When you run the program JETPACK.EXE to compact a WINS or DHCP database, it
actually uses two temporary files to do the work. The first one is a
swapfile and is hardcoded as TEMP.MDB; the second is the file name that you
specify and will ultimately replace the database file you are compacting
In the case that JETPACK fails, it leaves a TEMP.MDB in the directory.
This file is redundant and does not contain user data. You can delete it
manually, otherwise JETPACK will silently overwrite it and delete it on the
next successful compaction. This is the reason that there is no warning
about overwriting the file.
When you enter the Jetpack command parameters, it does not check to see if
a file name of TEMP.MDB already exists, it just opens a file of that name
with over-write privileges. When Jetpack is finished, it automatically
deletes the TEMP.MDB file.
Also, you cannot specify the file name TEMP.MDB in your own command
parameters. In this case, Jetpack will return an error because it has
already opened its own TEMP.MDB and cannot open a duplicate one (specified
in your command line). Therefore, use any other file name for the temp
file, as in this example: