You may experience one or more of the following problems with Microsoft
Print Agent for NetWare Networks (MSPSRV):
Wrong Font Size Used on Print Server Tab in Printer Properties
When you click the Print Server tab in the Printer Properties dialog box,
the text extends beyond the border of the dialog box. The dialog box is
still usable.
Error Message: Could Not Enumerate Print Servers on this Server
When you click "Enable Microsoft Print Server for NetWare," you receive
the following error message:
Could not enumerate print servers on this server.
When you receive this error message, you are automatically logged off the
NetWare server and your NetWare connections are lost. You must restart
Windows 95 and log on again to restore your connections.
Cannot Activate Print Server List Box
In order to activate the Print Server list box, you must click the NetWare
Server list box and then click your NetWare server. You must do this even
if the appropriate NetWare server appears in the box.
Preferred Server Listed Twice in Network Neighborhood
MSPSRV causes the server on which the print queue resides to appear in
Network Neighborhood. If this is also your preferred server, you may see
it listed in Network Neighborhood twice.
You are Prompted for Password to NetWare Server
Each time you access a NetWare server, you are asked for the password.
This occurs even when you are already logged on to the NetWare server.
Lost Connection to NetWare Server When Printing
If MSPSRV is enabled and you send multiple print jobs to a NetWare print
server, you lose the connection to the NetWare server.
Wrong Form Printed
All print jobs sent to a NetWare server print queue revert to form zero,
even if a different form number or name is used.
For additional information about this problem, please see the following
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
148904 NetWare Print Jobs Always Use Form Zero
Must Restart Computer After Enabling or Disabling MSPSRV
After you enable or disable MSPSRV, you must restart your computer.
Not All NetWare Print Servers Enumerated
A Windows 95-based workstation with MSPSRV enabled may not enumerate all
of the NetWare print servers on the list.