STOP 0xC0000263 When Upgrading to Windows NT 3.51 On Compaq Computers (146054)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.51
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51

This article was previously published under Q146054


After you upgrade a Compaq computer with Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 and restart the computer, the following STOP error message appears:
STOP: 0xC0000263 {Driver Entry Point Not Found}
The \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\Sysmgmt.sys device driver could not locate the entry point HalCPQShareInt13 in driver hal.dll.


This problem occurs if the Compaq Insight Management Agent is not disabled before you perform the upgrade.


To work around this problem:
  1. Restart your computer with another installation of Windows NT 3.51 or another operating system. The Compaq Insight Management Agent file SMSMGMT.SYS is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers directory. If this directory is in the NTFS partition, you must use another installation of Windows NT.
  2. Rename SYSMGMT.SYS to another file name.
  3. Restart the upgraded version of Windows NT. The Insight Management Agent fails to load and an error message appears.
  4. Load the Compaq Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) with the entry point for SYSMGMT.SYS from the latest Compaq Support Software Diskette (SSD), or enable the the Insight Management Agent by renaming the agent file back to SYSMGMT.SYS. The Compaq SSD loads a newer version of the SYSMGMT.SYS.
For more information, contact Compaq Technical Support at (800) 652-6672. In addition, obtain the "Migrating to Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51 on Compaq Servers" from Compaq (Compaq part number 185026-001).

The Compaq products discussed here are manufactured by Compaq Computer Corp., a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/4/2003
Keywords:kb3rdparty KB146054