This article provides information about limitations when converting between
WordPerfect 5.0 or 5.1 for DOS--or WordPerfect 5.1 or 5.2 for Windows--and
Word for Windows, versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0c, Word for Windows NT,
version 6.0, or Word for Windows 95, version 7.0 when using the updated
WordPerfect 5.x converter supplied in the Microsoft Supplemental
WordPerfect Conversion Kit.
The following table lists features that are not completely converted, are
not supported on one product or the other, or that require some comment.
Features that are converted completely are not listed.
Each section covers a group of Word 6.x properties equivalents. The key is
as follows:
Yes: The feature exists in both products, is converted from one product
to the other, and requires some comment.
No: The feature is not completely converted from one product to the
S/C: See the associated comment.
N/S: The feature is not supported in one of the products.
Word WP 5.x
to to
Feature WP 5.x Word Comments
======= ======== ======== ========
Character Formatting:
All caps Yes N/S All caps formatting becomes all
capital letters.
Character No N/S
Hidden Yes N/S Hidden text in Word becomes
WordPerfect Comment text.
Kerning Yes Yes
Strikethrough S/C S/C WordPerfect strikeout becomes
strikethrough formatting in Word;
WordPerfect redlining becomes
revision marking in Word. Word
strikethrough formatting converts
to strikeout in WordPerfect; Word
revision marking converts to
WordPerfect redlining.
Word and N/S No
Paragraph Formatting:
[Center]/ N/S S/C From WordPerfect to Word, Center
[Flsh Rgt] and Flush Right codes convert to
codes center and right-aligned tab
Leading N/S S/C From WordPerfect to Word, only
adjustment/ Secondary Leading Adjustment
baselines (between paragraphs) is
converted; it is converted as
space after paragraph.
First-line Yes Yes First-line indents are created
indents with tabs in WordPerfect.
Page Break Yes N/S Approximated with a page break
Before in WordPerfect.
Space before/ Yes N/S Approximated with blank lines in
after WordPerfect.
Tab leaders S/C Yes Dot tab leaders, minus sign tab
leaders, and underscore tab
leaders are converted to the
same tab leaders in Word. all
other WordPerfect tab leaders
become dot leaders in Word.
Section Formatting:
Margins Yes Yes Word margins are measured from
the paper's edge to body text;
WordPerfect margins are measured
from the edge to the header. The
conversion adjusts the margins
as needed to preserve page
layout. If problems are
experienced with margins (for
example, if they are set outside
the printable range in Word),
choose Page Setup from the File
menu, select the Margins tab,
and click OK. If margins need to
be adjusted, Word will ask to
fix them.
Newspaper Yes Yes
Parallel N/S S/C From WordPerfect to Word,
Columns parallel columns convert to
tables. If a parallel column
layout contains a page-anchored
box, the entire parallel column
converts to newspaper columns.
Tables Yes Yes Vertical merging of cells is not
converted from WordPerfect to
Table No No
Decimal table N/S S/C Converted to right paragraph
cell alignment alignment.
Document Formatting:
Footnotes Yes Yes Footnotes placed at end of
sections in Word are converted
to endnotes since WordPerfect
doesn't have sections.
WordPerfect custom footnote
marks are added to automatic
numbering in Word.
Other Features:
Advance Yes Yes WordPerfect advance codes are
converted to ADVANCE fields in
Word. Advance codes that have
the affect of advancing text
upward on a page cannot be fully
emulated in Word. Absolute
vertical advance in headers is
not converted.
Annotations Yes N/S Annotations become WordPerfect
Comment text.
Equations S/C S/C From Word to WordPerfect,
equation objects are converted
as editable equation boxes.
Equation fields are not
converted from Word to
WordPerfect. From WordPerfect to
Word, equations are converted as
editable equation objects.
Extended Yes S/C Not all of the extended
characters characters that are available in
WordPerfect are converted.
Macros No No
Outlining/ Yes Yes All are converted to SEQUENCE
Paragraph fields by default in Word.
Print merge Yes Yes Word data source documents
commands can be either tab or comma
delimited or in table format to
convert to WordPerfect. Word
automatically converts
WordPerfect secondary files to
Word data source document
format. Conditional print merge
constructs and macros are lost
when converting to Word.
Styles Yes S/C From WordPerfect to Word, styles
containing paragraph formatting
codes convert to paragraph
styles. WordPerfect styles
containing only character
formatting convert to character
styles in Word. Text contained
in a style is converted as
normal text.
Subdocuments Yes S/C WordPerfect master documents
(INCLUDE and subdocuments convert to Word
field) master documents and
subdocuments. Word master
documents and subdocuments
convert to WordPerfect master
documents and subdocuments.
Text Boxes/ Yes Yes Some text boxes and lines
Lines convert to Word drawing layer
objects. Drawing layer objects
are only visible in page layout
view and print preview, and when
printing. Drawing layer objects
will not appear in normal view.
PRIVATE N/S S/C PRIVATE fields are inserted
field codes by the WordPerfect converter to
preserve information needed to
accurately save the document
back to WordPerfect format.
These fields should not be
edited and have no effect on the
*Numbering/Outline features:
WordPerfect's Numbering/Outlining features are converted to SEQ (sequence)
fields in Word by default. To convert WordPerfect's Numbering/Outline
features to Word's paragraph numbering features, follow the steps below:
- From the Windows Program Manager, run File Manager, select the file
Mstxtcnv.ini (located in your Windows directory), and choose Open from
the File menu. The Mstxtcnv.ini file is opened into Windows Notepad.
- In Mstxtcnv.ini, locate the section titled [WordPerfect5Conv]. Add the
following entry on a new line after the last existing entry in the
- Choose Save from the Windows Notepad File menu, and exit Notepad and
File Manager.
Now when you convert WordPerfect 5.x documents, WordPerfect's numbering
features will be converted to Word's numbering features.
Note on Round-Trip Conversions
Converting a document from Word format to WordPerfect format and back again
may cause the loss of some formatting (for example, fonts, justification,
styles, and mail merge) unless you load, paginate, and save the converted
document in WordPerfect before converting back to Word.
The information in this article is derived from the WPCONV.DOC document
that is installed by the Supplemental WordPerfect Conversions Kit in the
Word directory.
For additional information, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
126176 Word 6 WordPerfect Conversion Kit Available