Microsoft Team Manager automatically categorizes new tasks based upon
the category the task is inserted into. This behavior overrides any value
you may enter.
If you group the Task Organizer view by the Priority field, the following
summaries are displayed, one for each category of Priority:
ID TASK NAME Work Priority
Priority: Lowest
Priority: Very low
Priority: Low
Priority: Med. low
Priority: Medium
Priority: Med. high
Priority: High
Priority: Very high
Priority: Highest
If you then create a new task at the bottom of this list, and assign
a priority of Medium to this task, the result is as follows:
ID TASK NAME Work Priority
Priority: Lowest
Priority: Very low
Priority: Low
Priority: Med. low
Priority: Medium
Priority: Med. high
Priority: High
Priority: Very high
Priority: Highest
1 - Test 1 week Highest
NOTE: Microsoft Team Manager automatically assigns the new task the
priority equivalent to the category in which the task was placed.