The following message appears when you attempt to manually start a service
from Control Panel Services by selecting the service and specifying values
in the Startup Parameters field:
Could not start the <service_name> service on \\<server_name>.
Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred.
This error typically occurs in conjunction with SRVANY.EXE, included
in the Windows NT 3.5 Resource Kit.
Verify that you are using the appropriate Startup Parameters for the
service you are attempting to start. To pass startup parameters to a
service, select the service, type the parameters in the Startup Parameters
field, and then choose the Start button.
SRVANY.EXE requires that you type in the full command-line, including the
application name and parameters associated with your service. Fully-
qualified path names should be used when specifying the application.
NOTE: Backslashes are treated as an escape character. You must type two backslashes for each backslash in a parameter. For example:
For additional information on SRVANY.EXE read SRVANY.WRI included in the
Windows NT 3.5 and 3.51 Resource Kits.
For additional information to fully troubleshoot Srvany problems, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
152460 Troubleshooting SrvAny Using Cmd.exe