The Works 4.0, 4.5, or 4.5a Setup program adds lines to the Win.ini file
during a complete installation. The System Registry is also modified with
these and additional entries. This article lists the changes.
Changes to Win.ini
The following information is for a complete installation of Works to
the default locations specified by Works Setup. These default locations
for all Works program files, and
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared
for shared components such as Draw and WordArt. The information may vary
for network and/or custom installations. Also, the section headers may
already exist for example the [embedding] section may begin with different
lines if other programs using those components have been installed
NOTE: Indented lines are continuations of the preceding line; there is no carriage return in the actual line in the Win.ini.
MS_ClipArt_Gallery=Microsoft ClipArt Gallery,Microsoft ClipArt
MS_ClipArt_Gallery.2=Microsoft ClipArt Gallery,Microsoft ClipArt
Note-It=Microsoft Note-It,Microsoft Note-It,C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1
MSDraw.1.01=Microsoft Drawing 1.01,Microsoft Drawing 1.01,C:\PROGRA~1
Equation.2=Microsoft Equations 2.0,Microsoft Equations 2.0,C:\PROGRA~1
MSWordArt.2=Microsoft WordArt 2.0,Microsoft WordArt 2.0,C:\PROGRA~1
MSWorks.Sheet.4=Microsoft Works 4.0 Sheet or Chart,Microsoft Works 4.0
Sheet or Chart,C:\PROGRA~1\MSWORKS\MSWORKS.EXE,picture
Impact (TrueType)=impact.ttf
Mistral (TrueType)=mistral.ttf
Arial Narrow (TrueType)=arnar.ttf
Arial Narrow Italic (TrueType)=arnari.ttf
Arial Narrow Bold (TrueType)=arialnb.ttf
Arial Narrow Bold Italic (TrueType)=arialnbi.ttf
Wingdings 2 (TrueType)=wingdng2.ttf
MT Extra (TrueType)=mtextra.ttf