List of Books About Windows NT (130375)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 3.5
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5

This article was previously published under Q130375


This article includes a list of books and reference materials that cover Windows NT.


Title:            Microsoft ODBC 2.0 Programmer's Reference & SDK Guide:
                  For Microsoft Windows & Windows NT
Author:           Microsoft Corporation Staff
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 05/1994 (940501)
ISBN:             1-55615-658-8

Title:            Inside the Windows NT File System
Author:           Custer, Helen
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 06/1994 (940601)
ISBN:             1-55615-660-X

Title:            Networking with Windows NT
Author:           Columbus, Louis
Series:           Advanced Ser.
Publisher:        Wordware Pub
Publication Date: 04/1994 (940401)
Edition:          Original Edition
Number of Pages:  280p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $24.95
ISBN:             1-55622-421-4

Title:            Show-Stopper: The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT &
                  the Next Generation at Microsoft
Author:           Zachary, G. Pascal
Publisher:        Free Pr
Publication Date: 06/1994 (940601)
Binding/Cost:     Text ed. $22.95
ISBN:             0-02-935671-7

Title:            Windows NT Network Programming: How to Survive in a
                  Thirty-Two Bit Networking World
Author:           Davis, Ralph
Publisher:        Addison-Wesley
Publication Date: 06/1994 (940601)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95 includes disk
ISBN:             0-201-62278-5

Title:            Networking NT: Using Windows NT in the Corporate LAN
Author:           Monro, Christopher
Publisher:        Van Nos Reinhold
Publication Date: 03/1994 (940301)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             0-442-01829-0

Title:            Windows NT: A Practical Guide
Author:           Tennick, Arthur
Publisher:        Buttrwrth-Heinemann
Publication Date: 01/1994 (940101)
Number of Pages:  350p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $24.95
ISBN:             0-7506-0852-8

Title:            Win32 System Services: The Heart of Windows NT
Author:           Brain, Marshall
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 04/1994 (940401)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $50.00
ISBN:             0-13-097825-6

Title:            Network Remote Procedure Calls: Windows NT, Windows, DOS
Author:           Eddon, Guy
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 11/1993 (931101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $30.00
ISBN:             0-13-100223-6

Title:            Windows NT Administration: Single Systems to
                  Heterogeneous Networks
Author:           Brain, Marshall
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 10/1993 (931001)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $40.00
ISBN:             0-13-176694-5

Title:            Peter Norton's Window NT: Tips & Tricks
Author:           Norton, Peter; Kent, Peter
Publisher:        Random
Publication Date: 1993
Number of Pages:  414p.
Binding/Cost:     Trade $27.00
ISBN:             0-679-79200-7

Title:            Windows NT Advanced Server: Lan Manager for NT
Author:           Spencer, Kenneth
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 06/1994 (940601)
Edition:          1st ed.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $30.00
ISBN:             0-13-107046-0

Title:            Mastering Windows NT
Author:           Simpson, Alan
Publisher:        Sybex
Publication Date: 05/1993 (930501)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.99
ISBN:             0-7821-1352-4

Title:            Networking Windows NT
Author:           Ruley, John D.
Publisher:        Wiley
Publication Date: 11/1993 (931101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $27.95
ISBN:             0-471-31072-7

Title:            Borland C Plus Plus X.0 Programming for Windows &
                  Windows NT
Author:           Yao, Paul
Series:           Borland Press Ser.
Publisher:        Random
Publication Date: 01/1994 (940101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $34.00
ISBN:             0-679-75146-7

Title:            Cross-Platform Power Tools: Application Development for
                  the Macintosh, Windows, & Windows NT
Author:           Petrucci, Steven J.
Publisher:        Random
Publication Date: 12/1993 (931201)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $45.00
ISBN:             0-679-79147-7

Title:            OS - 2 2.X vs. Windows NT
Author:           Computer Technology Research Corp. Staff
Publisher:        Computer Tech Res
Publication Date: 1994 (940101)
Edition:          Origional Edition
Number of Pages:  140p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $180.00 technical report
ISBN:             1-56607-021-X

Title:            Microsoft Windows NT Step by Step
Author:           Catapult Inc. Staff
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 10/1993 (931001)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             1-55615-573-5

Title:            Optimizing Windows NT
Author:           Blake, Russ
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 10/1993 (931001)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $34.95
ISBN:             1-55615-619-7

Title:            Programming Windows NT with C & C
Author:           Andrews, Mark
Publisher:        MIS Press
Publication Date: 11/1993 (931101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             1-55828-300-5

Title:            Windows NT Power Tools
Author:           Leblond Group Staff
Publisher:        Random
Publication Date: 07/1993 (930701)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $50.00 includes disk
ISBN:             0-679-79142-6

Title:            Windows NT
Author:           Goodman, Kevin
Publisher:        M&T Bks
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95 includes disk
ISBN:             1-55851-306-X

Title:            Migrating to Windows NT
Author:           Kennedy, Randall C.
Publisher:        Brady Compu Bks
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $26.95
ISBN:             1-56686-103-9

Title:            Practical Guide to Windows NT
Author:           Spencer, Kenneth L.; Schoeniger, Eric-Editor
Publisher:        CBM Bks
Publication Date: 1994 (940101)
Edition:          Origional Edition
Number of Pages:  224p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $25.00
ISBN:             1-878956-39-6

Title:            Help Windows NT 3.1
Author:           Ezzell, Ben
Publisher:        Ziff-Davis
Publication Date: 10/1993 (931001)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             1-56276-151-X

Title:            Mastering Windows NT Programming
Author:           Myers, Brian; Hamer, E.
Publisher:        Sybex
Publication Date: 08/1993 (930801)
Number of Pages:  1236p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $44.99 includes disk
ISBN:             0-7821-1264-1

Title:            Distributing Applications across DCE & Windows NT
Author:           DCE Staff; Rosenberry, Ward; Teague, Jim
Publisher:        OReilly & Assocs
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Number of Pages:  300p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $25.00
ISBN:             1-56592-047-3

Title:            Windows NT Programming: An Introduction Using C Plus Plus
Author:           Brain, Marshall; Campbell, Kelly
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 01/1994 (940101)
Binding/Cost:     Trade - write for info.
ISBN:             0-13-097833-7

Title:            Using Windows NT: The Essentials for Professionals
Author:           Brain, Marshall; Campbell, Kelly
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 01/1994 (940101)
Binding/Cost:     Trade - write for info.
ISBN:             0-13-091977-2

Title:            Windows NT
Author:           Schwartz, Karl
Publisher:        DDC Pub
Publication Date: 06/1993 (930601)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $8.95
ISBN:             1-56243-114-5

Title:            Advanced Windows NT
Author:           Richter, Jeffrey
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 10/1993 (931001)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95
ISBN:             1-55615-567-0

Title:            Running Windows NT
Author:           Stinson, Craig
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 08/1993 (930801)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $27.95
ISBN:             1-55615-572-7

Title:            Microsoft Windows NT Resource Guide
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 08/1993 (930801)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $49.95 includes disks
ISBN:             1-55615-598-0

Title:            Microsoft Windows NT Messages Reference
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95 includes disks
ISBN:             1-55615-600-6

Title:            Microsoft Windows NT TCP-IP Guide
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 07/1993 (930701)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $19.95
ISBN:             1-55615-601-4

Title:            Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit
Volume:           Four volumes
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $99.99 incl. 6 disks & CD-ROM
ISBN:             1-55615-602-2

Title:            Windows NT Client-Server Developer's Guide
Author:           Clark, Jeffrey D.
Publisher:        Sams
Publication Date: 1994 (940101)
Number of Pages:  800p.
Binding/Cost:     Trade $39.95
ISBN:             0-672-30302-7

Title:            Multitask Windows NT
Author:           Powell, Joel
Publisher:        Waite Group Pr
Publication Date: 10/1993 (931001)
Edition:          Origional Edition
Number of Pages:  550p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $34.95 includes disk
ISBN:             1-878739-57-3

Title:            Windows NT Unleashed
Author:           Cowart, Mark
Publisher:        Sams
Publication Date: 1994 (940101)
Number of Pages:  1100p.
Binding/Cost:     Trade $39.95 incl. CD ROM
ISBN:             0-672-30380-9

Title:            Voodoo Windows NT: Tips & Tricks with an Attitude
Author:           Feldman, Len
Publisher:        Ventana Pr
Publication Date: 04/1994 (940401)
Number of Pages:  385p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $24.95
ISBN:             1-56604-069-8

Title:            Windows NT in a Day
Author:           Knox, Weber
Publisher:        Weber Systems
Publication Date: 01/1994 (940101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $27.95
ISBN:             0-929704-25-8

Title:            Customizing & Optimizing Windows NT
Author:           Pappas, Chris H.; Murray, William H.
Publisher:        Addison-Wesley
Publication Date: 01/1993 (930101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $26.95
ISBN:             0-201-62624-1

Title:            Learn Windows NT In a Day
Author:           Columbus, Louis
Series:           Popular Application Ser.
Publisher:        Wordware Pub
Publication Date: 06/1993 (930601)
Edition:          Origional Edition
Number of Pages:  128p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $14.95
ISBN:             1-55622-365-X

Title:            NT: A Strategic Review
Author:           Leach, Cliff
Publisher:        P-H
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Number of Pages:  400p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $40.00
ISBN:             0-13-045261-0

Title:            Van Wolverton's Guide to Windows NT: Easy Directions for
                  Immediate Results
Author:           Van Wolverton
Publisher:        Random
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $16.00
ISBN:             0-685-66618-2

Title:            Seven Keys to Learning Windows NT
Author:           Houlette, Forrest
Publisher:        New Riders Pub
Publication Date: 06/1993 (930601)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $12.95
ISBN:             1-56205-156-3

Title:            Windows NT Instant Reference
Author:           Powell, James E.
Publisher:        Sybex
Publication Date: 09/1993 (930901)
Number of Pages:  377p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $12.95
ISBN:             0-7821-1219-6

Title:            Windows NT Answer Book
Author:           Groves, James A.
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 04/1993 (930401)
Binding/Cost:     Trade - write for info.
ISBN:             1-55615-562-X

Title:            Windows NT SECRETS
Author:           Livingston, Brian
Publisher:        IDG Bks
Publication Date: Date not set Postponed
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95
ISBN:             1-878058-71-1

Title:            Windows NT Developers Treasure Chest
Author:           McCord, James
Publisher:        Sams
Publication Date: 03/1993 (930301)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $49.95 includes disk
ISBN:             0-672-30294-2

Title:            Moving into Windows NT Programming
Author:           Leavens, Alex
Publisher:        Sams
Publication Date: 05/1993 (930501)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95 includes disk
ISBN:             0-672-30295-0

Title:            Windows NT:
Author:           Feldman, Leonard
Publisher:        Sams
Publication Date: 03/1993 (930301)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $22.95
ISBN:             0-672-30298-5

Title:            Windows NT Companion
Author:           Borland, Russell
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 06/1993 (930601)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $27.95
ISBN:             1-55615-554-9

Title:            Windows NT 3.1 Programming
Author:           Ezzell, Ben
Publisher:        Ziff-Davis
Publication Date: 06/1993 (930601)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $34.95 includes disk
ISBN:             1-56276-112-9

Title:            Windows NT 3.1 Graphics Programming
Author:           Ezell, Ben
Publisher:        Ziff-Davis
Publication Date: 07/1993 (930701)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $34.95 includes disk
ISBN:             1-56276-113-7

Title:            Teach Yourself. Windows NT
Author:           Rao, Hy
Publisher:        MIS Press
Publication Date: 07/1993 (930701)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $21.95
ISBN:             1-55828-269-6

Title:            Windows NT: Microsoft's New Operating System Strategy
Author:           Varhol, Peter D.
Publisher:        Computer Tech Res
Publication Date: 02/1993 (930201)
Edition:          Origional Edition
Number of Pages:  150p.
Binding/Cost:     Trade $190.00
ISBN:             1-56607-007-4

Title:            PC Magazine Windows NT Networking
Author:           Derfler, Frank
Publisher:        Ziff-Davis
Publication Date: 02/1993 (930201)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             1-56276-114-5

Title:            Using Windows NT:
Author:           Que Development Group Staff; Columbus; Eidoson; Woeher;
                  Person, James E.,Jr.
Publisher:        Que
Publication Date: 05/1993 (930501)
Number of Pages:  1000p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             1-56529-101-8

Title:            Ultimate Windows NT
Author:           New Riders Development Staff
Publisher:        New Riders Pub
Publication Date: 01/1993 (930101)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95 includes disk
ISBN:             1-56205-135-0

Title:            Inside Windows NT
Author:           Stoddard Staff
Publisher:        New Riders Pub
Publication Date: 08/1993 (930801)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $34.95
ISBN:             1-56205-124-5

Title:            MicroSoft LAN Manager for Windows NT
Author:           MicroSoft Staff
Publisher:        Microsoft
Publication Date: 02/1993 (930201)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $39.95
ISBN:             1-55615-543-3

Title:            Application Programming for Windows NT
Author:           Murray, William H.,III
Publisher:        Osborne-McGraw
Publication Date: 05/1993 (930501)
Binding/Cost:     Text ed. $39.95
ISBN:             0-07-881933-4

Title:            Windows NT: Programming Handbook
Author:           Schildt, Herbert
Publisher:        Osborne-McGraw
Publication Date: 04/1993 (930401)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $29.95
ISBN:             0-07-881873-7

Title:            Windows NT: The Complete Reference
Author:           Wyatt, Allen L.,Sr.
Publisher:        Osborne-McGraw
Publication Date: 06/1993 (930601)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $29.95
ISBN:             0-07-881832-X

Title:            Windows NT Inside & Out
Author:           Sheldon, Thomas
Publisher:        Osborne-McGraw
Publication Date: 07/1993 (930701)
Binding/Cost:     Paper, text ed. $27.95
ISBN:             0-07-881826-5

Title:            Microsoft Foundation Class Primer: Programming
                  Windows & Windows NT with MFC
Author:           Conger, Jim
Publisher:        Waite Group Pr
Publication Date: 03/1993 (930301)
Edition:          Origional Edition
Number of Pages:  760p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $29.95
ISBN:             1-878739-31-X

Title:            Windows NT: Making the Move
Author:           Forney, Jim
Publisher:        TAB Bks
Publication Date: 02/1993 (930201)
Number of Pages:  464p.
Binding/Cost:     Paper, $24.95
ISBN:             0-8306-4391-5

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/15/2003