The following diagram shows the overall virtual address space layout used
in Windows 95. The Compatibility Arena holds the current virtual machine
and other software. Each Win32 process gets its own private address space
in which to execute. The Private Arena contains the currently executing
Win32 process's private address space. All 16-bit-based applications and
DLLs, including the 16-bit Windows system components, reside in the Shared
Arena. Finally, the Reserved System Arena is used to store all ring-0 code
such as the virtual machine manager and virtual device drivers. It is not
accessible by either 16-bit-based or Win32-based applications.
+---------------------------------+ 4 Gigabytes
| |
| Reserved System Arena |
| (Holds ring-0 components) |
| |
|---------------------------------| 3 Gigabytes
| |
| Shared Arena |
| |
| |
|---------------------------------| 2 Gigabytes
| |
| Private Arena |
| (Holds address space of |
| currently executing |
| Win32 process) |
| |
+---------------------------------+ 4 Megabytes
| 16-bit/MS-DOS |
| Compatibility Arena |
+---------------------------------+ 0 Gigabytes
Each arena has a specific purpose and is described in detail below.
16-bit/MS-DOS Compatibility Arena
The first four megabytes of the system's address space is reserved by the
system and is accessible to 16-bit and MS-DOS software for compatibility.
The current virtual machine occupies the lowest megabyte of this area. The
remaining three megabytes are mostly empty space but may contain MS-DOS
device drivers and Terminate & Stay Resident (TSR) programs.
The 16-bt/MS-DOS Compatibility Arena is not accessible to Win32 processes
for reading or writing. This means Win32 processes may may not allocate
memory, load DLLs, or be loaded below the four megabyte (MB) address.
Private Arena
The private arena holds the private address space of the currently
executing Win32 process. Because every Win32 process gets its own address
space, the contents of this arena will depend upon which process is
currently executing. The memory manager maps the pages of a process's
private address space so that other processes cannot access it and corrupt
the process. The process's code, data, and dynamically-allocated memory all
exist in the private address space.
With the exception of the system's shared DLLs (USER32.DLL, GDI32.DLL, and
KERNEL32.DLL), all DLLs loaded by the process are mapped into the process's
private address space. Windows extension DLLs such as SHELL32.DLL,
COMCTL32.DLL, and COMDLG32.DLL are not system shared DLLs and are mapped
into the process's private address space.
Because console applications are Win32-based applications without graphical
user interfaces, they too get their own private address spaces, as do Win32
graphical user interface (GUI) applications.
The minimum load address for a Win32 process in Windows 95 is four MB
because the first four megabytes are reserved for the Compatibility Arena.
Shared Arena
The shared arena is unique to Windows 95. This arena contains components
that must be mapped into every process's address space. All of the pages in
this arena are mapped identically in every process.
The 16-bit global heap, which contains all 16-bit-based applications, DLLs,
and 16-bit system DLLs, resides in the shared arena. The Win32 shared
system DLLs (USER32.DLL, GDI32.DLL, and KERNEL32.DLL) are also located in
the shared arena.
Unlike the Reserved System Arena, the shared arena is readable and writable
by Win32 and 16-bit processes alike. This doesn't mean they are free to get
memory directly from this address space. All 16-bit-based applications and
DLLs actually are located in the 16-bit global heap, so they allocate
memory from the 16-bit global heap; when this heap needs to be grown,
KRNL386.EXE gets the memory from the shared arena.
Win32 processes may not allocate memory directly from the shared arena, but
they always use it for mapping views of file mappings. Unlike Windows NT,
where views of file mappings always are placed in the private address
space, Windows 95 holds views of file mappings in the shared arena.
The DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) server's memory pool is located in
the Shared Arena. Thus, calls to the DPMI server to allocate memory will
result in memory that is globally accessible.
Sometimes, a virtual device driver (VxD) may need to map a buffer passed to
it by a Win32 process into globally accessible memory so that the buffer
can be accessed even if the process isn't in context. By calling
_LinPageLock virtual machine manager service with the PAGEMAPGLOBAL flag, a
VxD can obtain a linear address in the shared arena that corresponds to the
buffer passed to it by the Win32 process.
Reserved System Arena
The reserved system contains the code and data of all ring-0 components
such as the virtual machine manager, DOS extender, DPMI server, and virtual
device drivers. This arena is used exclusively by ring-0 components and not
addressable by ring 3 code, such as MS-DOS-based, 16-bit-based, and
Win32-based applications and DLLs.