PC WSPlus: Complete List of SCHDPLUS.INI Settings (138002)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Schedule+ 1.0
  • Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows 1.0a

This article was previously published under Q138002
1.00 1.00a WINDOWS kbother


The SCHDPLUS.INI file is used to define settings used by Schedule+. Schedule+ uses the SCHDPLUS.INI file to track basic information about the your schedule, such as display and general option settings, current window positions, and printer information.


The SCHDPLUS.INI file contains the following sections:
SECTION                                  DEFINITION

[Microsoft Schedule]                     Defines the appearance and
                                         behavior of Schedule+.

[Microsoft Schedule+ Appt Books]         Indicates the number and list
                                         of other users' Appointment
                                         Books that were open when you
                                         exited Schedule+.

[Microsoft Schedule+ Archives]           Indicates the number and list of
                                         Archive files that were open
                                         when you exited Schedule+.
NOTE: When you use the above entries, most of them are assigned defaults. You should not need to change the Schedule+ settings. To change the appearance and behavior of Schedule+, use the appropriate Schedule+ menu commands.

[Microsoft Schedule]

This section defines the appearance and behavior of Schedule+.
ENTRY                                    DEFINITION

AppPath= pathname                        Specifies the location of the
                                         Schedule+ program and execution
                                         files. Microsoft Mail uses this
                                         path to find Schedule+ when you
                                         receive a meeting request. The
                                         default is the WINDOWS directory.

AppointmentView= left right top bottom   Specifies the coordinates for
                                         the position of the Appointment
                                         Book window on the screen. These
                                         four numbers are written by the
                                         Schedule+ application when you
                                         exit, and are used to restore the
                                         windows to the last displayed

                                         These numbers are pixel
                                         coordinates for the four sides of
                                         the Appointment Book window: left,
                                         right, top, and bottom.
NOTE: For additional information on the AppointmentView setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

86609 Appointment or Message Window Off Screen

ApptBookColor= colornumber(1-17)         Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the background color of the
                                         Appointment Book. The default
                                         color is yellow. The color number
                                         corresponds (in order) to the
                                         colors shown in the Display dialog
                                         box from the Options menu.

ApptBookLinesColor= colornumber(1-17)    Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the color of the lines in the
                                         Appointment Book. The default
                                         color is black. The color number
                                         corresponds (in order) to the
                                         colors shown in the Display dialog
                                         box from the Options menu.

CopyTime= minutes                        Specifies the time interval that
                                         Schedule+ copies your online .CAL
                                         file to your local .CAL file
                                         (occurs in idle time). The default
                                         is that your online .CAL file is
                                         copied to your local .CAL
                                         workstation every 15 minutes.

CreateFileFirstTime= 0 | 1               Specifies whether an online
                                         calendar (.CAL) file should be
                                         created for a first-time Schedule+
                                         user. If this entry is 1, an
                                         online calendar (.CAL) file is
                                         created the first time a user
                                         signs on to Schedule+. If 0, an
                                         online calendar file is not
                                         created. The default is 1.

DefaultPrinter= printer name,            Indicated the current default
driver name, port                        printer port and its network path
                                         as specified in the Windows
                                         Control Panel. This is the default
                                         printer Schedule+ uses for
                                         printing schedule information.

DefaultPrivateTask= 0 | 1                Defines the default of the Private
                                         check box. If this entry is 1, the
                                         Private check box for new tasks
                                         is checked by default. If this
                                         entry is 0, the Private check for
                                         new tasks is not checked by
                                         default. The default is 1.
NOTE: For additional information on the DefaultPrivateTask setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

110096 DefaultPrivateTask= Does Not Work as Documented

DefaultRemindAgain= 0 | 1                Defines the default state of the
                                         Remind Again check box. If this
                                         entry is 1, you are reminded again
                                         of your appointments at the
                                         requested intervals. If this entry
                                         is 0, your are reminded of your
                                         appointment only once. The default
                                         is 0.

DefaultRemindAgainAmount= timeunits      Specifies the default number of
                                         time units to wait (interval)
                                         before reminding you of your
                                         appointment again. The default
                                         time is 5 time units.

DefaultRemindAgainUnits=                 Specifies the type of time
minutes|hours|days|weeks|months          units you are using in the
                                         DefaultRemindAgainAmount= entry.
                                         The default is in minutes.

DemosEnabled= 0 | 1                      Specifies whether the Demos menu
                                         option is to be displayed in the
                                         Help menu.

                                         If the entry is 1, the Demos menu
                                         option is displayed in the Help
                                         menu. If this entry is 0, the
                                         Demos menu option is not shown.
                                         The default is 0. (The Schedule+
                                         demos are not provided with
                                         Windows for Workgroups, and are
                                         shipped as part of the Microsoft
                                         Mail and Schedule+ Extensions for
                                         Windows for Workgroups product.)

ExportNoNotes= 0 | 1                     Indicates whether the user chose
                                         to export notes. If this entry is
                                         0, notes are exported. If this
                                         entry is 1, the notes are not
                                         exported. The default is 0.

ExportRange= 0 | 1                       Indicates the range of schedule
                                         information to be exported. If
                                         this entry is 0, the entire
                                         schedule file is exported, if this
                                         entry is 1, a particular range is
                                         written out. This entry is written
                                         by the driver used to save
                                         Schedule+ information into a given
                                         file format.

ExportType= 0 | 1                        Indicates the current default file
                                         type for exporting your schedule.
                                         If this entry is 0, the default
                                         file type for exporting your
                                         schedule is the Schedule+ format.
                                         If this entry is 1, the file type
                                         for export is Text. The default
                                         is 0.

ImportDoNotAddDuplicates= 0 | 1          Indicates whether the user chose
                                         to import duplicate appointments.
                                         If this entry is 0, duplicate
                                         appointments are imported. If this
                                         entry is 1, your duplicate
                                         appointments are not imported. The
                                         default is 0.

ImportDoNotAskAboutConflicts= 0 | 1      Indicates whether the user chose
                                         to be asked about conflicting
                                         appointments during the import
                                         process. If this entry is 0, you
                                         are prompted for each conflicting
                                         appointment during the import
                                         process-in this case, you are
                                         asked whether or not to add each
                                         conflicting appointment. A value
                                         of 1 indicates that you are not
                                         asked about conflicts; they are
                                         added automatically. The default
                                         is 0.

ImportType= 0 | 1                        Indicates the current default file
                                         type for importing a schedule
                                         file. If this entry is 0, the file
                                         type for importing your schedule
                                         is the Schedule+ format. If the
                                         entry 1, the file type is the
                                         Windows calendar format. The
                                         default is 0.

LargeFont= 1 | 2                         Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the font size of text
                                         displayed in the Appointment Book
                                         and Planner. If this entry is 1,
                                         the font size of text is 10
                                         points. If the entry is 2, the
                                         font is 8 points. The default
                                         is 2.

LocalPath= path                          Specifies the location of the last
                                         user's local calendar (.CAL) file.

LocalUser= username                      Specifies the name of the last
                                         user to use this Schedule+
                                         workstation software on this
For additional information on the LocalUser setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

105163 How to Change User Name Displayed on the Desktop

MainWindow= left right top bottom        Specifies the coordinates for the
                                         position of the Schedule+
                                         application window on the screen.
                                         These four numbers are written by
                                         the Schedule+ application when you
                                         exit, and are used to restore the
                                         Schedule+ window to the last
                                         displayed position. These numbers
                                         are pixel coordinates for the four
                                         sides of the main window: left
                                         right top bottom.
For additional information on the MainWindow setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

86609 Appointment or Message Window Off Screen

NoStatusBar=                             Indicates the preference setting
                                         for displaying the status bar.

                                         If this entry is 1, status bar is
                                         not displayed. If set to 0, the
                                         status bar is displayed. The
                                         default is 0.

OtherColor= colornumber(1-17)            Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the color of the other user's
                                         appointments in the Planner. The
                                         default color is red. The color
                                         number corresponds (in order) to
                                         the colors shown in the Display
                                         dialog box available from the
                                         Options menu.

PageBackgroundColor= colornumber(1-17)   Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the background color of the
                                         Schedule+ window. The default
                                         color is gray. The color number
                                         corresponds (in order) to the
                                         colors shown in the Display dialog
                                         box available from the Options

PlannerColor= colornumber(1-17)          Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the background color of the
                                         Planner window. The default color
                                         is white. The color number
                                         corresponds (in order) to the
                                         colors shown in the Display dialog
                                         box available from the Options

PlannerLinesColor= colornumber(1-17)     Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the color of the lines in the
                                         Planner. The default color is
                                         black. The color number
                                         corresponds (in order) to the
                                         colors shown in the Display dialog
                                         box available from the Options

PollTime= centiseconds                   Specifies the frequency for
                                         updating the screen. The default
                                         time is 6000 centiseconds.

ReminderPollTime= minutes                Specifies the frequency for
                                         polling the server for alarm
                                         changes. The default time is 1.
For additional information on the ReminderPollTime, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

105311 Default Reminder Poll Time in Schedule+

RequestSummary= left right top bottom    Specifies the coordinates for the
                                         position of the Messages window on
                                         the screen. These four numbers are
                                         written by the Schedule+
                                         application when you exit, and are
                                         used to restore the Messages
                                         window to the last displayed
                                         position. These numbers are pixel
                                         coordinates for the four sides of
                                         the Message window: left right
                                         top bottom.
For additional information on the RequestSummary setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

86609 Appointment or Message Window Off Screen

ShowActiveTasks= 0 | 1                   Indicates whether the Task list is
                                         showing all tasks or only active
                                         tasks, as specified from the Tasks
                                         menu. If only active tasks are
                                         displayed, this value is 1. The
                                         default is 0, indicating that all
                                         tasks are displayed.

StartupOffline= 0 | 1                    Specifies whether Schedule+ should
                                         start up using the off-line
                                         scheduling information, or whether
                                         the online schedule should be
                                         used. If this entry is 1,
                                         Schedule+ is started off-line. The
                                         default is 0, indicating that
                                         Schedule+ is started online.
For additional information on the StartupOffline setting, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

125264 Forced to Work Off Line

TaskSortOrder= 0 | 1 | 2                 Specifies the current sort order
                                         for tasks. If this entry is 0,
                                         tasks are sorted by priority, if 1
                                         the tasks are sorted by due date.
                                         If 2, the tasks are sorted by
                                         description. The default is 0.

TaskSortSecond= 0 | 1| 2                 Specifies the secondary sort order
                                         for tasks. If this entry is 0, the
                                         second sort order is by priority,
                                         if 1 the second sort is by due
                                         date. If 2, the second sort is by
                                         description. The default is 0.

UpdatePostOfficeTime= centiseconds       Specifies the frequency for
                                         updating the postoffice on the
                                         server after a change is made. The
                                         default is 6000 centiseconds
                                         (sixty minutes).

UserColor= colornumber(1-17)             Specifies the preference setting
                                         for the color of your own
                                         appointments in the planner. The
                                         default color is blue.

ViewNotByProject= 0 | 1                  Indicates whether the tasks in the
                                         Task list are currently displayed
                                         by project. If this entry is 1,
                                         the tasks are not displayed by
                                         project. The default is 0.

WindowOrder= 0 | 1  1 | 0                Indicates the current display
                                         order of the Schedule+ windows.
                                         The Schedule+ window is
                                         represented by 0, and the Messages
                                         window is 1. The first value for
                                         the WindowOrder= entry indicates
                                         the window that is on top, and the
                                         second entry identifies the window
                                         that is behind the top window.
[Microsoft Schedule+ Appt Books]

This section is used to track the open Appointment books of other Schedule+ users that you had open when you exited Schedule+.
ENTRY                                    DEFINITION

Count= number                            Indicates the number of other
                                         users' Appointment Books you had
                                         open when you exited Schedule+.
For additional information, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

93477 Default Entries in WFWG SCHDPLUS.INI File

[Microsoft Schedule+ Archives]

This section is used to track the open Archive files that you had open when you exited Schedule+.
ENTRY                                    DEFINITION

Count= number                            Indicates the number of Archive
                                         files that you had open when you
                                         exited Schedule+.

                                         Microsoft Windows for Workgroups
                                         Resource Kit for Operating System
                                         Version 3.1
For additional information on Microsoft Windows NT Registry settings, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

102965 REG: Microsoft Schedule+ Entries

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/18/2005