Microsoft Word for Windows and Word for the Macintosh currently do not
directly support import or export of Nisus Writer 4.x and 5.x word
processing files.
To convert documents between Nisus Writer and Word, use the appropriate
method below.
Importing Nisus Writer Documents into Word
Nisus Writer directly supports export only as plain text. Nisus Writer
allows export to other formats if an XTND converter for a particular
format is installed on your computer, but Word does not install XTND
To export from Nisus Writer as Text Only, follow these steps:
- On the File Menu, click Save As.
- Click the TEXT Only icon that appears at the bottom of the Save As
dialog box and save the file.
You can now open your Nisus Writer text data into Word as Text Only, but
all formatting and non-textual data (for example: bold, italic, and
pictures) applied in Nisus Writer is lost.
For more information about using XTND converters to save Nisus Writer
documents in a format other than text, contact Nisus Technical Support at
the number listed in the "More Information" section of this article.
Importing Word Documents into Nisus Writer
Nisus Writer can read documents saved from any Word version in the
Word 4.x, 5.x or 6.x for the Macintosh format. To open such a file, follow
these steps:
- On the File menu, click Open.
- Select and open a Word document that has been saved in Word 4.x, 5.x
or 6.x for the Macintosh format.