Novice: Requires knowledge of the user interface on single-user computers.
When you preview a report in Microsoft Access 7.0 or Microsoft Access 97,
you may receive the following two error messages:
Microsoft Access can't find the field '<field name>' referred
to in your expression.
An error occurred while referencing the OLE Automation object. You
tried to run a Visual Basic procedure that improperly references a
property or method of an OLE Automation object.
The report's record source contains a field with the same name as one of
the following reserved words in Microsoft Access:
For more information about reserved words, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
109312 ACC: Reserved Words in Microsoft Access
In Microsoft Access version 7.0, for more information about naming
conventions, search on the phrase "Conversion and compatibility," and then
view "Scoping and Naming Compatibility," using the Answer Wizard from the
Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Help menu.
In Microsoft Access version 7.0, for more information about reserved words,
search on the phrase "reserved word," and then view "Microsoft Jet Database
Engine SQL Reserved Words," using the Answer Wizard from the Microsoft
Access for Windows 95 Help menu.
In Microsoft Access 97, for more information about naming conventions,
click Contents And Index on the Help menu and search on the phrase
"Conversion and compatibility." You can also choose Microsoft Access Help
from the Help menu and search on "Scoping and Naming Compatibility" in the
Microsoft Office Assistant.
In Microsoft Access 97, for more information about reserved words,
click Contents And Index on the Help menu and search on the phrase
"reserved word." You can also choose Microsoft Access Help from the Help
menu and search on "Microsoft Jet Database Engine SQL Reserved Words" in
the Microsoft Office Assistant.