Use the following steps to resolve the problem:
Windows 3.x
- Make sure that the Midi Mapper is configured for extended MIDI
(Channels 1-10) and that you can play Canyon.mid using Media Player.
If the MIDI mapper icon does not exist in the Control Panel, please
see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
123074 School Bus: MIDI Mapper Does Not Appear in Control Panel
- Check the Midi Mapper's Patch Map Name for an entry such as "Gen
Midi." If there is such a name, change all Patch Map Names to
<NONE>, then exit Midi Mapper and save the changes.
- Run Human Body.
If the program still hangs:
- In Midi Mapper, under Port Name, select Aria Synth for all channels
(1-16), exit Midi Mapper, and save changes.
- Run Human Body.
If it still continues to hang:
- In Midi Mapper, under the Active column, make sure all channels (1-
16) are not checked.
- Exit Midi Mapper and save the changes.
- Run Human Body.
(NOTE: This disables all MIDI sound in Human Body but confirms
whether or not the MIDI configuration is what is causing the
If the problem continues, please contact Aria or your hardware manufacturer
for technical support.
NOTE: For more information about how to perform these tasks using MIDI
Mapper, refer to the documentation that accompanied your sound card.
The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding these products' performance or reliability.