Using the SMS Tracer Utility (125452)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.0
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.1
  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 1.2

This article was previously published under Q125452


The Microsoft Systems Management Server allows you to trace the actions performed by the SMS services. When tracing is enabled, each service makes log entries for actions that it performs or errors that it receives in a log file. The log files are ASCII text and can be viewed with a text editor. However, SMS includes a Tracer utility that parses these log files and presents them in a clearer, more user-friendly manner than plain text viewing. Tracer also allows interactive viewing of the SMS log files as the services are writing to them.


There are currently two versions of this utility, TRACER.EXE and SMSTRACE.EXE

TRACER.EXE is a command line console-mode utility that reads changes made to a text file in real time. This file is located in the PSSTOOL\<arch> directory on the SMS 1.0 and 1.1 CD-ROM. For SMS 1.2 it is located in the SUPPORT\DEBUG\<arch> directory on the CD-ROM.
   Usage: tracer <path to one of the SMS log files>
SMSTRACE.EXE is a graphical user interface (GUI) multiple document interface (MDI) version and is included in the SITE.SRV\<arch>.BIN directory.

SMSTRACE.EXE allows you to customize the display by selecting options such as columns, filtering, and ignore new lines. You can also Cut and Paste and Print from SMSTRACE. SMSTRACE.EXE also allows viewing of several log files simultaneously.

To install SMSTRACE as an icon in the SMS group:

  1. Open the Systems Management Server group windows.
  2. From the Program Manager File menu, select New.
  3. Choose New Program Item. For the Command Line, enter:


    For the working directory, enter:


The SMS services log files are all located in the SMS\LOGS directory except for the Site Configuration Manager log file SCMAN.LOG and the Bootstrap log file BOOT.LOG.

The following is a list of the log files and the names of the component that writes to them:
SMS Alerter                   ALERTER.LOG
Applications Manager          APPMAN.LOG
Bootstrap                     BOOT.LOG (in SMS root directory of Secondary
                                        Site Servers)
Client Configuration Manager  CLICFG.LOG
Inventory Dataloader          DATALODR.LOG
Despooler                     DESPOOL.LOG
Site Hierarchy Manager        HMAN.LOG
Inventory Agent               INVAGENT.LOG
Inventory Processor           INVPROC.LOG
LAN Sender                    LANSEND.LOG
RAS Sender                    RASSEND.LOG
RAS Sender (asynchronous)     RASSYNC.LOG
RAS Sender (ISDN)             RASISDN.LOG
RAS Sender (X.25)             RASX25.LOG
SNA Sender                    SNASEND.LOG
SNA Sender (Batch)            SNABATCH.LOG
SNA Sender (Interactive)      SNAINTER.LOG
SNA Receiver                  SNARECV.LOG
Maintenance Manager           MAINTMAN.LOG
Package Command Manager       PACMAN.LOG
SMS Scheduler                 SCHED.LOG
Site Configuration Manager    SCMAN.LOG (in root directory of SMS drive)
Site Reporter                 SITEREP.LOG
SMS Executive                 SMSEXEC.LOG
SNMPTrap Filter               TRAPFLTR.LOG
SMS Administrator             UI.LOG
For more information on tracing Systems Management Server services, please refer to the Systems Management Server 1.0 or 1.1 "System Guide," Appendix J. If you are running Systems Management Server 1.2, please refer to the Systems Management Server 1.2 Resource Kit.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/14/2005
Keywords:kbHMan kbInventory kbMaintMan kbnetwork kbScheduler kbSCMan KB125452