Windows 95 CD-ROM Programs.txt File (2 of 2) (135898)
The information in this article applies to:
This article was previously published under Q135898 SUMMARY
This article contains a copy of the information in the Programs.txt file
from the Windows 95 CD-ROM. Setup copies this file to the Windows folder.
This article is the second of two articles.
MORE INFORMATION-----------------------------------------------------------------
Microsoft Windows 95 README for Programs Information
August l995
(c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1995
This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to
supplement the Microsoft Windows 95 documentation.
MicroHelp Compression Plus 4.0: If you have problems installing
Compression Plus on Windows 95, try carryout out the following
1. Add the word progman to the end of the SHELL= line in your
System.ini file. For example:
shell=explorer.exe progman
2. Restart your computer, and then reinstall MicroHelp Compression.
3. Change your System.ini file back to its original setting.
Microsoft Client for NetWare, running with Dial-Up Networking: This
may cause some problems with Pagemaker 5.0 and Quark Xpress 3.3.
QuarkXpress 3.3 may not work properly when only the DIAL-UP\IPX
components are loaded but the computer is not connected to a valid
network. If you see the message "Unable to access network [116]" when
starting QuarkXpress 3.3, remove the DIAL-UP\IPX components or connect
to a valid network. This problem will be fixed in QuarkXPress 3.32.
Microsoft FORTRAN 5.1: If you want to create QuickWin applications
using Microsoft FORTRAN 5.1 running on Windows 95, you need to either
delete or comment out the following line in the Fl.def file:
After you remove this line, you need to recompile any QuickWin
programs that were built with version 5.1 in order for these programs
to run in Windows 95.
Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation: Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for
MS-DOS and Windows is designed to work optimally under Windows 3.1.
If you use Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation with Windows 95, graphics
programs that you compiled using the program will fail when you run
them. A runtime error appears instead of the usual graphics output.
A patch is available to solve this problem. If you are still using
version 1.0 instead of version 1.0a, you need to obtain an updated
version of the program. To determine which version you are running,
change to the Bin directory, and then run Link.exe. If you are
running version 1.0a, the text "Version 1.0F" should appear.
To obtain the patch, contact Microsoft product support services at
the number listed in your documentation. Or, if you live in the
United States or Canada, call (425) 635-7015. You can also download
the file Fpsfix.exe from the Microsoft Download Center on
CompuServe or on Anonymous FTP.
Microsoft Mail 3.2 and Microsoft Schedule+: Microsoft Exchange is
an upgrade to Microsoft Mail v3.2 and replaces many of the older
components. For this reason, Microsoft Mail v3.2 will not work if you
have installed Microsoft Exchange. Also, the Windows 3.1 version of
Microsoft Schedule+ will not be able to use Exchange to send Email.
Microsoft Visual C++ version 1.5: With the Windows 95 interface
enhancements, dialog boxes in Visual C++ version 1.5x may appear in
different screen locations than on Windows 3.1 or Windows NT. When
you are debugging a program under the Visual C++ environment, it is
recommended that you not minimize the Visual C++ main window. This
may cause debug dialog boxes to be displayed off-screen, which would
result in your not being able to maximize the Visual C++ main window.
Microtek ScanWizard 2.0b7: If you have problems installing this
program, try carrying out the following procedure:
1. Add the following line to the [Compatibility] section of your
Win.ini file:
2. Restart your computer, and then re-install Microtek ScanWizard.
3. Remove this line from your Win.ini file.
Nickelodeon Director's Lab: Some messages may display at the end of
the setup program. You will need to close the setup program manually.
This does no harm, because Director's Lab has already been installed.
After the setup program has added the new shortcuts, you may see the
following message: "Setup Message: Script or DLL has been corrupted.
Unable to load dialog template: 'mscuistf.dll: 2'." If this message
appears, follow these steps.
1. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL.
2. Click the Director's Lab setup program, and then click End Task.
Norton Backup: Windows 95 requires new settings for this program.
Before you run Norton Backup, delete the Nbackup.pif file located in
the Norton Backup directory.
Office Accelerator: Because there is no Print Manager, Office
Accelerator will not load using the Office Accelerator menus. Instead,
configure your printers by clicking the Start menu, clicking Settings,
and then clicking Printers.
Paint Shop Pro v2.0: You will not be able to use this program to draw
capture areas inside 32-bit programs, because 16-bit programs do not
see mouse movements over 32-bit programs. All other mouse capture
methods will still work, and this will continue to work with 16-bit
PCTools Versions 7 Through 9: Shortcuts will not be created during
installation of PCTOOLS versions 7 through 9 on Windows 95. To create
shortcuts after installation:
1. Click the Start menu, and then click Run.
2. Type Cpsdos.grp, and then press ENTER.
PCTools will be added to your Programs folder. For the shortcuts to
work, you must add the PCTOOLS directory to the PATH.
Because of changes to the Windows 95 file system, these disk utilities
will not work correctly with long filenames. For information about
purchasing disk utilities that were designed for Windows 95, contact
Personal Oracle 7.1 for Windows 3.1: This program cannot be installed
on Windows 95 because it requires a Win32s .dll that is no longer
used. For information about obtaining an updated version for Windows
95, call Oracle Corporation at (415) 506 7000 or contact your local
Oracle office.
QuarkXPress 3.3: You may experience the following problems:
- Out-of-memory error. Upgrading to QuarkXPress 3.32 should solve the
problem. You can download a patch from CompuServe, or contact Quark
- QuarkXpress 3.3/3.31x library windows may fail to display control
box and menu items, rendering it impossible to resize or close
library files. This problem will be corrected in QuarkXpress 3.32
- The QuarkXPress installer may stop at 99% complete when installing
on some Windows 95 computers. To properly complete the installation
process, select the Continue button.
Quickbooks 2.0: If you experience problems running Quickbooks 2.0
with Windows 95, add the following entry to the [Compatibility]
section of your Win.ini file:
Quickbooks 3.0: Before you minimize Quickbooks, be sure to register
the product. If you have already minimized it and are experiencing
problems running Quickbooks 3.0, delete the Qbw.ini file in your
Quickbooks directory.
Quicken: If you configured Quicken to use a printer other than the
system default printer or to use custom fonts, you will lose these
settings after upgrading to Windows 95. After Windows 95 is installed,
you can use Quicken to restore these settings.
Rumba Office 2.0: The shared folders functionality is not functional
in Windows 95 and will cause installation problems if selected. To
turn off this feature, when installing Rumba:
1. Select Custom.
2. Select AS/400.
3. Make sure the check box titled Shared Folders And Client API's is
not checked.
4. Continue the installation.
Splice 2.0: You may encounter a General Protection Fault if you try
to create an optimal palette with some video files. This problem has
been fixed by Asymetrix in the most recent version (now called Digital
Video Producer). An free upgrade is available from Asymetrix for all
registered Splice users. For more information, contact Asymetrix
Technical Support at 206-637-1600.
SuperPrint: Because of changes to the Windows operating system,
Version 2.0 of SuperPrint (which includes SuperQue) does not work
with Windows 95. For more information about SuperQue 95, call
(800) 366 7494.
Talk-To Plus: For information about the availability of an upgrade
that may be compatible with Windows 95, call Dragon Systems at
(800) 825-5897 or (617) 965-5200.
The 7th Guest: If you are running The 7th Guest with a Pro Audio
Spectrum 16 sound card, you will either need to enable and use the
Sound Blaster compatibility mode, or configure your Pro Audio Spectrum
card to IRQ 5 and DMA 3.
Timeline: You may have problems running existing macros with Timeline.
Timeline tries to use window handles that it has already freed and may
cause an error. For information about program updates, contact the
Typestry 2.0: If you experience problems running Typestry 2.0, you
need to obtain a patch from Pixar, Inc. Call the product support
number that came with your software. You may also have problems using
Typestry to print to a PostScript printer under Windows 95. The
workaround is to use a non-PostScript or UniDrive printer.
Ultima VI/Wing Commander CD: Because Windows 95 does not support the
JOIN command, you will need to run the Ultima VI/Wing Commander CD
from your hard drive. The procedure for doing this is outlined below
and in the documentation for this CD game. You will need to copy all
programs to your hard drive, and then run Install.exe to configure the
program. You will need approximately 13 MB of space for Wing Commander
and 5 MB of space for Ultima VI.
To copy all files for either Wing Commander or Ultima VI:
1. Click the Start menu, click Programs, and then click Explorer.
2. Double click your CD-ROM drive.
3. Click the icon for the folder you want to move, and then drag it
to the icon for your hard disk.
4. Run the install program from your hard drive to configure the
proper video and sound options.
View Software: Some utilities for Windows 3.1, such as Long File
Names, need to be upgraded or used differently with Windows 95. To
obtain a version of View Software that works with Windows 95, in the
United States call (800) 536-8439. Outside the United States, call
(415) 856-8439.
XtraDrive: You must load SETVER before the file Xtradrv.sys loads.
YiJaak Graphic Suite: Some problems may occur when running
Smuggler.exe with Windows 95. To avoid problems:
- Use the screen capture utility for only short periods of time.
- Periodically restart your computer to regain system resources when
running Smuggler.exe for long periods of time.
For information about obtaining a Windows 95 version of this program,
in the United States call Inset Systems, Inc., at (800) DR-INSET.
Outside the United States, call (203) 740-2400.
386MAX 7.0
Windows 95 removes the following lines from the Config.sys file during
Device=\386MAX\ExtraDOS.max pro=\386MAX\
If Windows 95 fails to start after Setup, try carrying out the
following procedure:
1. Refer to the \Manual\Readme.txt file (packaged with 386MAX) about
specific software and hardware incompatibilities with the 386MAX
2. Run the MAXIMIZE program, and then follow these steps:
a. After MAXIMIZE restarts your computer for the first time, press
F8 when you see the "Starting Windows 95" message.
b. Choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only.
c. Open your Config.sys file by using any text editor, such as
MS-DOS Editor, and remove the following lines:
Device=\386MAX\ExtraDOS.max pro=\386MAX\
d. Open your file, which is located in the directory
where 386MAX is installed, and remove the following lines if
they exist:
Line beginning with "PRGREG"
Line beginning with "HPDAREG"
Line beginning with "STACKREG"
e. Restart your computer.
f. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press F8.
g. Choose Command Prompt Only. MAXIMIZE should continue setting up.
h. Each time the computer restarts, repeat steps f and g until
MAXIMIZE has finished.
NOTE: If you see the message "ExtraDOS Error," click OK.
386MAX v7.02, BLUEMAX v7.02, and later versions
Version 7.02 and later of BLUEMAX and 386MAX were designed to run with
Windows 95, and a free update can be obtained from Qualitas, Inc. at
the following locations:
Qualitas BBS - Dial (301) 907-8030
America OnLine - Keyword Qualitas
Qualitas Customer Service - (301) 907-7400
If you have version 7.02 or later of these memory managers, you do not
need to follow the work-arounds described in the following sections.
However, if you install Windows 95 on a system that already has a
later version of BLUEMAX or 386MAX, you should run the MAXIMIZE
utility to reinstall the ExtraDOS utility that Windows 95 removes
during setup.
Windows 95 removes the following lines from the Config.sys file during
Device=\BlueMAX\ExtraDOS.max pro=\BlueMAX\
If Windows 95 fails to start after Setup, try the following procedure:
1. Refer to the \Manual\Readme.txt file (packaged with BlueEMAX) about
specific software and hardware incompatibilities with the BlueMAX
2. Run the MAXIMIZE program, and then follow these steps:
a. After MAXIMIZE restarts your computer for the first time, press
F8 when you see the "Starting Windows 95" message.
b. Choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only.
c. Open your Config.sys file by using any text editor, such as
MS-DOS Editor, and remove the following lines:
Device=\BlueMAX\ExtraDOS.max pro=\BlueMAX\
d. Open your file, which is located in the directory
where BlueMAX is installed, and remove the following lines if
they exist:
Line beginning with "PRGREG"
Line beginning with "HPDAREG"
Line beginning with "STACKREG"
e. Restart your computer.
f. When you see the "Starting Windows 95" message, press F8.
g. Choose Command Prompt Only. MAXIMIZE should continue setting up.
h. Each time the computer restarts, repeat steps f and g until
MAXIMIZE has finished.
NOTE: If you see the message "ExtraDOS Error," click OK.
NETROOM version 3
Before setting up Windows 95, verify that CACHECLK is not being
loaded in the Autoexec.bat file. Windows 95 Setup will fail with
CACHECLK loaded.
After Setup, if Windows 95 fails to start:
1. Refer to the \Manual\Readme.txt file (packaged with Netroom) about
specific software and hardware incompatibilities with the NETROOM
2. Run the CUSTOMIZE program.
QEMM 7.01 - 7.5
Windows 95 removes the following drivers from the Config.sys file
during Setup:
St-dbl.sys (7.01-7.04)
St-dspc.sys (7.5)
After Setup, if Windows 95 fails to start:
1. Refer to the Manual\Technotes\Readme.txt file (packaged with
QEMM) for information about specific software and hardware
incompatibilities with QEMM software.
2. Check Stealthing Options. Try changing ST:M to ST:F on the
Qemm386.sys line in the Config.sys file, and then restarting your
computer. If that doesn't work, try removing the ST:M or ST:F
completely from the Qemm386.sys line in the Config.sys file and
then restarting your computer.
3. Run QSETUP and turn off DOS-UP, Quickboot, and Stealthing Options
(see above). QSETUP will recommend running OPTIMIZE.
4. Run the OPTIMIZE program. (NOTE: If DOS-UP or Stealthing are
enabled in QSETUP, then OPTIMIZE will add them to the Config.sys
file. Currently, Windows 95 may fail to start with Dosdata.sys and
Dos-up.sys installed in the Config.sys file.)
Dosdata.sys, a portion of the DOS-UP features of QEMM, causes the
Windows 95 multi-boot feature to attempt to start Windows 95 even
after you select the Previous Version Of MS-DOS option. To bypass
this situation, press F4 during the second appearance of "Starting
Windows 95." To correct this problem permanently, remove Dosdata.sys
and Dos-up.sys from the Config.dos file.
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 6/13/2001 |
Keywords: | KB135898 |