When you try to print a document in Microsoft Windows or Windows for
Workgroups version 3.1 or 3.11 after you upgrade from Windows version 3.0,
you receive the error message:
Error reading spooler temp file
To correct this problem, expand the PRINTMAN.EX_ file from your original
Windows or Windows for Workgroups version 3.1 or 3.11 disks to your Windows
directory using the command
expand <source>:\printman.ex_ <dest>:\<windows>\printman.exe
where <source> is the floppy disk drive containing the original Windows or
Windows for Workgroups disk, <dest> is the hard disk on your computer
containing your Windows directory, and <windows> is the Windows directory.
For example, if the original Windows disk is in drive A and your Windows
directory is called WINDOWS on drive C, use the command:
expand a:\printman.ex_ c:\windows\printman.exe
The PRINTMAN.EX_ file is located on the following disks:
Product/Version 3.5" HD Disk # 5.25" HD Disk #
Windows 3.1 4 4
Windows 3.11 4 5
Windows for Workgroups 3.1 5 7
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 3 5