Windows Sound System 2.0 DEINSTAL.TXT Contents (127793)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Windows Sound System 2.0

This article was previously published under Q127793


This article contains a copy of the text in the DEINSTAL.TXT file that is included on Disk 1 of the Microsoft Windows Sound System version 2.0.


Contents of the DEINSTAL.TXT File

To remove Microsoft Windows Sound System, you must remove the Windows Sound System files, initialization file entries, and backup files. You may also have to modify the Windows Registration Database.

Before you remove files and file entries, remove the program groups used by Windows Sound System. The default program group name for Windows Sound System programs is Windows Sound System. If you have created program groups with user names for Voice Pilot, remove them also. If you have added any Windows Sound System applications to your Windows Startup group, remove those programs from the Startup group.

Next, exit Microsoft Windows. In Microsoft MS-DOS, remove the files listed and make the changes noted. Do not attempt to remove files in Windows.

NOTE: Because of the broad range of installations and uses of the Windows Sound System, not all files will be installed on all computers. In addition, not all files will be installed in the directories noted. For example, when Windows Sound System is installed on a computer that is running from a shared Windows installation on a remote network drive, all the files noted as contained in the Windows System directory are actually located in the local Windows directory.


To remove the Windows Sound System files:

  1. From the Windows directory (for example, from C:\WINDOWS), remove:
            SNDSYS.HLP     (Windows Sound System sound board only)
            WSSSB16.HLP    (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16 ASP
                            audio hardware only)
            WSSSBPRO.HLP   (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio hardware
            AUDDRIVE.HLP   (ESS audio hardware only)
    CAUTION: The files MCIPLAY.EXE and MCIOLE.DLL may be used by other applications. Removing these files could hinder these applications' proper functioning.

  2. From the Windows System directory (for example, from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM), remove:
            SNDSYS.DRV     (Windows Sound System sound board only)
            VSNDSYS.386    (Windows Sound System sound board only)
            MVMIXER.DRV    (Media Vision audio hardware only)
            MVPROAUD.DRV   (Media Vision audio hardware only)
            OPL3.DRV       (Media Vision audio hardware only)
            VPASD.386      (Media Vision audio hardware only)
            AUDDRIVE.DRV   (ESS audio hardware only)
            VAUDRV.386     (ESS audio hardware only)
            WSSSB16.386    (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16 ASP audio
                            hardware only)
            WSSSB16.DRV    (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16 ASP audio
                            hardware only)
            WSSSBPRO.386   (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio hardware
            WSSSBPRO.DRV   (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio hardware
            MIDIMAP.CFG    (Original file replaced)
    CAUTION: The files MSACM.DLL, MSACM.DRV, MSADPCM.ACM, IMAADPCM.ACM, CHOO_WIN.HLP, FIL_WIN.HLP, MAP_WIN.HLP, and SNDEVNTS.DRV may be used by other applications. Removing these files could hinder these applications' proper functioning.
  3. If you want to restore your MIDIMAP configuration to the state it was in before you installed Windows Sound System, in the Windows System directory, rename the MIDIMAP.WSS file MIDIMAP.CFG.
  4. From the Windows System directory, remove the following backup file:
            MIDIMAP.WSS    (Backup version of MIDIMAP.CFG)
  5. From the Microsoft Excel directory (for example, from C:\EXCEL), remove:
  6. From the Microsoft Excel Library directory (for example, from C:\EXCEL\LIBRARY), remove:
  7. From the Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows directory (for example, from C:\123WIN), remove:
  8. Remove all of the files and directories from the directory where the Windows Sound System was installed. (The default is C:\SNDSYS.)
In some cases, you may not be able to delete the dictionary (*.DCT) files that are installed with ProofReader because they are read-only files. To delete them, start Windows File Manager, and then select all files with the .DCT extension. Then, from the File menu, choose Delete. File Manager warns you that the files are "system, hidden, or read-only" and provides you with options. Choose Yes.


Now, remove all entries that Windows Sound System made to initialization (.INI) files that were not created by Windows Sound System. All of the initialization files are located in the Windows directory (for example, in C:\WINDOWS). Entries are listed by file and section.

NOTE: Depending on how you installed Windows Sound System and how you use it, some of the entries may not be present in the specified files. In addition, if you did not install Windows Sound System in C:\SNDSYS (the default directory), substitute the full name of the directory in which you installed Windows Sound System for C:\SNDSYS in the following entries.

       File:    123W.INI:
       Section: [AUTOLOAD ADDINS]
           123RDR.ADW=C:\SNDSYS, 1, 0, 0
  2.    File:    123R4.INI:
       Section: [AUTOLOAD ADDINS]
           123RDR.ADW=C:\SNDSYS, 1, 0, 0
  3. File: CONTROL.INI:
    NOTE: CONTROL.WSS is a copy of your CONTROL.INI file as it appeared before it was modified by the Windows Sound System.
       Section: [drivers.desc]
           sndsys.drv=Microsoft Windows Sound System
           msacm.drv=Microsoft Sound Mapper
           ts_soft.acm=DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Software CODEC
           SndEvnts.drv=SoundBits Events Driver
           imaadpcm.acm=Microsoft ACM IMA ADPCM Audio CODEC
           msadpcm.acm=Microsoft ADPCM Audio CODEC
    NOTE: If you have Microsoft SoundBits(TM) installed on your system, do not delete the entry for SndEvnts.drv. Some other applications may use ACM. Removing the entries for msacm.drv, imaadpcm.acm, and msadpcm.acm could hinder these applications' proper functioning.

    Section: [SoundSchemes]
    Entries: ALL

    NOTE: If you have Microsoft SoundBits installed on your system, do not delete the entries for Musical Sounds, Hanna Barbera, Hollywood Movies, or Your Old Scheme.

    Section: [SoundScheme.Nature] Entries: ALL

    Section: [SoundScheme.Sci-Fi] Entries: ALL

  4. File: WIN.INI
        Section: [Extensions]
        Section: [Embedding]
    NOTE: To restore Sound Recorder as the OLE server for sound objects, replace C:\SNDSYS\QRECORD.EXE with SOUNDREC.EXE. You can also choose the OLE server for sound objects from the Windows Sound System Setup program.
        Section: [sounds]
        Entries: If any system events point to Windows Sound System
            sound files, remove the location and name of those
            files. You can either replace them with other sound
            filenames or change them to point to <none> and use
            the Sound Control Panel to assign other sounds to these
            events.  Also remove all entries that point to Voice
            Pilot sounds.  Those entries begin with "VPT" or "VPV."
  5. File: SYSTEM.INI

    NOTE: SYSTEM.WSS is a copy of your SYSTEM.INI file as it appeared before it was modified by Windows Sound System.
        Section: [boot]
           drivers=msmixmgr.dll SndEvnts.drv
    NOTE: Do not delete or modify any other drivers mentioned in the drivers= line in the [boot] section. Do not alter the order of the drivers. If you have Microsoft SoundBits installed on your computer, do not delete the entry for SndEvnts.drv.
        Section: [drivers]
    NOTE: If you have Microsoft SoundBits installed on your system, do not delete the entry for SndEvnts.drv. Because other applications may use ACM, removing the entries for MSACM could hinder these applications' proper functioning.
          wave=SNDSYS.DRV      (Windows Sound System sound board only)
          aux=SNDSYS.DRV       (Windows Sound System sound board only)
          midi=SNDSYS.DRV      (Windows Sound System sound board only)
          mixer=SNDSYS.DRV     (Windows Sound System sound board only)
          WAVE=MVPROAUD.DRV    (Media Vision audio hardware only)
          AUX=MVPROAUD.DRV     (Media Vision audio hardware only)
          MIDI=MVPROAUD.DRV    (Media Vision audio hardware only)
          MIDI1=OPL3.DRV       (Media Vision audio hardware only)
          MIXER=MVMIXER.DRV    (Media Vision audio hardware only)
          wave=AUDDRIVE.DRV    (ESS audio hardware only)
          aux=AUDDRIVE.DRV     (ESS audio hardware only)
          midi=AUDDRIVE.DRV    (ESS audio hardware only)
          mixer=AUDDRIVE.DRV   (ESS audio hardware only)
          wave=WSSSB16.DRV     (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16 ASP
                                  audio hardware only)
          aux=WSSSB16.DRV      (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16 ASP
                                  audio hardware only)
          midi=WSSSB16.DRV     (Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 or 16 ASP
                   audio hardware only)
          mixer=WSSSB16.DRV    (Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 or 16 ASP
                                  audio hardware only)
          wave=WSSSBPRO.DRV    (Creative Labs SoundBlaster Pro audio
                                  hardware only)
          aux=WSSSBPRO.DRV     (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio
                                  hardware only)
          midi=WSSSBPRO.DRV    (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio
                                  hardware only)
          mixer=WSSSBPRO.DRV   (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio
                                  hardware only)
        Section: [mvproaud.drv] (Media Vision audio hardware only)
        Entries: All
        Section: [opl3.drv]     (Media Vision audio hardware only)
        Entries: All
        Section: [auddrive.drv] (ESS audio hardware only)
        Entries: All
        Section: [wsssb16.drv]  (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16 ASP
                  audio hardware only)
        Entries: All
        Section: [wsssbpro.drv] (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio
                                 hardware only)
        Entries: All
        Section: [sndsys.drv]   (Windows Sound System sound board only)
        Entries: All
        Section: [386Enh]
           device=vsndsys.386   (Windows Sound System sound board only)
           device=vpasd.386     (Media Vision audio hardware only)
           device=vaudrv.386    (ESS audio hardware only)
           device=wsssb16.386   (Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 or 16
                  ASP audio hardware only)
           device=wsssbpro.386  (Creative Labs Sound Blaster Pro audio hardware
  6. File: EXCEL4.INI or EXCEL.INI, depending on which version of Microsoft Excel is installed.
        Section: [Microsoft Excel]
           Where # is a digit (0,1,2, etc.)
  7. File: PROGMAN.INI
    WARNING: Make a backup copy of this file before proceeding.
        Section: [Settings]
           Order= #
           Delete the number (#) that refers to the Windows Sound System
           program group number in the [Groups] section entry
        Section: [Groups]
           Where # is a digit (0,1,2, etc.)
  8. File: WINHELP.INI
        Section: [Files]
    NOTE: If Windows Sound System is not installed in C:\SNDSYS, the path to wsspss.hlp will be different. Delete that line.


NOTE: Depending on how you installed Windows Sound System and how you use it, some of the following entries may not be present in the REG.DAT file.

When Windows Sound System was installed, you chose which application to use as the OLE server for sound objects. By default, this application is Quick Recorder; therefore, unless you chose another application, Quick Recorder is registered in the Windows Registration Database as the server for all sound objects.

When you deinstall Windows Sound System, you must replace Quick Recorder as the server for OLE sound objects.

To do this:

  1. From the Program Manager File menu, choose Run.
  2. Type REGEDIT.EXE /V
  3. From the Search menu, choose Find Key.
  4. Type soundrec and press Enter. The entry "SoundRec = Sound" will be selected.
  5. From the Edit menu, choose Delete Key and press OK.
  6. From the File menu, choose Save Changes.
  7. From the File menu, choose Exit.
  8. Repeat steps 1 through 7, substituting SoundFinder for SoundRec in step 4, to delete the entry for Sound Finder.
  9. Now start the application you will be using as your OLE sound server. Normally, this is Windows Sound Recorder, which is in the Accessories group in Program Manager.


From the Windows directory, remove the following backup files:
        CONTROL.WSS    (Backup version of CONTROL.INI)
        SYSTEM.WSS     (Backup version of SYSTEM.INI)
        VOICEPIL.WSS   (Backup version of VOICEPIL.INI)
        WIN.WSS        (Backup version of WIN.INI)
CAUTION: Because you may need these files to restore previous settings, remove these files as the last step in the deinstallation process.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:6/13/2001