When you try to install Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 using a 3.5-inch
standard (non-DMF) 1.44-MB disk set, you may receive the following error
message when Setup reaches eight percent complete:
The compressed file '<drive>:\plus_1.CAB' cannot be decompressed and
may be corrupted.
After Setup closes and you restart the computer, you may receive the
following error message when you try to perform a DriveSpace operation:
The compression driver that is currently loaded is incompatible with
your version of Windows compression.
ID Number: DRVSPACE484
In addition, you may receive "Out of memory" error messages if your
Windows swap file is located on a compressed drive, and the Disk
Compression status line on the Performance tab in System properties may
report that compressed drives are being access in MS-DOS Compatibility
Remove the Program Files\Plus! folder that was created by Setup, and then
reinstall Microsoft Plus from a CD-ROM, a 3.5-inch DMF disk set, or a 3.5-
inch standard (non-DMF) disk set that does not have this problem. To
obtain a replacement non-DMF disk set that does not have this problem,
please contact Microsoft Product Support.
If you are using DriveSpace and you cannot reinstall Microsoft Plus! from
a CD-ROM, a 3.5-inch DMF disk set, or a 3.5-inch standard (non-DMF) disk
set that does not have this problem right away, restore the Windows 95
DriveSpace files that were replaced by Microsoft Plus! Setup before you
use Windows 95. To do so, start your computer at a command prompt, change
to the drive containing Windows 95, and type the following commands. Press
ENTER after each command.
NOTE: These commands assume that your Windows folder is named Windows. If
your Windows folder is named something else, substitute the name of your
Windows folder in the following commands.
cd \windows\command
copy drvbin.w95 drvspace.bin /y
copy dblbin.w95 dblspace.bin /y
copy drvsys.w95 drvspace.sys /y
copy dblsys.w95 dblspace.sys /y
cd \windows\system\iosubsys
copy drvvxd.w95 drvspacx.vxd /y
attrib *.w95 -s -h -r
attrib *.bin -s -h -r
copy drvbin.w95 drvspace.bin /y
copy dblbin.w95 dblspace.bin /y
NOTE: Depending on the version of MS-DOS or Windows that was originally
used to compress your drive, some of the .w95 files referenced in the
above commands may not exist. If you receive a "File not found" error
message after typing one of the above commands, try typing the command
again to see if you typed it correctly. If you receive the same error
message again, move on to the next command.
If the drive that contains the Windows folder is not also the physical
boot drive, change to the physical boot drive and type the following
commands. Press ENTER after each command:
attrib *.w95 -s -h -r
attrib *.bin -s -h -r
copy drvbin.w95 drvspace.bin /y
copy dblbin.w95 dblspace.bin /y
After you type these commands, restart your computer.