The following explanation of linker behavior explains why this error
occurs. This is a simplified model, and the internal implementation may
vary slightly between compiler versions; however, the information is
sufficient for trying to find the cause of this error message.
During the compilation of a source file, name tables are built for each
object module to allow the referencing of symbols between object modules. A
public symbols table (PST) is created, which contains all of the public
symbols for a given object module. Public symbols are symbols that other
object modules can refer to -- such as global functions and variables. Each
object module also has an unresolved symbol table (UST), which contains a
list of symbols that need to be resolved for that module.
If no link errors occur, the linker can create a .map file that lists all
the public symbols (a combined PST table) contained in the object modules
that were linked together.
To generate a .map file with 16-bit Visual C++, use the /MAP:FULL linker
option. In the Visual Workbench, on the Options menu, click Project, and
then click Linker. Set the category to Miscellaneous, and place /MAP:FULL
in the Other Options edit box. For 32-bit Visual C++, use the
/MAP:<filename> option. With version 4.0, on the Build menu, click
Settings, and then switch to the Linker tab. Change the Category to
General, and select the Generate Map File check box.
Figure 1
Public Symbols for OBJ 1
Module 1 _____________________
_____________________________| _var1----------|------------------
| | _func1 | |
| var1 |___________________| |
| . | PST for OBJ 1 |
| . | |
| . | |
| func1 { |Required Symbols for OBJ 1 |
| func2( ); __|__________________ |
| var1 = 2; | _func2 |<<________ |
| var2 = 4; | _var2 |<<______ | |
| } |_____________________| | | |
| | UST for OBJ 1 | | |
|________________________________| | | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Public Symbols for OBJ 2 | | |
Module 2 _____________________ | | |
_____________________________| _var2----------|---------| | |
| | _func2---------|-----------| |
| var2 |___________________| |
| . | PST for OBJ 2 |
| . | |
| . | |
| func2 { |Required Symbols for OBJ 2 |
| func3( ); __|__________________ |
| var1 = 3; | _var1 |_______________|
| var2 = 5; | _func3 |_______________
| } |_____________________| |
| | UST for OBJ 2 |
|________________________________| |
Unresolved External Error is issued
for _func3() because there is no
definition found for func3() in
the PST for either OBJ module.
The linker uses the PST and UST of a project's object and library files to
match symbol names. If the linker finds a symbol in a UST table and cannot
find a matching entry in one of the many PST tables, it issues an
"Unresolved External" error message. For example, in Figure 1, the linker
cannot resolve the address for the function func3() and therefore issues an
"Unresolved External" error.
Frequent Causes of the "Unresolved External" Error Message
The remainder of this article discusses in detail each of the following
possible causes of "Unresolved External" errors:
- Missing Object Files or Libraries
- Missing Function Body or Variable
- Symbol Can't be Found in the Libraries or Object Modules
- Case Sensitivity
- Name Decoration
- A Symbol Is Not Public
- Scoping Problems and Pure Virtual Functions
- Function Inlining
- Wrong Compiler Options or Mixing Incompatible Libraries
Missing Object Files or Libraries
If a needed object module or library is not included on the link command
line, the linker may not be able to find addresses for one or more symbols,
so it issues an unresolved external error message. You need to place the
necessary library or object file in the project.
The names of the C Run-Time libraries needed at link time are included in
the object module by the compiler. For 32-bit versions of Visual C++, the
MFC libraries are also included. If you use the /NOD (/NODEFAULTLIB) linker
switch, these libraries will not be linked into the project unless you have
explicitly included them. The same problem occurs if you use the
/NOD:<libraryname> switch to prevent specific libraries from being linked
If the unresolved external is a C Run-Time library function, then you need
to specify the Run-Time library to the linker. Starting with Visual C++
version 4.0, the libraries containing the C Run-Time function are listed in
the online help for the function.
With Visual C++ version 4.0, the library containing each Windows API
function is listed under the QuickInfo link in the online help for each
function. For 32-bit versions of Visual C++, a list of the libraries
containing each Windows API function is in the Win32api.csv file located in
the \Lib subdirectory. This is a comma-separated variable file that can be
loaded into a spreadsheet for easy viewing. It can also be viewed with a
text editor. Note that there is no similar file for the 16-bit Windows API
A DLL should provide a .lib or .def file that allows the linker to resolve
references to the DLL functions unless you are using explicit
LoadLibrary()and GetProcAddress() calls in your code.
With the 16-bit linker, using over 32 libraries will cause problems as the
33rd library will be ignored. For more information, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Maximum Number of Libraries LINK Supports
Missing Function Body or Variable
If just a function prototype is provided, the linker will not be able to
resolve any function calls because there is no function definition. As a
result, the function is not listed in the combined PST table. Similarly, if
an external variable is declared but not defined, the same problem occurs.
For example:
/* test.cpp */
void DoSomething(void);
void main(void){
DoSomething( ); // This line causes an unresolved external error
// because the prototype for DoSomething() allows the
// compiler to think the function exists. However,
// the linker finds that it doesn't.
When using C++, make sure you provide a function definition for each
function in a class and not just a prototype in the class definition. If
you are defining the function outside of the class definition, be sure to
include the class name before the function in the Classname::MemberFunction
style. See the "Scoping Problems and Pure Virtual Functions" section for an
Symbol Can't Be Found in the Libraries or Object Modules
Use Dumpbin.exe or Lib.exe to find out if the symbol is in the object
module or library.
With 32-bit COFF object modules and libraries, you can verify whether a
symbol is in the file with Dumpbin.exe. For object modules, use this
DUMPBIN /SYMBOLS <filename.obj>
For libraries, use this command:
DUMPBIN /LINKERMEMBER[:{1|2}] <libraryname.lib>
For 16-bit libraries, use Lib.exe to view the symbols defined in the
library. To create a listing use this command:
LIB <filename.lib>, <filename.lst>
If you want to determine what symbols are contained in an object module,
create a dummy library and listing file from the object module with
Lib.exe. For example:
LIB <dummy.lib> +<filename.obj>, <filename.lst>
On Windows 95, you can use the QuickViewer to see some of this same
information for .exe and .dll files.
Some functions can only be used in certain environments so they are not in
every library. To determine what environment a Run-Time function can be
used in, check the compatibility in the online documentation.
Not every compiler vendor offers the same libraries of functions. Microsoft
offers all the ANSI standard functions for C plus many others. Microsoft
may offer functions other companies do not, and vice-versa. Similarly,
mixing versions of Microsoft libraries and compiler products can be
problematic. Each released product is tested only with components included
in that release, unless otherwise stated in the documentation or release
notes. A new compiler version's libraries may contain new symbols that
cannot be found in the libraries included with previous versions.
Case Sensitivity
Case is important when linking function references in each object module's
UST to the references in the PSTs. The only exception is if you are doing
all three of the following:
- Compiling C code only.
- Using the 16-bit linker.
- Not using the /NOI switch. Note that using this switch specifies that
the 16-bit linker should take case into account when linking.
The best solution is to exactly match the case of the symbol in all
references and in all instances. For example, if you name a variable "var1"
in one source file and try to access it as "VAR1" in another, you would
receive an unresolved external error. Again, only in the one exception
named above would the 16-bit linker link references to var1, VaR1, VAR1,
vAR1 all to the same address.
Name Decoration
Usually "name decoration" refers to C++ naming conventions, but it applies
to a number of non-C++ cases as well. The compiler may use the name of a
function, its parameters, and its return type when calculating a name for a
function. For example, with Visual C++ 2.0, the function name for
void CALLTYPE test(void)
might come to anything in the following table depending on what the
CALLTYPE is and whether it is a C or a C++ file.
Calling convention extern "C" .CPP, .CXX, or .C file
C naming convention
(__cdecl) _test ?test@@YAXXZ
Fastcall naming
convention (__fastcall) @test@0 ?test@@YIXXZ
Standard Call naming
convention (__stdcall) _test@0 ?test@@YGXXZ
CALLTYPEs such as _cdecl, _fastcall, and _stdcall change the naming
conventions for a function or variable. The 32-bit specific
__declspec(<attribute>) modifier can also affect the name of the function.
If using C++, be sure to use extern "C" if you are calling a C function
from a C++ program or if you are calling a function in a C++ from a C
program. Extern "C" forces use of the C naming convention for global C++
functions; this enables them to be called from a C program. Be aware of
compiler switches like /Tp or /Tc that force a file to be compiled as a C
(/Tc) or C++ (/Tp) file regardless of the filename extension, or you may
get different function names than you expected.
Function prototypes with mismatched parameters can also cause unresolved
external errors. Many name-decoration schemes incorporate the parameters of
a function into the final decorated function name. Calling a function with
parameter types that do not match those in the function definition may also
cause this error. This can be a problem in other languages, like FORTRAN,
which may also add name decoration to a function. In the following example,
the header file with the function prototype does not match the function
definition; this causes the problem.
// Test1.h
void _stdcall func( char, float );
// Test1.cpp
void _stdcall func( char a ){
a = 'a';
// Test.cpp
#include "test1.h"
void main(void) {
char var1;
float var2 = 5;
func ( var1, var2 ); // Unresolved external error occurs here
There is no set standard for naming conventions between compiler vendors or
even between different versions of a compiler. Therefore cross-linking
object files compiled with other compilers or compiler versions may cause
unresolved externals.
A Symbol Is Not Public
Only global functions and variables are placed in the object file's PST
table. Trying to access variables of the types below may cause Unresolved
Static functions/variables:
"Static" functions and variables have file scope. Trying to access static
symbols from outside of the file they are defined in will cause an
unresolved external. For example:
/* main.cpp */
extern void func1(void);
void main(void) {
func1(); // Unresolved external occurs because func1() is a
// static function in the file test.cpp.
/* test.cpp */
static void func1(void) {
//Do something
Automatic (function scope) variables:
A variable declared within a function can only be used within the scope of
that function. For example:
/* main.cpp */
void test(void);
static int lnktest3 = 3;
int lnktest4 = 4;
void main() {
static int lnktest1 = 1;
int lnktest2 = 2;
/* test.cpp */
extern int lnktest1;
extern int lnktest2;
extern int lnktest3;
extern int lnktest4;
void test(void)
int i =0;
i = lnktest1; //causes unresolved external, reason 6-2
i = lnktest2; //causes unresolved external, reason 6-2
i = lnktest3; //causes unresolved external, reason 6-1
i = lnktest4; // OK
Global Constants in C++:
C++ global constants have static linkage. This is different from C. If you
try to use a global constant in C++ in multiple files, you get an
unresolved external error. The following code illustrates this error:
/* main.cpp */
void test(void);
const int lnktest1 = 0;
void main(void) {
test( );
/* test.cpp */
extern int lnktest1;
void test(void) {
int i = lnktest1; // Causes unresolved external, reason 6-3
One alternative is to include the const initializations in a header file,
and include that header in your C++ files when necessary, just as if it was
a function prototype. Another possibility is to make the variable non-
constant and use a const reference when accessing it.
Global Inline Functions in C++:
Global inline functions have static or internal linkage. They cannot be
called from functions in other modules. See the "Function Inlining" section
for further information on function inlining.
Scoping Problems and Pure Virtual Functions
A common cause of scoping problems is incorrectly included prototypes that
cause the compiler to expect a function body that is not provided.
A::F() or F():
Sometimes a call to a function F() may map to a class implementation, class
A::F(), instead of a global implementation of F() because C++ implicitly
links with class implementations when resolving function calls inside other
class function bodies. Alternatively, if you defined the C++ implementation
of a class member function A::F() outside of the class declaration itself,
you must explicitly include the class name in the function definition. Both
of these cases can cause confusion if you have both a class and a global
implementation of a function F(). For example:
/* test.cpp */
class A {
F(void); // No implementation here.
void PublicStatMemFunc1(void) {
F( ); // This implicitly calls A::F because it's
} // inside a class member function declaration.
// May have forgotten to implement A::F() or meant
// to call ::F( )
void F(void) { //Maybe meant to be the implementation of A::F( ) ?
void main(void) {
A testclsObject;
testclsObject.PublicStatMemFunc1( ); //This code needed for compiler
// to add entry to UST and
// generate unresolved external.
This case could be wrong in one of two ways. The function call in
PublicStatMemFunc1() should have the scope resolution operator (::) added
to make a call to ::F(). The compiler will then know that the user meant to
call a global function. Alternatively, if the user meant F() to be the
class implementation of F(), the definition needs to be changed to A::F().
Abstract Base classes:
Attempting to call a pure virtual C++ function from the constructor or
destructor of an abstract base class also causes this problem. This is
because by definition, a pure virtual function should have no base class
implementation. The following example illustrates this situation:
/* test.cpp */
class testcls {
virtual void DoSomething(void)=0; // Makes this a virtual base class
testcls::testcls( ) {
DoSomething( );
class testcls2: public testcls {
virtual void DoSomething(void) {} ;
void main(void) {
testcls2 testclsObject; // Needs to be here for error to occur
// since it forces the compiler to call
// the constructor for testcls.
Function Inlining
Mixing inline and non-inline compile options on different modules can cause
problems. Consider the following example that has:
- A library Test.lib with inline functions.
- A header file containing the function prototypes for the library
- An application App.exe, which is linking with Test.lib using the
Test.h header file.
If Test.lib is created with function inlining turned on (/Ob1 or /Ob2), you
will get an unresolved external error on any inline functions from Test.lib
that are used in App.exe. The function's address is not in the PST for
Test.lib because the functions were inlined inside the library. You need to
either disable inlining (/Ob0) when building the library or place the
inline function code in the header file (Test.h).
Similarly, a project that uses function inlining yet defines the functions
in a source file rather than in the header file will also get this error.
The header file is included everywhere deemed appropriate, but the
functions are only inlined in the source file where they are defined.
Therefore, the linker sees the functions as unresolved externals when used
in other modules. For example:
/* Compile Options Needed: /Ob1 or /Ob2 */
/* testcls.h */
class testcls {
void PublicFunc(void);
/* clasfunc.cpp */
#include "testcls.h"
inline void testcls::PublicFunc(void) {}
void DummyFunc(void) {
testcls TestClass;
/* test2.cpp */
#include "testcls.h"
void main(void) {
testcls testclsObject;
testclsObject.PublicFunc( );
// This adds the entry to UST and causes an
// unresolved external because this module can not
} // see the implementation of PublicFunc( );
For more information on inline functions and unresolved externals, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Unresolved Externals for Inline Functions
When inlining, if you are using the #pragma inline_depth compiler
directive, make sure you have set a value of one or greater. A value of
zero will turn off inlining. Also use the /Ob1 or /Ob2 compiler switches.
These switches allow the compiler to inline functions. To set these options
in 32-bit Visual C++ version 4.0, on the Build menu, click Settings, and
then switch to the C/C++ tab, and choose Optimizations. For 16-bit Visual
C++, on the Options menu, click Project, and then click Compiler, and
change the Category to Optimizations.
NOTE: You can't force the compiler to inline anything. You can only suggest
functions that would be suitable for inlining with the options mentioned
Wrong Compiler Options or Mixing Incompatible Libraries
Certain compiler options have implications with respect to the library that
should be used at link time. The following table shows the relationship for
Visual C++ version 2.x. The compiler will include the name of the library
you should link to in the object file. Using the /NODEFAULTLIB switch will
cause the compiler to ignore these references, so you need to make sure
that you link with the correct libraries.
Compile option Run-time usage Link with
/ML (default) Single threaded static
run-time library Libc.lib
/MT Multithread run-time
library Libcmt.lib
/MD Multithread using DLL Msvcrt.lib
/LD Changes the default run-time library support
to /MT if you have not explicitly specified
/MD, /ML, or /MT.
Msvcrt.lib will link with a different version of the run time depending on
the version of Visual C++ that you are using. For version 2.x, the DLL is
Msvcrt20.dll. Also, note that with Visual C++ version 2.x, there are two
versions of Msvcrt20.dll -- one that targets Windows NT and Windows 95 and
one that targets Win32s. For more information on these DLLs, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
PRB Error "...MSVCRT20.DLL is not compatible with Win32s"
Libc.lib, Libcmt.lib, and Msvcrt.lib and their corresponding compile
options are mutually exclusive for one project. Only one switch and its
corresponding library should be used for compiling and linking all of the
modules in a project.
The following are some cases where these options can cause unresolved