SourceSafe 3.0 INI Settings
The following INI settings were not documented in the SourceSafe version
3.0 Concepts and Configuration Manual:
Diff_Context - Indicates how many lines to show before and after a
Syntax: Diff_Context = <n1>
Example: Diff_Context = 3
Indicate_Expandable - Controls whether SourceSafe will put a + or -
character in the folders (Inteface Only):
Syntax: Indicate_Expandable = <Yes|No>
Example: Indicate_Expandable = Yes
Store_Deltas - Indicates whether changes are stored or not:
Syntax: Store_Deltas = <Yes|No>
Example: Store_Deltas = Yes
Update_No_Conflicts - Indicates to SourceSafe to merge with no conflicts:
Syntax: Update_No_Conflicts = <Yes|No>
Example: Update_No_Conflicts = No
Viewer_Font - Sets font attributes for any SourceSafe viewer window:
Syntax: Viewer_Font = <Font face>, <Font size>, <Font weight>,
Example: Viewer_Font = arial, 10
SourceSafe 3.02 INI Settings
The following INI settings were new to version 3.02:
Hist_Rect - Sets coordinates of the History window:
Syntax: Hist_Rect = <x1, y1, x2, y2>
Example: Hist_Rect = 65,61,966,665
Preview_Rect - Sets coordinates of the Preview window:
Syntax: Preview_Rect = <x1, y1, x2, y2>
Example: Preview_Rect = 65,61,966,665
Visual_Diff_ChangeClr - Sets color of Visual Difference Change text:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_ChangeClr = <color string| RGB value>
Example: Visual_Diff_ChangeClr = Green
Visual_Diff_DeleteClr - Sets color of Visual Difference Delete text:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_DeleteClr = <color string| RGB value>
Example: Visual_Diff_DeleteClr = Green
Visual_Diff_InsertClr - Sets color of Visual Difference Insert text:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_InsertClr = <color string| RGB value>
Example: Visual_Diff_InsertClr = Green
Visual_Diff_Rect - Coordinates of a Visual Difference Window:
Syntax: Visual_Diff_Rect = <x1,y1,x2,y2>
Example: Visual_Diff_Rect = 65,61,966,665
Color String Values
The following color-string values were not documented in the SourceSafe 3.0
Concepts and Configuration Manual:
Light Blue
Light Green
Light Cyan
Light Red
Light Magenta
Light Yellow