When you attempt to install Microsoft Works 4.0 for Windows 95 from the
Works & Bookshelf compact disc, you may receive one of the following error messages:
ACMSETUP caused an invalid page fault in module MSSETUP.DLL
BOOTSTRAP performed an illegal operation in module LZEXPAND.DLL
System Error: Windows cannot read from drive D:
ACMSETUP caused an exception C000006H in module MSSETUP.DLL
Inspect and Clean the Compact Disc
To verify that the compact disc is clean and free of scratches, inspect the
shiny side of the disc. Clean the disc by wiping it with a soft cloth in a
straight line, starting from the center of the disc and working your way
out to the edge. If there are no apparent scratches, and if the errors
still occur after you clean the compact disc, use the steps in the following section to test for drive capacity limitations.
Testing Your CD-ROM Drive
To test for specific drive-capacity limitations, follow these steps:
- On the Start menu, point to Programs, and then click
MS-DOS prompt.
- At the MS-DOS prompt, type md test and
press ENTER.
- Type cd test and press ENTER.
- Type the following and press ENTER.
copy d:\msworks\msworks.exe
NOTE: Steps 4-6 assume that drive D is the drive letter of
your CD-ROM drive. - Type the following and press ENTER:
copy d:\msworks\msworks.m14
- Type the following and press ENTER
copy d:\msworks\Mmcat\Dibs5c\Strpopd.dib
NOTE: This is the last file on the compact disc.
If you receive the following error message
CDR101: Not Ready
it indicates that the CD-ROM player cannot read the compact disc at the
specified location. This is a physical limitation of the CD-ROM drive, and
the problem will not be resolved by replacing the Works 4.0 & Bookshelf 95 compact disc.
If the files do copy, test the integrity of the files that have been copied
from your CD-ROM drive to your hard disk drive using the MS-DOS File
Compare program (Fc.exe). This test can be used to determine if the CD-ROM
subsystem is functioning properly at the device driver and hardware levels.
The Fc.exe utility is a useful method for testing problems related to
general protection (GP) faults or other critical errors (such as read
errors or out of memory messages) that may occur when you run a CD-ROM
program using Windows.
To test the copied files, use the Fc.exe with the /B (binary) switch. For
example, to compare the Msworks.exe file on your compact disc with the
Msworks.exe file on your hard disk, type the following at the MS-DOS
command prompt and press
fc /b d:\Msworks\Msworks.exe Msworks.exe
where your CD-ROM drive is drive D.
If you receive error messages, the CD-ROM drive is having problems reading
the compact disc at that location.