The Windows NT 3.51 release is an update of the Windows NT 3.5 release.
Major new features include:
- Support for PowerPC PreP compatible systems
- NTFS file compression
- PENTNT.EXE (disables hardware floating point processing on flawed
Pentium chips) - Support for Windows 95 controls and common dialogs
- Support for Windows 95 common controls
- Support for Windows 95 Help
- PCMCIA enabling for a known set of machines and devices (enabling only,
not plug and play)
- New licensing mini-application (Flippy), the forerunner of a larger
licensing application (Honesty)
- Replaceable (extensible) WinLogin
- OLE improvements (performance, multi-threading)
- 3D (DDI work for OpenGL)
- Miscellaneous new device drivers
- A Control Panel icon that allows you to configure the Windows properties
for an MS-DOS command prompt
- Text descriptions are automatically displayed on toolbar buttons when
the mouse pointer is placed on them
- Remote Access Service support for Security Dynamics ACE server.
- Persistent IP routes when using TCP/IP
There are also bug fixes for the following:
- Printing non-text files with LPR
- Allowing guest access with FTP
- A new version of Calculator
- Digital DECWriter 95 support
- Printing to a non-postscript printer from a Macintosh