By default, constraints are checked during the execution of a statement
for each row that the statement affects and then perhaps again after all
rows have been modified. This is necessary because an UPDATE statement
might make a change to a row that by itself might seem to violate a
constraint, but when viewed with all of the subsequent changes to other
rows (by the same statement execution), the table is left in a
consistent state. As constraints are checked for each row, any apparent
violations are marked for rechecking and "deferred." Once all rows have
been updated, all marked rows have their constraints rechecked (this is
"deferred constraint checking"); if any violations now occur, the
execution of the statement fails; and if no violation occurs, the statement
For example: The def_employee table has a primary key on emp_id and a
self-referencing foreign key from the mgr_id to emp_id. The statements
to create this table and populate it with 5 rows are given below. The
inserts are followed by updates so the employees will not have to be
inserted in order with the managers entered first.
DROP TABLE def_employee
CREATE TABLE def_employee (
name CHAR(10),
mgr_id INT NULL REFERENCES def_employee)
INSERT def_employee VALUES ( 1, 'VP', NULL)
INSERT def_employee VALUES ( 2, 'PRES', NULL)
INSERT def_employee VALUES ( 4, 'JOE', NULL)
INSERT def_employee VALUES ( 6, 'CEO', NULL)
INSERT def_employee VALUES ( 8, 'MGR', NULL)
UPDATE def_employee SET mgr_id = 2 WHERE emp_id = 1
UPDATE def_employee SET mgr_id = 6 WHERE emp_id = 2
UPDATE def_employee SET mgr_id = 8 WHERE emp_id = 4
UPDATE def_employee SET mgr_id = 6 WHERE emp_id = 6
UPDATE def_employee SET mgr_id = 1 WHERE emp_id = 8
SELECT * FROM def_employee
This gives the following table:
emp_id name mgr_id
----------- ---------- -----------
1 VP 2
2 PRES 6
4 JOE 8
6 CEO 6
8 MGR 1
When the following UPDATE statement is executed, if the rows were
considered individually, the UPDATE should fail for every row in the table
(because of a missing primary key for its mgr_id value) except for CEO; but
even that should fail because that would leave PRES without a primary key
for its manager. However, the UPDATE statement succeeds without any
constraint errors because it uses deferred constraint checking.
UPDATE def_employee
SET emp_id = emp_id + 1000,
mgr_id = mgr_id + 1000
SELECT * FROM def_employee
Gives the result:
emp_id name mgr_id
----------- ---------- -----------
1001 VP 1002
1002 PRES 1006
1004 JOE 1008
1006 CEO 1006
1008 MGR 1001
For an operation on a large table, deferred constraint checking may cause a
loss in performance. An UPDATE may affect thousands of rows only to find
that many of the constraint violations that it found as it was checking
each row are still violations once it does the deferred constraint
checking. Of course, all it has to find is the first failure in the
deferred phase, and then it will have to cancel the statement and rollback
all of the changes. It may take quite a long time to perform the operation
and all of the checking, plus the rolling back (the system is optimized for
going forward, not rolling back). It might have been better if the first
failed constraint it encountered had caused the entire operation to fail
rather than perform all that additional processing only to confirm that it
could have failed earlier.
In SQL Server 6.5, it is possible to disable deferred constraint checking
by using the command:
With this option on, the reverse of the above operation will fail (as
would the original operation):
UPDATE def_employee
SET emp_id = emp_id - 1000,
mgr_id = mgr_id - 1000
Msg 547, Level 16, State 2
UPDATE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint
'FK__def_emplo__mgr_i__496EF0FC'. The conflict occurred in database
'pubs', table 'def_employee', column 'mgr_id'
Command has been aborted.
Notice that the UPDATE fails even though it is valid and would leave the
table in a consistent state with all constraints satisfied. On a very
large table, the apparent speed will be much improved, although it may
fail when it actually should not have.
The deferred constraint behavior depends on the current setting of
Disable_Def_Cnst_Chk when the operation is performed, not what its value
was when the table or constraint was created.
The behavior with deferred constraint checking shut off is similar to a
poorly written trigger that only validates operations a row at a time
rather than the result of the operation as a whole.
ANSI specifies that deferred constraint checking should occur (the
Disable_Def_Cnst_Chk option should be OFF). Higher levels of the ANSI
standard (not implemented in SQL Server 6.5) allow constraints to be
specified with terms like 'Initially Deferred', 'Initially Immediate', and
'[Not] Deferrable' to customize this behavior at the constraint-level.