The following text has been documented incorrectly in the Microsoft Mail
Multitasking MTA for Windows NT Server "Administrator's Guide":
Item 1
In Chapter 1 on page 4, the following text is displayed:
The executable files will be placed in subdirectories called
EXTERNAL.NT, DIRSYNC.NT, and WINNT in the directory you specify. By
default, they are installed in C:\MAILEXE\EXTERNAL.NT,
This should read:
The executable files will be placed in subdirectories named
EXTERNAL.NT and DIRSYNC.NT in the directory you specify. By default,
they are installed in C:\MAILEXE\EXTERNAL.NT and C:\MAILEXE\DIRSYNC.NT.
Item 2
The following text appears in the section "Copying the Files to the
Windows NT Directory":
After Setup is complete, you need to copy the files into the Windows
NT directory structure. Assuming Windows NT is in the C:\WINNT35
directory, do the following:
To copy the files into the Windows NT directory
Type xcopy c:\mailexe\winnt c:\winnt35 /s
The information regarding the WINNT directory should be removed or a note
added that states that this directory is not created during the NT MMTA