Procedure (Local) Scope
A local variable with procedure scope is recognized only within the
procedure in which it is declared. A local variable can be declared with a
Dim or Static statement.
When a local variable is declared with the Dim statement, the variable
remains in existence only as long as the procedure in which it is declared
is running. Usually, when the procedure is finished running, the values of
the procedure's local variables are not preserved, and the memory allocated
to those variables is released. The next time the procedure is executed,
all of its local variables are reinitialized.
For example, in the following sample macros, "Example1" and "Example2," the
variable X is declared in each of the modules. Each variable X is
independent of the other--the variable is only recognized within its
respective procedure.
Sub Example1()
Dim X As Integer
' Local variable, not the same as X in Example2.
X = 100
MsgBox "The value of X is " & X
End Sub
Sub Example2()
Dim X As String
' Local variable, not the same as X in Example1.
X = "Yes"
MsgBox "The answer is " &X
End Sub
A local variable declared with the Static statement remains in existence
the entire time Visual Basic is running. The variable is reset when any of
the following occur:
- The macro generates an untrapped run-time error.
- Visual Basic is halted.
- You quit Microsoft Excel.
- You change the module.
For example, in the RunningTotal example, the Accumulate variable retains
its value every time it is executed. The first time the module is run, if
you enter the number
2, the message box will display the value "2." The next time the module is run, if the value 3 is entered, the message box will display the running total value to be 5.
Sub RunningTotal()
Static Accumulate
' Local variable that will retain its value after the module
' has finished executing.
num = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter a number: ", Type:=1)
Accumulate = Accumulate + num
MsgBox "The running total is " & Accumulate
End Sub
Module Scope
A variable that is recognized among all of the procedures on a module sheet
is called a "module-level" variable. A module-level variable is available
to all of the procedures in that module, but it is not available to
procedures in other modules. A module-level variable remains in existence
while Visual Basic is running until the module in which it is declared is
edited. Module-level variables can be declared with a Dim or Private
statement at the top of the module above the first procedure definition.
At the module level, there is no difference between Dim and Private. Note
that module-level variables cannot be declared within a procedure.
NOTE: If you use Private instead of Dim for module-level variables, your code may be easier to read (that is, if you use Dim for local variables only, and Private for module-level variables, the scope of a particular variable will be more clear).
In the following example, two variables, A and B, are declared at the
module level. These two variables are available to any of the procedures on
the module sheet. The third variable, C, which is declared in the Example3
macro, is a local variable and is only available to that procedure.
Note that in Example4, when the macro tries to use the variable C, the
message box is empty. The message box is empty because C is a local
variable and is not available to Example4, whereas variables A and B are.
Dim A As Integer ' Module-level variable.
Private B As Integer ' Module-level variable.
Sub Example1()
A = 100
B = A + 1
End Sub
Sub Example2()
MsgBox "The value of A is " & A
MsgBox "The value of B is " & B
End Sub
Sub Example3()
Dim C As Integer ' Local variable.
C = A + B
MsgBox "The value of C is " & C
End Sub
Sub Example4()
MsgBox A
' The message box displays the value of A.
MsgBox B
' The message box displays the value of B.
MsgBox C
' The message box displays nothing because C was a local variable.
End Sub
Public Scope
Public variables have the broadest scope of all variables. A public
variable is recognized by every module in the active workbook. To make a
public variable available to other workbooks, from a new workbook select
the workbook containing the public variable in the Available References box
of the References dialog box (from a module sheet, click
References on the
Tools menu).
A public variable, like a module-level variable, is declared at the top of
the module, above the first procedure definition. A public variable cannot
be declared within a procedure. A public variable is always declared with a
"Public" statement. A public variable may be declared in any module sheet.
It is possible for multiple module sheets to have public variables with the
same name. To avoid confusion and possible errors, it is a good idea to use
unique names or to precede each variable name with a module qualifier (for
example, in a module named "Feb_Sales" you may want to precede all public
variables with the letters "FS").
To create the macros:
- Create a new workbook and name it CDSales.xls.
- In the CDSales.xls workbook, insert a module sheet. Name the module sheet CDSales.
In Microsoft Excel 97 or later follow these steps to insert a new module sheet and name the module sheet:- In the CDSales.xls workbook, point to Macro on the Tools menu, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
- On the Insert menu, click Module.
- In Microsoft Excel for Windows (version 97 and later), you can rename a module by activating the module, clicking to the right of "(Name)" in the Properties window of the Visual Basic Editor, type a new module name, and then press ENTER.
- In the CDSales module sheet, type the following code:
Public SalesPrice As Integer
Public UnitsSold As Integer
Public CostPerUnit As Integer
Private Markup As Long
Sub CDSales()
Dim X as String
SalesPrice = 12
UnitsSold = 1000
CostPerUnit = 5
Markup = 1.05
X = "yes"
MsgBox "The Gross Profit for CD Sales is $" & (SalesPrice _
* UnitsSold) -(UnitsSold * CostPerUnit * Markup)
' Displays the value of 7000 as the gross profit.
End Sub
- Create a new workbook and name it VideoSales.xls.
- In the VideoSales.xls workbook, insert a module sheet. Name the module sheet VideoSales.
In Microsoft Excel 97 or later follow these steps to insert a new module sheet and name the module sheet:- In the CDSales.xls workbook, point to Macro on the Tools menu, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
- On the Insert menu, click Module.
- In Microsoft Excel for Windows (version 97 and later), you can rename a module by activating the module, clicking to the right of "(Name)" in the Properties window of the Visual Basic Editor, type a new module name, and then press ENTER.
- In the VideoSales module sheet, type the following code:
Public SalesPrice As Integer
Public UnitsSold As Integer
Public CostPerUnit As Integer
Sub VideoSales()
SalesPrice = CDSales.SalesPrice * 1.05
UnitsSold = CDSales.UnitsSold * 1.456
CostPerUnit = CDSales.CostPerUnit * 1.75
MsgBox "The Projected Gross Profit for video sales is $" & _
(SalesPrice * UnitsSold) - (UnitsSold * CostPerUnit)
' Displays the value of 5824 as the projected gross profit.
End Sub
To Run the Sample Macros in Microsoft Excel 5.0, 7.0
- To create a reference from the workbook VideoSales.xls to CDSales.xls, select the VideoSales module sheet in VideoSales.xls, and then click References on the Tools menu.
- In the References dialog box, select the CDSales.xls check box, and then click OK.
- Run the CDSales macro and then run the VideoSales macro.
To run the sample macros in Microsoft Excel 97 and later
- Rename the project name of the two workbooks so that they are unique by following these steps:
- In the Project Explorer pane in the Visual Basic Editor, look at the projects that are listed. You should see entries similar to the following:
<VBAProject> (VideoSales.xls)
<VBAProject> (CDSales.xls)
<VBAProject> (Personal.xls)
where <VBAProject> is the name of the project. - Click the entry for VideoSales.xls.
- In the Properties pane, in the box to the right of "(Name)", type a new, unique project name, and then press Enter.
NOTE: Do not use a project name that you use in any other workbook. - On the File menu, click Save <bookname>, where <bookname> is the name of the workbook you modified.
- To Create a reference from the workbook VideoSales.xls to CDSales.xls, select the VideoSales module sheet in VideoSales.xls, and then click References on the Tools menu.
- In the References dialog box, select the check box of the project name specified in step 1c, and then click OK.
- Run the CDSales macro and then run the VideoSales macro.
Note that the VideoSales macro uses the public variables declared in the
CDSales module of CDSales.xls.
Example of Macro Failure When You Try to Access Local Variable
The following example tries to use the module-level variable,
CDSales.Markup or the local variable CDSales.X in the VideoSales module
Sub VideoSales2()
MsgBox CDSales.Markup
End Sub
Sub VideoSales3()
MsgBox CDSales.X
End Sub
In Microsoft Excel 5.0 or 7.0, the following error message appears when you
run either of these procedures:
Member not defined
In Microsoft Excel 97 or later, the following error message
appears when you run either of these procedures:
Compile error:
Method or data member not found
For more information about scope, click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel
7.0 Help, type the following text:
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Understanding scope"
For more information about how long the value of a variable is retained,
click the Index tab in Microsoft Excel 7.0 Help, type the following text
and then double-click the selected text to go to the "Lifetime of
variables" topic.
"Visual Basic User's Guide," version 5.0, Chapter 6, "Making Your Variables
Available Within Procedures, Modules, or Publicly"