Before you install Windows NT version 3.51 or V4.0 on Digital Equipment
Corporation (DEC) Alpha AXP family computers, you must upgrade the firmware
to the latest version.
Documentation for the DEC Alpha AXP family computers and the firmware
recommended for use with Windows NT version 3.51 and v4.0 is available from
the following URL and electronic services:
- CompuServe: Go to Library section 4 (Hardware Support) in the DEC4WNT forum.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP): Connect to Gatekeeper.DEC.COM and go to
NOTE: These sections include a README.TXT file.
Alpha AXP Family CompuServe FTP
---------------- ---------- ----------------
DECpc AXP 150, AXP150 V3.5-5
DEC2000 Model 500
Alpha 233 Powergrade AXP233 V4.1-22
AlphaStation 200, AXP200/400 V4.28
AlphaStation 400
AlphaServer 1000 AXP1000 V4.26
AlphaServer 2100 AXP2100 V3.5-30(mp)
For more information, contact DEC Technical Support at (800) 354-9000.
The DEC products discussed here are manufactured by Digital Equipment
Corporation, a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty,
implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.