How to Build 16- or 32-bit DRVSETUP.EXE by Using Visual C++ (128224)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 1.51
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 1.52
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 1.52b
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 1.52c
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2.0
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2.1
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2.2

This article was previously published under Q128224


This article gives you step-by-step instructions for building a 16- or 32-bit DRVSETUP.EXE by using Visual C++.

NOTE: When DRVSETUP.EXE is built by BUILD.BAT and makefile under \ODBCSDK\DRVSETUP.KIT, 3d controls inside dialog boxes don't work. Buttons are not displayed in the right positions. You can overcome this problem by using Visual C++ Workbench and App Studio.


To build a 16-bit DRVSETUP.EXE using Visual C++ version 1.5x:

  2. Launch App Studio. Open DRVSETUP.RC, and choose Save as from the File menu, save the file as type "Resource Files(*.res)"; and then open DRVSETUP.RES, choose Save as from the File menu, save the file as type "Resource Scripts(*.rc)". A dialog box will pop up and ask you whether or not to overwrite the old version of resource file; click OK.
  3. Launch Visual Workbench.
  4. From the Project menu, choose New to create a project named drvsetup. Add DRVSETUP.C, DRVSETUP.DEF, and DRVSETUP.RC to the project.
  5. From the Options menu, choose Project, and select Linker. Add odbcinst and ctl3ds to Input Libraries.
  6. From the Options menu, choose Directories, and add C:\ODBCSDK\INCLUDE to the beginning of the Include File Path and C:\ODBCSDK\LIB to the beginning of Library Files Path.
  7. From the Project menu, choose Build DRVSETUP.EXE.
To build a 32-bit DRVSETUP.EXE using Visual C++ version 2.x:

  2. Open DRVSETUP.RC and choose Save as from the File menu, save the file as type "Resource Files(*.res)"; and then open DRVSETUP.RES, choose Save as from the File menu, save the file as type "Resource Scripts(*.rc)". A dialog box will pop up and ask you whether or not to overwrite the old version of resource files. Click OK.
  3. From the File menu, choose to create a new project and name it drvsetup, setting the Project Type to Application.
  4. From the Project menu, choose Settings and then Link. Add ODBCCP32.LIB and CTL3D32S.LIB to the Object/Library Modules;
  5. From the Tools menu, choose Options and then Directories. Add C:\ODBCSDK\INCLUDE to the beginning of the Include Files path and C:\ODBCSDK\LIB32 to the beginning of the Library Files path.
  6. From the Project menu, choose Build, and build DRVSETUP.EXE.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:12/1/2003
Keywords:kbDatabase KB128224