Microsoft Office Std 7.0 Disks 1-8 .CAB Contents (DMF) (135657)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office for Windows 95

This article was previously published under Q135657


This is a disk contents listing of Microsoft Office Standard, Version 7.0, DMF formatted disks (24 disks). Disk 1 and disk 24 are standard 1.44 MB formatted disks; disks 2 through 23 are DMF formatted.

Disk 24 is the PowerPoint Viewer and Translator Disk.


Disk 1 contains the following files:
07/20/95  12:00p                87,916 EXTRACT.EXE
07/20/95  12:00p               857,020 MSOFF1.CAB
07/20/95  12:00p                15,503 NETWORK.TXT
07/20/95  12:00p                15,917 OFREADME.TXT
07/20/95  12:00p                72,992 SETUP.EXE
07/20/95  12:00p                   149 SETUP.INI
07/20/95  12:00p                 1,946 SETUP.LST
07/20/95  12:00p                    84 SETUP.TDF
               8 File(s)      1,051,527 bytes
                                403,968 bytes free


07-20-1995  6:59:16a ----        72,992 Acme.exe
07-20-1995 10:15:08p ----        86,016 Off95inv.dll
07-20-1995  6:59:16a ----     1,282,048 Off95_bb.dll
07-20-1995 11:15:24a ----        26,112 Ffast_bb.dll
07-20-1995  6:42:40p ----       323,623 Setup.stf
07-20-1995  5:12:04p ----         1,338 Off95std.pdf
07-20-1995 11:15:28a ----        22,408 Acmsetup.hlp
07-20-1995  4:48:46p ----        41,700 Offsetup.ttf
07-20-1995  6:59:12a ----       330,752 Acmsetup.exe
07-20-1995  6:59:12a ----       249,344 Mssetup.dll
07-20-1995  7:37:30a ----       137,335 Off95std.inf
07-20-1995  5:08:50p ----         1,838 Acme.lst
07-20-1995 10:17:26p ----         2,841 Odbckey.inf
07-20-1995 11:54:20a ----        15,360 Odbcstf.dll
07-20-1995 11:24:30a ----       253,952 Msvcrt20.dll
07-20-1995  1:06:58p ----        91,136 Odbccp32.dll
07-20-1995  1:07:06p ----        32,768 Odbcint.dll
07-20-1995  1:06:56p ----        64,512 OS\System\Odbc32.dll
07-20-1995  2:43:20p ----         7,168 OS\System\Odbcad32.exe
07-20-1995  9:43:54p ----         6,656 OS\System\Odbccp32.cpl
07-20-1995  1:06:58p ----       167,936 OS\System\Odbccr32.dll
07-20-1995  1:07:06p ----        18,321 OS\System\Odbcinst.hlp
07-20-1995  3:54:22p ----       137,170 Admin.inf
                23 Files      3,373,326 bytes


07-20-1995  6:02:00p ----       336,896 Office\Binder.exe
07-20-1995  3:46:16p ----         6,264 Office\Binder.tlb
07-20-1995 12:48:12a ----        44,867 Office\Binder.hlp
07-20-1995 12:00:32a ----       259,420 Office\
07-20-1995 12:00:52a ----        93,569 Office\Bivisex.exe
07-20-1995  1:15:12p ----         3,875 Office\Binder.txt
07-20-1995 12:00:32a ----       245,343 Office\
07-20-1995  8:35:20p ----        48,124 Office\Vba_bin.hlp
07-20-1995 12:03:34p ----         2,697 Office\Binder.cnt
07-20-1995  1:07:20p ----             0 Office\Binder.gid
07-20-1995 12:00:32a ----         1,850 Office\Vba_bin.cnt
07-20-1995  9:54:28a ----             0 Office\Vba_bin.gid
07-20-1995  3:46:08p ----        44,544 Office\Bdrec.dll
07-20-1995  3:26:10p ----         5,120 Office\Binder70.obd
07-20-1995  8:29:28a ----       130,560 Template\Binders\Report.obt
07-20-1995  4:41:02p ----       364,032 Template\Binders\Client.obz
07-20-1995  4:41:34p ----       165,376 Template\Binders\Proposal.obt
07-20-1995  4:41:20p ----       183,296 Template\Binders\Meeting.obt
07-20-1995  2:34:00a ----        29,613 OS\MSAPPS\Vba\Vba_off.hlp
07-20-1995  2:52:16p ----       233,214 OS\MSAPPS\Vba\
07-20-1995  4:41:38p ----         1,008 OS\MSAPPS\Vba\Vba_off.cnt
07-20-1995  3:26:42p ----        23,552 OS\System\Docobj.dll
07-20-1995  3:57:30p ----        93,184 OS\System\Mso5enu.dll
07-20-1995  4:17:10p ----       939,520 OS\System\Mso95.dll
07-20-1995  3:23:26p ----        10,240 OS\System\Mso95fx.dll
07-20-1995  3:23:28p ----        11,264 OS\System\Msothunk.dll
07-20-1995  3:57:38p ----        53,760 OS\System\Openenu.dll
07-20-1995  8:17:06a ----        29,696 Office\Explode.dll
07-20-1995 10:23:48p ----        54,784 OS\System\Commtb32.dll
07-20-1995 10:24:06p ----        27,648 OS\System\Mstool32.dll
07-20-1995 12:05:46p ----       107,008 OS\System\Ttemb32.dll
07-20-1995  4:38:40p ----        86,528 Office\Findfast.exe
07-20-1995 10:07:20a ----        19,456 OS\System\Findfast.cpl
07-20-1995 10:33:32a ----             0 Office\ffastlog.txt
07-20-1995 12:29:38p ----         6,083 OS\msoffice.acl
07-20-1995 12:14:18a ----     3,845,120 Winword\Winword.exe
                36 Files      7,507,511 bytes


Winword\Winword.exe : Starts in cabinet MSOFF2.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 2'
07-20-1995 12:14:28a ----       829,440 Office\Wwintl32.dll
                 1 File         829,440 bytes


Office\Wwintl32.dll : Starts in cabinet MSOFF3.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 3'
07-20-1995  7:11:42p ----        48,624 Winword\Dialog.fon
07-20-1995  3:16:14p ----        15,088 Winword\Winword7.reg
07-20-1995  5:56:34p ----           280 OS\Ttembed.ini
07-20-1995  5:39:08p ----         2,041 OS\Msfntmap.ini
07-20-1995  6:55:18p ----        16,900 Winword\Wdreadme.txt
07-20-1995 12:27:12p ----        32,885 Office\Pss.hlp
07-20-1995  1:26:10p ----           783 Office\Pss.cnt
07-20-1995  3:50:52p ----         8,517 Office\Psso.hlp
07-20-1995  2:45:02p ----           152 Office\Psso.cnt
07-20-1995 12:59:00p ----        32,994 Office\Eula.hlp
07-20-1995  2:44:56p ----           258 Office\Eula.cnt
07-20-1995  3:50:50p ----        28,251 Office\Eulao.hlp
07-20-1995  2:44:58p ----           265 Office\Eulao.cnt
07-20-1995  8:56:52a ----        18,432 OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\imgwalk.dll
07-20-1995  8:57:00a ----        15,408 OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\msinf16h.exe
07-20-1995  8:57:02a ----       321,024 OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\Msinfo32.exe
07-20-1995  8:57:04a ----        26,275 OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\Msinfo32.hlp
07-20-1995 11:45:44a ----         2,441 OS\MSAPPS\MSinfo\Msinfo32.cnt
07-20-1995  1:09:22p ----        37,376 OS\System\Ven2132.olb
07-20-1995  1:09:22p ----     1,371,436 OS\System\Vbar2132.dll
07-20-1995  6:58:52p ----        35,840 Template\Designs\Contemp.pot
07-20-1995  7:01:58p ----        88,576 Template\Designs\Profess.pot
07-20-1995  7:03:06p ----        30,208 Template\Designs\Soaring.pot
07-20-1995  5:43:36p ----        22,528 Template\Blank.pot
07-20-1995  6:56:34p ----        51,200 Template\Designs\Azure.pot
07-20-1995  7:01:16p ----        35,328 Template\Designs\Multbars.pot
07-20-1995  6:56:54p ----        44,032 Template\Designs\Bevel.pot
07-20-1995  6:57:38p ----        31,232 Template\Designs\Bluediag.pot
07-20-1995  7:02:42p ----        26,112 Template\Designs\Sidebar.pot
07-20-1995  7:02:52p ----        28,672 Template\Designs\Sidefade.pot
07-20-1995  6:32:50p ----        96,768 Template\Designs\Theater.pot
07-20-1995  6:59:04p ----        30,720 Template\Designs\Dbllines.pot
07-20-1995  7:05:00p ----        51,200 Template\Designs\Twinkles.pot
07-20-1995  6:20:48p ----        85,504 Template\Designs\tatami.pot
07-20-1995  6:20:32p ----        76,288 Template\Designs\blueweav.pot
07-20-1995 12:00:08p ----        95,232 Template\Designs\bedrock.pot
07-20-1995  6:20:38p ----        88,064 Template\Designs\brnmrbl.pot
07-20-1995  6:12:00p ----       105,648 Winword\Macrode.exe
07-20-1995  3:04:58p ----     1,505,984 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Graph5.exe
                39 Files      4,508,566 bytes


OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Graph5.exe : Starts in cabinet MSOFF4.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 4'
07-20-1995  6:38:20p ----       123,184 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Grintl.dll
07-20-1995  6:37:30p ----         9,904 OS\System\Scp.dll
07-20-1995  6:37:34p ----       102,032 OS\System\Sdm.dll
07-20-1995  6:36:40p ----        57,344 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Gren50.olb
07-20-1995  6:39:34p ----       501,176 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Msgraph.hlp
07-20-1995  6:56:54p ----         4,987 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Graph5.reg
07-20-1995  5:29:58p ----             0 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Msgraph.gid
07-20-1995  1:59:50p ----             0 OS\MSAPPS\Msgraph5\Msgraph.fts
07-20-1995 12:05:22p ----        17,408 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\_msimp32.dll
07-20-1995 10:22:24a ----         8,704 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\mscthunk.dll
07-20-1995  9:54:42p ----        36,464 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\_ixls.dll
07-20-1995  9:54:42p ----        20,800 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\_xxls.dll
07-20-1995  8:36:18a ----       143,360 OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Mssp232.dll
07-20-1995  2:59:16p ----       208,084 OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Mssp2_en.lex
07-20-1995 12:02:54p ----        29,696 Winword\Hyph32.dll
07-20-1995  6:11:06p ----        45,568 Winword\Hy_en.lex
07-20-1995 12:02:30p ----       385,536 Winword\Gram32.dll
07-20-1995  6:11:06p ----     1,193,398 Winword\Gr_am.lex
                18 Files      2,887,645 bytes


Winword\Gr_am.lex : Starts in cabinet MSOFF5.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 5'
07-20-1995 12:02:42p ----        19,456 OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Msth32.dll
07-20-1995 11:41:18a ----       670,477 OS\MSAPPS\Proof\Msth_am.lex
07-20-1995  6:54:10p ----        18,944 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:10p ----        16,896 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:10p ----        18,944 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        16,896 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        17,920 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        17,408 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        18,432 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        18,432 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        19,456 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        16,896 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        17,920 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        21,504 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        18,432 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        18,944 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:54:12p ----        19,968 Winword\Letters\
07-20-1995  2:21:52p ----       560,640 OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.exe
07-20-1995  6:39:54p ----       145,820 OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.hlp
07-20-1995  6:29:08p ----         2,921 OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.cnt
07-20-1995 11:53:26p ----         2,699 OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.reg
07-20-1995  5:17:30p ----             0 OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.gid
07-20-1995  1:59:04p ----             0 OS\MSAPPS\Equation\Eqnedt32.fts
07-20-1995  1:39:46p ----         7,656 OS\Fonts\Mtextra.ttf
07-20-1995  5:20:42p ----        71,168 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  6:40:32p ----        51,200 Template\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:40:32p ----        42,496 Template\Letters\
07-20-1995  7:08:10p ----        36,352 Template\Memos\
07-20-1995  6:39:24p ----        54,784 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  6:39:24p ----        53,760 Template\Reports\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        34,304 Template\Other\
07-20-1995  5:20:42p ----        30,208 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        32,256 Template\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        32,256 Template\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        32,256 Template\Memos\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        29,696 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        38,912 Template\Reports\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        30,208 Template\Other\
07-20-1995  5:20:42p ----        61,952 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  9:19:36p ----       211,968 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        31,232 Template\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        32,256 Template\Letters\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        31,744 Template\Memos\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        38,400 Template\Reports\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        31,232 Template\Other\
07-20-1995  6:39:26p ----        33,280 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  5:20:42p ----        39,936 Template\Pub\
07-20-1995  1:21:36p ----        59,392 Template\Other\
07-20-1995  1:21:36p ----        69,120 Template\Other\
07-20-1995  1:21:36p ----        67,072 Template\Other\
07-20-1995 11:56:34a ----        62,016 OS\Fonts\Arialn.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:02p ----        59,776 OS\Fonts\Antqua.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:02p ----        62,332 OS\Fonts\Antquabi.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:02p ----        62,828 OS\Fonts\Antquab.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:02p ----        57,960 OS\Fonts\Antquai.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:02p ----        64,544 OS\Fonts\Bookos.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:02p ----        69,244 OS\Fonts\Bookosbi.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        68,216 OS\Fonts\Bookosb.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:04p ----        65,564 OS\Fonts\Bookosi.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        61,280 OS\Fonts\gothic.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:10p ----        66,420 OS\Fonts\Schlbk.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:14p ----        69,056 OS\Fonts\Schlbkbi.ttf
                62 Files      3,733,337 bytes


OS\Fonts\Schlbkbi.ttf : Starts in cabinet MSOFF6.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 6'
07-20-1995  2:57:14p ----        69,632 OS\Fonts\Schlbkb.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:16p ----        68,792 OS\Fonts\Schlbki.ttf
07-20-1995  2:57:06p ----        76,920 OS\Fonts\Mtsorts.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        69,496 OS\Fonts\Alger.ttf
07-20-1995 11:57:58a ----        47,700 OS\Fonts\Ariblk.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        33,956 OS\Fonts\Bragga.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        35,360 OS\Fonts\Britanic.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        45,728 OS\Fonts\Brushsci.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        49,288 OS\Fonts\Colonna.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        54,468 OS\Fonts\Desdemon.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        78,096 OS\Fonts\Ftltlt.ttf
07-20-1995 11:57:58a ----        81,580 OS\Fonts\Gara.ttf
07-20-1995 11:57:58a ----        85,436 OS\Fonts\Garabd.ttf
07-20-1995 11:57:58a ----        85,608 OS\Fonts\Garait.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:48p ----        56,936 OS\Fonts\Impact.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:48p ----        28,872 OS\Fonts\Kino.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:48p ----        46,044 OS\Fonts\Maturasc.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:48p ----        40,528 OS\Fonts\Playbill.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:48p ----        39,188 OS\Fonts\Latinwd.ttf
07-20-1995  6:15:46p ----        39,960 OS\Fonts\Arlrdbd.ttf
07-20-1995  2:07:24p ----       137,728 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Excel32.cnv
07-20-1995  2:26:06p ----       109,568 Winword\Lotus32.cnv
07-20-1995  9:52:34a ----       189,952 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Macwrd32.cnv
07-20-1995  3:04:56p ----         2,234 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Rtf_mw5.txt
07-20-1995  5:56:40p ----       214,016 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Doswrd32.cnv
07-20-1995  3:04:56p ----         3,386 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Rtf_pcw.txt
07-20-1995  4:59:20p ----       166,400 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Rftdca32.cnv
07-20-1995  3:04:56p ----         1,911 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Rtf_dca.txt
07-20-1995  2:26:26p ----       183,808 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Wnwrd232.cnv
07-20-1995  4:57:18p ----       143,360 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Mswrd632.cnv
07-20-1995  4:17:42p ----       395,264 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Wpft532.cnv
07-20-1995 12:11:10p ----       102,912 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Wpequ532.dll
07-20-1995  3:04:58p ----         5,528 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Rtf_wp5.txt
07-20-1995  1:52:38p ----        77,824 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Write32.cnv
07-20-1995  7:00:30p ----       189,440 Winword\Txtlyt32.cnv
07-20-1995  4:17:30p ----       222,720 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Wpft632.cnv
07-20-1995  1:42:06p ----        80,008 OS\Fonts\Linedraw.ttf
07-20-1995  7:45:08p ----           586 OS\Mstxtcnv.ini
07-20-1995  2:07:30p ----       118,272 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Works332.cnv
07-20-1995  2:07:32p ----       122,368 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Works432.cnv
07-20-1995  4:45:16p ----       274,432 OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Wrdstr32.cnv
                41 Files      3,875,305 bytes


OS\MSAPPS\Textconv\Wrdstr32.cnv : Starts in cabinet MSOFF7.CAB on disk
 'Microsoft Office Setup: Disk 7'
07-20-1995  8:08:22p ----       280,576 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Dxfimp32.flt
07-20-1995  9:26:22a ----        26,624 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Gifimp32.flt
07-20-1995 11:42:04a ----        35,840 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Msgif32.dll
07-20-1995  2:55:38p ----         1,087 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.gif
07-20-1995 10:43:16a ----        54,784 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Cgmimp32.flt
07-20-1995  6:28:48p ----         1,586 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.cgm
07-20-1995 10:20:10a ----       138,240 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Cdrimp32.flt
07-20-1995  8:10:30p ----        68,608 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Wpgexp32.flt
07-20-1995  3:56:48p ----       146,944 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Wpgimp32.flt
07-20-1995 11:01:56a ----         1,372 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.wpg
07-20-1995  8:08:34p ----        30,208 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Epsimp32.flt
07-20-1995  4:31:08p ----        12,274 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.eps
07-20-1995  8:08:50p ----       243,712 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Hpglim32.flt
07-20-1995 11:54:44a ----        45,568 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Pcdimp32.flt
07-20-1995 11:41:40a ----        25,600 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Mspcd32.dll
07-20-1995 12:09:28p ----       116,736 OS\System\Pcdlib32.dll
07-20-1995  3:17:00p ----        48,128 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Pictim32.flt
07-20-1995  2:55:38p ----         3,064 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.pct
07-20-1995  8:08:16p ----       265,728 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Drwimp32.flt
07-20-1995  2:55:38p ----         3,615 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.drw
07-20-1995  4:06:24p ----        26,624 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Pcximp32.flt
07-20-1995  4:05:06p ----        32,256 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Mspcx32.dll
07-20-1995  2:55:38p ----         1,461 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.pcx
07-20-1995  1:42:38p ----        29,696 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Tiffim32.flt
07-20-1995 10:29:54a ----        69,120 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Mstiff32.dll
07-20-1995  2:55:38p ----         2,054 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Ms.tif
07-20-1995  4:06:26p ----        26,624 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Tgaimp32.flt
07-20-1995  4:05:06p ----        32,768 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Mstga32.dll
07-20-1995  4:05:00p ----        38,912 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Msbmp32.dll
07-20-1995  4:06:18p ----        26,624 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Bmpimp32.flt
07-20-1995 10:39:06a ----        13,312 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Wmfimp32.flt
07-20-1995  4:06:22p ----        26,624 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Jpegim32.flt
07-20-1995  4:05:02p ----       104,448 OS\MSAPPS\Grphflt\Msjpeg32.dll
07-20-1995  6:05:40p ----        45,056 Template\Present\Badnews.pot
07-20-1995  6:05:44p ----        65,024 Template\Present\General.pot
07-20-1995  6:05:48p ----        49,152 Template\Present\Progress.pot
07-20-1995  6:05:50p ----        64,512 Template\Present\Selling.pot
07-20-1995  6:05:52p ----        41,984 Template\Present\Strategy.pot
07-20-1995  6:05:52p ----        44,544 Template\Present\Training.pot
07-20-1995 10:52:08a ----       142,848 Template\Other\Agenda.wiz
07-20-1995 10:52:10a ----       633,344 Template\Other\Award.wiz
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07-20-1995 10:34:30p ----       110,080 Template\Pub\Newslttr.wiz
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07-20-1995  6:05:50p ----        73,728 Template\Present\Sellingx.pot
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07-20-1995  2:33:08a ----       647,908 OS\MSAPPS\Vba\Vbaen.hlp
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07-20-1995  2:33:58a ----     4,828,160 Excel\Excel.exe
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Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/17/2005