Area Chart Type
Area charts show the relative importance of values over a period of time.
Although area charts are similar to line charts, area charts emphasize the
amount of change or magnitude of values, rather than time and the rate of
Bar Chart Type
Bar charts show individual figures at a specific time or illustrate
comparisons between items. The subtypes stacked and 100-percent stacked bar
charts show relationships to a whole. The categories on a bar chart are
organized vertically, while the values are organized horizontally. This
type of organization places more emphasis on comparisons and less emphasis
on time.
Column Chart Type
Column charts show variation over a period of time or illustrate
comparisons between items. The subtypes stacked and 100-percent stacked
column charts show relationships to a whole. Although similar to a bar
chart, a column chart's categories are organized horizontally, and its
values are organized vertically.
Line Chart Type
Line charts show trends or changes in data over a period of time at even
intervals. Although line charts are similar to area charts, line charts
emphasize time flow and the rate of change, rather than the amount of
change or magnitude of values.
High-Low-Close and Open-High-Low-Close Chart SubTypes
The high-low-close and open-high-low-close chart subtypes are almost
exclusively used for tracking stock prices. The open-high-low-close chart
subtype is also referred to as a candlestick chart. The high-low-close
chart subtype is also used to track scientific data.
The order in which your data is arranged on the worksheet is very
important. The order of the data in worksheet rows or columns must be one
of the following:
- the high values, followed by the low and close values
- the open values followed by the high, low, and close values
Pie Chart Type
Pie charts show the relationship or proportions of the parts to the whole.
This chart type is useful for emphasizing a significant element. A pie
chart always contains one data series. If you select more than one data
series when you create a pie chart, only one data series will be displayed.
To display more than one data series in a round chart format, use the
doughnut chart type.
Doughnut Chart Type
Doughnut charts are similar to pie charts except for two things: Doughnut
charts have a hole in the middle of them, and they are able to display more
than one data series. Doughnut charts are widely used in Asia.
Radar Chart Type
Radar charts show the changes or frequencies of data series relative to a
center point and to one another. Each category has its own value axis
radiating from the center point. Lines connect all of the data markers in
the same series. Radar charts are widely used in Asia.
XY (Scatter) Chart Type
An xy (scatter) chart shows the relationship or degree of relationship
between the numeric values in several chart data series or plots two
groups of numbers as one series of xy coordinates. The xy chart shows
uneven intervals of data. Xy charts are most commonly used for scientific
data. The way in which the data is arranged on the worksheet is very
important when creating an xy chart. The data must be arranged with the x
values in one row or column, followed by one or more corresponding y values
in the adjacent rows or columns.
Note Only xy charts have the ability to have both the x and y axes scaled.
3-D Area Chart Type
This chart type shows a 3-D view of an area chart, which emphasizes the sum
of plotted values and separates chart data series into distinct rows to
show differences between the data series.
3-D Bar Chart Type
This chart type shows a 3-D view of a bar chart, which emphasizes the
values of individual items at a specific time or draws comparisons between
items. The subtypes stacked and 100-percent stacked bar charts show
relationships to a whole.
3-D Column Chart Type
This chart type shows a 3-D view of a column chart in one of two
variations: simple 3-D and 3-D perspective. The simple 3-D column displays
the column markers along the x (or category) axis. The 3-D perspective
chart compares data points along two axes: the x axis and the y (or series)
axis. In both chart variations, the data series are plotted along the z
axis. This chart type allows you to compare data within a data series more
easily and still be able to view the data by category.
3-D Line Chart Type
This chart type shows a 3-D view of a line chart as 3-D ribbons. This chart
type is often used to display data attractively for presentations.
3-D Pie Chart Type
This chart type shows a 3-D view of a pie chart, which emphasizes the data
values in the front wedges. A pie chart always contains one data series. If
more than one data series is selected when creating a pie chart, only one
data series will be displayed. To display more than one data series in a
round chart format, use the doughnut chart type.
3-D Surface Chart Type
This chart type shows a 3-D view of what appears to be a rubber sheet
stretched over a 3-D column chart. Surface charts are useful for finding
the best combinations between two sets of data. This chart can be used to
show relationships between large amounts of data that may otherwise be
difficult to see. As in topographic maps, colors or patterns indicate areas
that are of the same value. The colors do not mark the data series. The
"wire frame" format displays the data in black and white. The contour chart
formats provide a 2-D view of the data from above, similar to a 2-D
topographic map.
"Microsoft Excel User's Guide," version 5.0, Chapter 16, "Working With
Chart Types and Autoformats"
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