This article contains information on known errors, corrections, and
comments relating to the Microsoft Press book "Microsoft Excel Visual
Basic for Applications Step by Step," version 5 for the Macintosh.
The following topic is covered:
- Page 103: Unable to Connect to ODBC Database
In addition to a description of the book's problems, this document might
also include sections labeled "Correction" and "Comments." Please note that
the "Correction" section is worded for correcting the book and does not
necessarily address the problem introduced by the book error. The
"Comments" section contains specific information for working around
Page 103: Unable to Connect to ODBC Database
When you try to run the module connected to the Enterprise Information
System (EIS) map buttons, the ODBC drive displays an error message instead
of responding as described in the book. The error message will be similar
to (but may vary from) the following:
Path MACINTOSH HD not found
Driver is not found
On page 101, an additional sentence should be added to the margin note to
the left of step 5:
In the Database Directory text box, use the name of your hard disk, if
it is not Macintosh HD.
If the error "Path Macintosh HD:Excel VBA not found" occurs, check to make
sure the Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications folder is installed
on the root level of your hard disk (not as a subfolder in the Microsoft
Excel folder).
On page 103, add a margin note to the left of step 1:
If your hard disk is not named Macintosh HD, switch to the Module1 tab
and use Edit Replace to change Macintosh HD to the name of your hard
NOTE: The wording of the margin text for these pages is not final and
is subject to possible improvement.
This error is caused by either of the following conditions:
- The practice files are not located in a folder named Microsoft Excel
Visual Basic for Applications, located at the root level of your hard
- The hard disk does not have the default Macintosh drive name Macintosh
This book assumes that the hard disk has the default name Macintosh HD, and
that the Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications files are installed
at the root level of your hard disk, as per page xvi. Lesson 5 needs minor
modifications in order to work with a hard disk of a different name or a
folder different from Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications. Other
lessons might be similarly affected.
If the Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications folder is located in
the Microsoft Excel folder or somewhere other than the root level of your
hard disk, you need to drag the Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for
Applications folder to the hard disk icon on the desktop.
If your hard drive has a name other than Macintosh HD, or if you have a
different Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications path, the following
procedures should help you work around these problems.
The ODBC driver setup for "Miller Textiles" needs to contain the proper
database directory. For example, MAC 234:Excel Visual Basic for
Applications is the proper database directory name if the Macintosh hard
disk drive name is MAC 234. See page 101, step 5 for details on setting the
database directory. Also include the complete path to Microsoft Excel
Visual Basic for Applications, if it is not located at the root level of
your hard drive.
In LESSON5.XLS, Module 1 contains one reference to the Macintosh HD
path. To change this reference, do the following:
- Select the Module1 sheet tab to view the code in the module.
- From the Edit menu, choose Replace.
- Under Find What, type "Macintosh HD" (without the quotation marks).
Follow this by ":Excel VBA" (without the quotation marks) if you want to
change the path.
- Under Replace With, type the correct hard disk drive name (in the above
example, type MAC 234), and type the full path to the Excel VBA folder
if you are changing the path.
- Choose Find Next.
Microsoft Excel will find and highlight the Macintosh HD reference.
- Choose Replace to correct this hard drive reference.
The "No other references were found" message should appear. This message
means that all references to Macintosh HD have been replaced.
- Choose OK to remove this message.
- In the Replace window, choose Close, then select the EIS sheet tab to
return to the map.
Once you modify these two references to the hard drive and default
Microsoft Excel Visual Basic for Applications folder, the EIS worksheet
works as described in the book.
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books.
All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future
printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may
already contain most or all of the above corrections.