996 12:30:38p ----   87,552      Access\Soa300.dll
01-31-1996 12:30:42p ----1,135,616      Access\Msain300.dll
01-31-1996 12:30:42p ----   47,616      OS\System\Wrkgadm.exe
01-31-1996 12:30:46p ----   70,001      Acreadme.txt
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----   33,768      Office\Pss.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----      783      Office\Pss.cnt
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----    8,517      Office\Psso.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----      152      Office\Psso.cnt
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----   32,994      Office\Eula.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----      258      Office\Eula.cnt
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----   28,211      Office\Eulao.hlp
01-31-1996 12:40:38p ----      265      Office\Eulao.cnt
01-31-1996 12:42:42p ----   18,432      OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\imgwalk.dll
01-31-1996 12:42:42p ----   15,408      OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\msinf16h.exe
01-31-1996 12:42:46p ----  321,024      OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\Msinfo32.exe
01-31-1996 12:42:46p ----   26,275      OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\Msinfo32.hlp
01-31-1996 12:42:44p ----    2,441      OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\Msinfo32.cnt
01-31-1996  3:56:34p ----   37,376      OS\System\VEN2232.OLB
01-31-1996  1:00:40p ----   10,240      OS\System\Vaen232.dll
01-31-1996  3:56:32p ----  243,984      OS\System\VBAR2232.DLL
01-31-1996 12:54:30p ----   35,840      Template\Designs\Contemp.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:38p ----   88,576      Template\Designs\Profess.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:40p ----   30,208      Template\Designs\Soaring.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:26p ----   22,528      Template\Blank.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:24p ----   51,200      Template\Designs\Azure.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:36p ----   35,328      Template\Designs\Multbars.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:26p ----   44,032      Template\Designs\Bevel.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:26p ----   31,232      Template\Designs\Bluediag.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:38p ----   26,112      Template\Designs\Sidebar.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:38p ----   28,672      Template\Designs\Sidefade.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:44p ----   96,768      Template\Designs\Theater.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:30p ----   30,720      Template\Designs\Dbllines.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:44p ----   51,200      Template\Designs\Twinkles.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:42p ----   85,504      Template\Designs\tatami.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:26p ----   76,288      Template\Designs\blueweav.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:24p ----   95,232      Template\Designs\bedrock.pot
01-31-1996 12:54:28p ----   88,064      Template\Designs\brnmrbl.pot
01-31-1996 12:34:50p ----  105,648      Winword\Macrode.exe
01-31-1996 12:42:52p ----1,505,984      OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Graph5.exe
                39 Files      4,650,049 bytes

Disk 6

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96  1:00p           1,716,224    MSOFF6.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF6.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

   OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Graph5.exe : Starts in cabinet MSOFF5.CAB on disk
   'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 5'

01-31-1996 12:42:54p ----  123,184     OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Grintl.dll
01-31-1996 12:42:54p ----    9,904     OS\System\Scp.dll
01-31-1996 12:42:54p ----  102,032     OS\System\Sdm.dll
01-31-1996 12:42:52p ----   57,344     OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Gren50.olb
01-31-1996 12:42:56p ----  501,176     OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Msgraph.hlp
01-31-1996 12:42:54p ----    4,987     OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Graph5.reg
01-31-1996 12:42:52p ----      127     OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Msgraph.gid
01-31-1996 12:42:52p ----      127     OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Msgraph.fts
01-31-1996 12:43:04p ----   17,408     OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\_msimp32.dll
01-31-1996 12:43:04p ----    8,704     OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\mscthunk.dll
01-31-1996  1:03:10p ----   36,464     OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\_ixls.dll
01-31-1996  1:03:10p ----   20,800     OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\_xxls.dll
01-31-1996 12:43:06p ----  146,944     OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Mssp232.dll
01-31-1996 12:32:58p ----  208,084     OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Mssp2_en.lex
01-31-1996  1:02:30p ----   29,696     OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Hyph32.dll
01-31-1996 12:34:54p ----   45,568     OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Hy_en.lex
01-31-1996 12:31:08p ----1,455,966 Access\Vba_acc.hlp
                17 Files      2,768,515 bytes

Disk 7

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96   1:00p           1,716,224   MSOFF7.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF7.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

   Access\Vba_acc.hlp : Starts in cabinet MSOFF6.CAB on disk 'Microsoft
   Office Setup: Disk 6'

01-31-1996 12:31:04p ----   33,378      Access\Vba_acc.cnt
01-31-1996 12:31:02p ----  405,988      Access\Vba_acc.aw
01-31-1996  4:51:50p ----  187,605      Access\Vbaaccsp.hlp
01-31-1996  4:51:42p ----      186      Access\Vbaaccsp.cnt
01-31-1996  3:51:52p ----      127      Access\Vbaaccsp.ftg
01-31-1996  3:50:24p ----      127      Access\Vbaaccsp.fts
01-31-1996  3:51:06p ----      127      Access\Vbaaccsp.gid
01-31-1996 12:31:20p ----2,088,960      Access\Nwind.mdb
01-31-1996 12:31:24p ----1,017,856      Access\Orders.mdb
01-31-1996 12:31:20p ----   21,052      Access\Orders.hlp
01-31-1996 12:31:20p ----      347      Access\Orders.cnt
01-31-1996 12:31:30p ----1,040,384      Access\Solution.mdb
01-31-1996 12:31:28p ----  176,626      Access\Solution.hlp
                13 Files      4,972,763 bytes

Disk 8

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96  1:00p            1,716,224   MSOFF8.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF8.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

   Access\Solution.hlp : Starts in cabinet MSOFF7.CAB on disk 'Microsoft
   Office Setup: Disk 7'

01-31-1996 12:31:26p ----      840      Access\Solution.cnt
01-31-1996 12:30:52p ----1,183,715      Access\Acvisex.exe
01-31-1996 12:31:00p ----1,769,621      Access\Msaccess.hlp
01-31-1996 12:30:56p ----  128,854      Access\Msaccess.cnt
01-31-1996 12:30:56p ----  515,833      Access\Msaccess.aw
01-31-1996 12:31:50p ----4,886,528      Access\Wzmain70.mda
                 6 Files      8,485,391 bytes

Disk 9

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96   1:00p          1,716,224    MSOFF9.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF9.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

 Access\Wzmain70.mda : Starts in cabinet MSOFF8.CAB on disk 'Microsoft
 Office Setup: Disk 8'

01-31-1996  4:51:46p ----   87,552      Access\Flist32.ocx
01-31-1996 12:31:32p ----    2,708      Access\Wd95acc.tlb
01-31-1996  5:11:46p ----1,421,312      Access\Wzdat70.mdt
01-31-1996 12:31:58p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Books.bmp
01-31-1996 12:31:58p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Contacts.bmp
01-31-1996 12:31:58p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Dbmusic.bmp
01-31-1996 12:31:58p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Eatdrink.bmp
01-31-1996 12:31:58p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Houshold.bmp
01-31-1996 12:31:58p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Invntory.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Members.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Monytrak.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Phonordr.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Photos.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Resource.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\School.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Videos.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   29,374      Access\Bitmaps\Dbwiz\Workout.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:02p ----   42,422      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Clouds.wmf
01-31-1996 12:32:04p ----   27,606      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Globe.wmf
01-31-1996 12:32:04p ----   25,718      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Sea_dusk.wmf
01-31-1996 12:32:04p ----    9,446      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Cnfdntl.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:04p ----    9,434      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Pattern.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:00p ----   11,822      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Stone.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:04p ----    9,094      Access\Bitmaps\Styles\Flax.bmp
01-31-1996 12:30:54p ----  355,417      Access\Msaccdef.hlp
01-31-1996 12:31:02p ----  289,458      Access\Qmsaccss.hlp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-descr.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-wiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-autocl.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-autotb.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-autods.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\Q-descr.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\Q-sswiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\Q-ctwiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\Q-dupwiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\Q-nomwiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\R-newscr.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\R-wiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\R-autocl.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\R-autotb.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\R-lblwiz.bmp

01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\T-descr.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\T-dscr.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:10p ----    4,222      Clipart\T-wiz.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\T-import.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\T-link.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-chart.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\R-chart.bmp
01-31-1996 12:32:08p ----    4,222      Clipart\F-PivWiz.Bmp
01-31-1996  1:02:30p ----  385,536 OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Gram32.dll
                50 Files      3,185,867 bytes

Disk 10

File date  Time            File size    File name

03-20-96  1:00p           1,716,224    MSOFF10.CAB
            1 file(s)      1,716,224 bytes

Contents of MSOFF10.CAB

File date  Time            File size    File name

 OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Gram32.dll : Starts in cabinet MSOFF9.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 9'

01-31-1996 12:34:54p ----1,193,398      OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Gr_am.lex
01-31-1996 12:43:06p ----   19,456      OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Msth32.dll
01-31-1996 12:33:02p ----  670,477      OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Msth_am.lex
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   18,944      Winword\Letters\Adpr01.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   16,896      Winword\Letters\Cred01.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   18,944      Winword\Letters\Cred05.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   16,896      Winword\Letters\Cred11.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   17,920      Winword\Letters\Cstmrc01.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   17,408      Winword\Letters\Cstmrc03.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   18,432      Winword\Letters\Cstmrr03.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   18,432      Winword\Letters\Cstmrr05.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   19,456      Winword\Letters\Emprl02.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   16,896      Winword\Letters\Emprl03.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   17,920      Winword\Letters\Mktg02.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   21,504      Winword\Letters\Mktg07.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   18,432      Winword\Letters\Other10.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   18,944      Winword\Letters\Space03.dot
01-31-1996 12:34:56p ----   19,968      Winword\Letters\Suppl14.dot
01-31-1996 12:43:10p ----  560,640      OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.exe
01-31-1996  1:02:12p ----  145,820      OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.hlp
01-31-1996  1:02:12p ----    2,921      OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.cnt
01-31-1996 12:33:08p ----    2,699      OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.reg
01-31-1996  1:02:34p ----      127      OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.gid
01-31-1996  1:02:34p ----      127      OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.fts
01-31-1996 12:33:44p ----    7,656      OS\Fonts\Mtextra.ttf
01-31-1996 12:35:50p ----   71,168      Template\Pub\Brochure.dot
                26 Files      2,951,481 bytes

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/2/2002