This article contains information on how to configure PureData SatisFAXtion
Modem 400i or 200i with Microsoft Mail Gateway to FAX running on a MS-DOS
gateway computer.
The steps required to properly set up the SatisFAXtion Modem 400i and 200i
fax devices and an installation overview of the Mail Gateway to FAX have
been included.
NOTE: This article assumes that version 3.x of Microsoft Mail for PC
Networks has been installed.
The PureData SatisFAXtion Modem 400i and 200i boards are internal facsimile
modems; they function as both a fax and a data modem. These devices can be
operated in the following modes:
- Command mode (+++). This is also called terminal mode. This mode
interprets any data sent to it as one or more modem commands.
- Data mode (AT0). This is also called on-line mode. After a connection
is made to the remote computer, this mode will relay the data you
send it.
The SatisFAXtion Modems interface with the gateway computer system to
function as independent computer-based facsimile sub-systems equipped with
the ability to invoke background operations and broadcasting (group sends
of one to many faxes).
The differences between the two models of SatisFAXtion cards are reflected
by their transmission rates: SatisFAXtion Modem 400i transfers at a rate of
14400 bits per second (bps) and the SatisFAXtion Modem 200i transfers at
the rate of 9600 bps and has a slight variance in the extended fax
protocols supported.
To get the PureDATA SatisFAXtion hardware
PureData fax boards are available from computer dealers and distributors in
several countries. You can get product availability and additional
information from PureData at (800) 661-8210.
To install SatisFAXtion modem boards
- Turn off the power to the gateway computer. Remove the cover, and
touch the power supply to dissipate built-up static charge. Install
the card into an available (preferably 16-bit) slot.
- With the board level in hand, guide it into the add-in slot. The
metal bracket on the board fits into the area formerly occupied by
a blank plate. Ensure that the phone connector on the board is not
obstructed. It may be necessary to loosen the fax card's mounting
screw and reposition it if the telephone jack cannot be easily inserted.
To check the telephone line
- Locate an available telephone. Remove the cord from the wall and
insert it into the jack you intend to use for the Fax Gateway. Pick up
the receiver, and after you check for normal dial-tone, dial the number
of another fax device. If the remote device answers the telephone, you
should hear the standard modem handshake. After you receive the
handshake tone, hang up the telephone.
- With the telephone still connected to the Fax Gateway's telephone
jack, call the fax number from another telephone; if it rings, the
number for the board is correct.
When the SatisFAXtion board and telephone connections are properly
installed, you are ready to install the SatisFAXtion software.
To install the SatisFAXtion software
NOTE: The Setup program copies files you need to fax. When you are
prompted, direct these files to a subdirectory called PUREDATA of your
postoffice located on the server. Create this directory prior to beginning
the Setup program.
- Turn on your computer. Make a net connection to the network server
where the Microsoft Mail for PC Networks postoffice is located. This
subdirectory is commonly named \MAILDATA. Your command prompt should be
at the root of this share or subdirectory.
- From the \MAILDATA directory create a subdirectory called PUREDATA.
This directory will be used to copy the SatisFAXtion installation
files to as part of the initial stage of the SatisFAXtion board
setup process.
- Insert the PureData SatisFAXtion software Disk 1 into the appropriate
disk drive. At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following and
press ENTER:
- Press any key to leave the title screen, then select Continue.
Questions about specific field definitions can be addressed by using
- From the Options menu, choose Copy SatisFAXtion software. Press ENTER.
NOTE: The Setup program will assume a local destination PATH that
you may need to override to point to the correct subdirectory on
the Mail server, (for example, M:\MAILDATA\ PUREDATA). On screen
instructions will prompt you through the installation process.
- Press the F10 key to accept the user preferences. When all the files
have been copied from the disks, the Options menu will be displayed
once again.
First-time Setup:
Set the COM port and interrupt (IRQ) setting using the First-time Setup
option. If the installation program is unable to select a COM port and an
IRQ setting, the selection of an invalid I/O and IRQ will cause the machine
to hang.
If you experience conflicts, consult the SatisFAXtion "Installation and
Setup Guide."
- From the Options menu, choose First-time Setup. As prompted, fill in
the requested information.
- Press the F10 key to accept the First-time Setup options when you
are done. If there are any problems during the Setup process, consult
the SatisFAXtion "Installation and Setup Guide."
- To view the available options, highlight Set up Standard Software
Options and press ENTER. This option will configure the COM and IRQ
settings of the board. If you experience conflicts when you accept
the settings, consult the "Installation Guide."
- After you have installed the software, refer to the "To set up the
hardware" section below to manually set the COM ports and IRQs for the
modem and fax.
- After you exit the Set Up Hardware option, do not re-select the First-
time Setup option because the Setup program will try to reassign the
same invalid I/O settings you are trying to change.
To complete the registration form
The Setup program gives you the option to register your hardware.
- From the Options menu, choose Register Your SatisFAXtion FaxModem.
- Complete the registration form as prompted, and press the F10 key
to accept it.
Advanced Setup:
Advanced Setup is a quick way to confirm or change the current settings of
your FaxModem. When you run Advanced Setup, the following sub-menu
configuration options are displayed:
- Set up hardware.
- Setup options for answering incoming calls.
- Set up standard software options.
- Set-up pop-up options.
- Set-up technical software options.
Below are the steps and modifications required to correctly configure
SatisFAXtion Modem 400i and 200i boards to run with Mail Gateway
to FAX:
- Do not use the Set up Hardware option. You should only use this
option when you want to ensure that original settings allow proper
FaxModem operations or to change the settings that conflict when
they were auto assigned when you exited First-time Setup.
- From the Options for Incoming Calls option, designate whether your
FaxModem will share its telephone line. Next, determine the number of
rings before pick-up, and set the Fax Auto Answer option to On.
NOTE: It is recommended that the telephone line be dedicated.
- From the Set Up Standard Software option, select No for Cover Page,
and set the Fax Resolution to Standard.
- From the Set Up Pop-up Options option, set the Fax Capture Pop-up
Port to Off.
- From Set Up Technical Software Options option, set the Number (#) of
Redial Retries to three (3). Set the Line Compensation to zero (0) and
the Default Dial Mode to Tone.
- The default Number of Redial Retries is three.
- When you optimize performance of gateway machine, set the option
CASMGR EMS Usage to use EMS, if available.
To update the gateway computer and exit
- From the Options screen, choose Exit Setup, and confirm the action.
If the focus of the screen is not at the Options menu, press the ESC
key to return to the menu.
- The Setup program should now display a prompt with the option to
update the configuration files of the gateway computer by suggesting
that the following lines be added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
It will also suggest the following lines be added to the CONFIG.SYS
BUFFERS=15 and FILES=20.
NOTE: The modifications to these files are detailed in the next
section and need to be made prior to testing the operation state of
the SatisFAXtion board.
- Underneath the suggested file modifications, you will be prompted
to choose Update to update the files automatically or Quit to exit
without updating. Select the Quit option to return to the command
To modify the startup files
After you install the SatisFAXtion software, you will need to modify the
startup files of the gateway computer. The following steps will allow you
to load CASMGR when the gateway computer is turned on or rebooted.
- At the MS-DOS command prompt, change to the root of the local drive
of the gateway computer, and create a subdirectory called FAX. Change
to this directory, which should appear as C:\FAX.
- Copy the following files from the M:\..\MAILDATA\SATISFAX suddirectory:
- DOWNLOAD.402 (or DOWNLOAD.200 for SatisFAXtion Modem 200i)
- LOADER.402 (or LOADER.200 for SatisFAXtion Modem 200i)
NOTE: Any subsequent changes made when you run the SatisFAXtion Setup
program from the network drive will not be reflected until the newly
updated file CASMGR.CFG is copied from the network to the local
C\:FAX subdirectory.
- Change back to the root drive of the gateway computer.
- Edit the configuration files of the gateway computer, and add the
following lines to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
Add the following lines to the CONFIG.SYS file:
NOTE: In some cases, if the gateway computer was previously configured
with SatisFAXtion software, there may be older versions of the
software configured on the gateway computer. The older versions will
be called from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You should REMark out the line
below, if encountered:
- Save these changes and exit from the editing program.
To check the hardware
PureData supplies a utility called TESTCOM.EXE. This program allows you to
run diagnostic tests on COM ports (I/O address) or IRQs (interrupts) that
are in use. After you install the SatisFAXtion software, this utility will
be located on the postoffice in the SaitisFAXtion directory.
NOTE: TESTCOM should only be run after you have installed the SatisFAXtion
software. TESTCOM will not run unless the COM ports and IRQs are set for
both the modem and the fax.
- Turn on gateway computer and establish or wait for a connection to
network share of \MAILDATA (the postoffice) to be restored.
- Change to the M:\..\MAILDATA directory, and change to the
SatisFAX subdirectory.
- To run TESTCOM, type the following and press ENTER:
- The utility will initially try to locate the FaxModem. If it is
successful, it will display a menu with more in-depth diagnosis options.
The diagnostic choices listed vary, and some can be ran multiple times.
Execute the options, as needed. If problems occur, please refer to the
troubleshooting section of the SatisFAXtion "Installation and Setup
To test with the FAXability software
- Turn on gateway computer and establish or wait for a connection to
network share of \MAILDATA (the postoffice) to be restored.
- Change to the M:\..\MAILDATA directory, and change to the
SatisFAX subdirectory.
- To run the FAXability software, type the following and press ENTER:
- For the SatisFAXtion 200i boards:
- Select Send, and press ENTER.
- Press / to highlight the upper menu bar, and select the telephone
number. Press ENTER.
- Enter the name, fax number, and check the hardware type. The hardware
type should be Fax Machine.
- Press the F10 key to accept the information.
- At the next prompt, you can add this above information to the
telephone book if you answer Yes.
- Press the F10 key to accept the telephone number.
- Press / to go to the upper menu bar, and select the Change Directory.
- Enter a valid path to the ASCII, PCX, or DCX files, and press ENTER.
- Use the arrow keys to highlight a file, and press ENTER to select
the file. The file should appear in the Selected category on the
right of the screen.
- Press the F10 key to accept.
- Highlight Send!, and press ENTER to send the file via the FaxModem.
For additional information regarding sending faxes with the SatisFAXtion
Modem 200i, refer to the "Getting Started" section in the SatisFAXtion
Software "User[ASCII 146]s Guide" (MS-DOS Version).
- For the SatisFAXtion 400i boards:
- Select Transmit, and select the subcategory Fax Files...
- Select directories, and select a directory containing ASCII,
PCX, or DCX files. Press ENTER.
- Select the files. Use the arrow keys to select a file. Press ENTER
to select the file.
- Select OK. This will return you to the Send Fax Screen.
- Fill in the To: field, and press TAB.
- Fill in the Fax #, and press ENTER. The entered information should
be added to the Send List.
- Select Send to send the file via fax.
For additional information regarding sending faxes with the SatisFAXtion
Modem 400i, refer to the sections "Starting" and "Tasks and Topics" in the
"Faxability for MS-DOS Guide."
To ensure that disk space is available and to optimize overall performance,
you will need to periodically do file maintenance on the gateway computer.
The PureDATA CAS drivers will generate concurrent log file entries to track
activity for each send or receive fax transmission. These files are created
in the \..\PUREDATA directory, and you can view the log files by running
the fax from the directory.
You can also delete the entries by selecting the Events Status option, then
select the Logged Events and delete a single entry or Purge All.
After you have completed the steps above, you can install the Microsoft
Mail Gateway to FAX and Gateway Access components. The gateway postoffice
requires both the Gateway and Gateway Access component of the Mail Gateway
to FAX. A postoffice forwarding and receiving faxes from a gateway
postoffice is considered to be a downstream; thus, it only requires the
Mail Gateway Access to FAX component.
To install the Mail Gateway to FAX and Access Component
- Insert the Gateway Component disk into the disk drive, and run
the INSTALL.EXE program. Follow the screen prompts to complete
the installation.
- Insert the Gateway Access Component disk into the disk drive, and
run the INSTALL.EXE program. Follow the screen prompts to complete
the installation.
To configure Mail Gateway to FAX with PROFILE.EXE
NOTE: It is crucial to run PROFILE.EXE, and edit a file named PROFILE.GLB
in order to match your network environment.
- Type the following command and press ENTER to run the PROFILE.EXE
from the \MAILEXE directory:
where <m> represents the network drive of the postoffice.
You will need to select the following options that correspond directly to
previous configuration choices you made when you installed the SatisFAXtion
software earlier:
- Set the Redial Times to 3. The default value is 3.
- For the Logo File option, ensure the physical location of
FAXLOGO3.PCX (the default name) is correct, or enter an alternative
path to a different logo, PCX image, or file of your choice.
- Ensure that the physical Printer Path is present and correct. This entry
should point to the drive or directory location of PPB.EXE, a spooler
program associated with the Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, MS-DOS
workstation. It spools incoming faxes to a local or redirected printer
when FAXin Mode is set to spool or view and spool
NOTE: At this time, you may need to install the Mail for PC Networks,
MS-DOS workstation.
- Set the Printer Port option to point to the correct local or redirected
printer port, for example, LPT1: or LPT2:.
- Set the Fax Resolution to normal, not fine.
- Set the Attachment Check to Yes.
- Select Intel as the Fax Board type.
NOTE: This setting is towards the bottom of the configuration
All remaining options in this Setup screen are optional, and you should
proceed to complete the installation.
For additional information on installing the Microsoft Mail Gateway and
Gateway Access to Fax and configuring PROFILE.GLB using PROFILE.EXE, please
refer to the chapters entitled, "Installing the Gateway" and "Setting Up
the Gateway" in the "Administrator[ASCII 146]s Guide" for Microsoft Mail Gateway to