When you type text, the TAB and BACKSPACE keys function as they normally
do, that is, the TAB key will insert a tab character, and the BACKSPACE key
will delete the previous character. However, when you edit and reformat the
document, the TAB and BACKSPACE keys will apply indent paragraph formatting
in .5-inch increments.
For example, consider a document containing the following paragraph:
Scotland: A constituent country of the United Kingdom comprising the
northern part of the island of Great Britain and the Hebrides, Shetland
Islands, and Orkney Islands. Inhabited by Picts in prehistoric times,
the region was invaded but never conquered by the Romans and split into
a variety of small kingdoms after the fifth century A.D.*
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third
Edition copyright 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic
version licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. All rights
If you have "Use Tab and Backspace Keys to set Left Indent" selected and
you press the TAB key before you type the text "Scotland: A
constituent...," the TAB key will act as it normally does--a tab character
is inserted at beginning of the paragraph.
However, if you first type the paragraph, then place the insertion point
before the first character in the paragraph, and press TAB, the TAB key
will insert a first-line indent. To remove the first-line indent, press the
To increase the left indent of the paragraph while maintaining the first-
line indent, type your paragraph, move the insertion point to the beginning
of the paragraph and press TAB two or more times. Each time you press TAB,
the paragraph is indented an additional .5 inch. When you press the
BACKSPACE key, the first-line indent is removed first. As you press the
BACKSPACE key additional times, you decrease the paragraph indentation.
To increase the left indent of the paragraph without increasing the first-
line indent, place your insertion point at the beginning of the second or
subsequent line on the left margin of the paragraph. To decrease the
indent, press the BACKSPACE key.
Remember, if you place the insertion point at the beginning of the first
line, you will get a first-line indent when you press the TAB key. If you
place the insertion point before the second or subsequent line in the
paragraph, you will get a left indent. When the paragraph contains a first
line indent, the BACKSPACE key removes the first line indent before it
decreases the left indent.