HOWTO: Using InternetReadFile To Get File (149413)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer (Programming) 3.0
- Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0
- the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 3.51
- the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
- the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP4
- the operating system: Microsoft Windows 95
- Microsoft Windows Internet Services (WinInet)
This article was previously published under Q149413 SUMMARY
Using a WinInet API, the InternetReadFile returns the following buffer:
<body><h1>HTTP/1.0 406 No acceptable objects were found</h1></body>
This is an HTTP server specific error. Microsoft IIS may return this error
when there is no proper Accept header ("Accept: */*") in the HTTP request.
Such a header can be added with following APIs:
Note that other HTTP servers may or may not behave in the same fashion.
The following code demonstrates how to transfer any type of file with
WinInet APIs:
BOOL GetFile (HINTERNET IN hOpen, // Handle from InternetOpen()
CHAR *szUrl, // Full URL
CHAR *szFileName) // Local file name
DWORD dwSize;
CHAR szHead[] = "Accept: */*\r\n\r\n";
VOID * szTemp[25];
FILE * pFile;
if ( !(hConnect = InternetOpenUrl ( hOpen, szUrl, szHead,
lstrlen (szHead), INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE, 0)))
cerr << "Error !" << endl;
return 0;
if ( !(pFile = fopen (szFileName, "wb" ) ) )
cerr << "Error !" << endl;
return FALSE;
// Keep coping in 25 bytes chunks, while file has any data left.
// Note: bigger buffer will greatly improve performance.
if (!InternetReadFile (hConnect, szTemp, 50, &dwSize) )
fclose (pFile);
cerr << "Error !" << endl;
return FALSE;
if (!dwSize)
break; // Condition of dwSize=0 indicate EOF. Stop.
fwrite(szTemp, sizeof (char), dwSize , pFile);
} // do
while (TRUE);
fflush (pFile);
fclose (pFile);
return TRUE;
The same task can be accomplished with WinInet MFC classes in following
#include <afx.h>
#include <afxinet.h>
BOOL GetFile (CHAR *szUrl, CHAR *szFileName)
TCHAR sz[1024];
CInternetSession session (_T("MyTest agent"), 1,
CStdioFile* pFile = NULL;
CHAR szHead[] = "Accept: */*\r\n\r\n";
DWORD nRead;
CFile myFile;
CFileException fileException;
if ( !myFile.Open (szFileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeReadWrite,
&fileException ) )
cerr << "Can't open file: " << szFileName
<< " error = " << fileException.m_cause <<"\n";
return FALSE;
pFile = session.OpenURL (szUrl, 1, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD
szHead, -1L);
catch (CInternetException *pEx)
cerr <<"OpenUrl failed: "<< pEx-> m_dwError << endl;
return FALSE;
nRead = pFile->Read(sz, 1023);
if (nRead != 0)
myFile.Write (sz, nRead);
while (nRead != 0);
if (pFile != NULL)
delete pFile;
return TRUE;
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 5/17/2002 |
Keywords: | kbhowto kbnetwork kbProgramming KB149413 kbAudDeveloper |