The following is a list of graphics file formats that Microsoft Word for
Windows 95, version 7.0 supports for import.
NOTE: Graphic filters supplied with Word and Office 95 are dated 7/20/95.
Those filters supplied with Imager are the same versions as supplied with
Word and Office but are dated 7/4/95.
Supported File
formats Filter size Comments
AutoCAD Format 2-D (DXF) Dxfimp32.flt 280576 Supports AutoCAD
versions through 12.0.
AutoCAD 13 DXF images
cannot be inserted.
CompuServe (GIF) Gifimp32.flt 26624 Supports CompuServe
Msgif32.dll 35840 Graphics Interchange
Format Specifications
87a and 89a.
Computer Graphics Cgmimp32.flt 54784 Supports CGM
Metafile (CGM) Specification version
1.0 and is not CALS
CorelDRAW 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 Cdrimp32.flt 138240 CorelDRAW 4.0 and 5.0
(CDR) support is new to Word
Encapsulated PostScript Epsimp32.flt 30208 Supports Adobe Systems
(EPS) EPS Specifications 1.0,
2.0, and 3.0.
The filter recognizes
and can import EPS
Specification 3.0
binary and text
images, such as those
that can be generated
by Adobe PhotoStyler,
but is not designed to
support new features
of EPS specification
For example, bitmap
preview compression is
not supported.
HP Graphics Language Hpglim32.flt 243712 Supports HPGL and
(HPGL) / HP Plotter Print HPGL/2 and is an
optimized file (PLT)
for the command set of
Packard 7550a plotter.
Kodak Photo CD (PCD) Pcdimp32.flt 45568 Supports images
1.0-2.5 Mspcd32.dll 25600 generated by the Kodak
Photo CD system.
Macintosh PICT (PCT) Pictim32.flt 48128 Supports PICT and PICT2
PICT images are
monochrome images
generated by early
versions of Apple
PICT2 adds support for
color images generated
by Color QuickDraw.
Micrografx Designer/Draw Drwimp32.flt 265728 Supports DRW images
(DRW) generated by Micrografx
Designer versions
through 3.1, Micrografx
Draw versions through
3.0, and Micrografx
Charisma through
version 2.1
PC Paintbrush (PCX) Pcximp32.flt 26624 Supports ZSoft
Mspcx32.dll 32256 Corporation PCX format
versions 2.5, 2.8, and
3.0, including images
generated by PC
Paintbrush, Publisher's
Paintbrush, Microsoft
Paintbrush, and other
Microsoft Paintbrush
for Windows 95 opens
PCX images (without use
of this filter), but no
longer supports export
to PCX format.
Tagged Image File Format Tiffim32.flt 29696 TIFF 6.0 images,
TIF) Just VP to TIFF 5.0 Mstiff32.dll 69120 including composite and
color-separated CMYK
images not supported.
TrueVision Targa (TGA) Tgaimp32.flt 26624 Supports TrueVision
Mstga32.dll 32768 Targa specifications
1.0 and 2.0.
Windows Bitmap (BMP) Internal Although installed with
Word, Bmpimp32.flt and
Msbmp32.dll are not
actually used by Word,
which handles bitmap
import internally.
Imager 2.0 uses this
filter for import and
export of BMP images.
Filter is installed by
Office 95, but not by
standalone Word 7.0
Windows Metafile (WMF) Internal Although installed with
Word, Wmfimp32.flt is
not actually used by
Word, which handles
Windows Metafile import
ClipArt Gallery uses
this filter to import
Windows Metafiles.
Filter is installed by
Office 95, but not by
standalone Word 7.0.
WordPerfect Graphics/ Wpgimp32.flt 146944 Export capability
DrawPerfect 1.0-2.0 (WPG) Wpgexp32.flt 68608 provided by Wpgexp.flt
is used only when
saving as WordPerfect
5.x document format.
JPEG File Interchange Jpegim32.flt 26624 Supports all elements
Format (JPG) Msjpeg32.dll 104448 of the JFIF format
defined by JPEG (the
Joint Photographics
Export Group).