Invalid MSWORK3.INI [Template Section] Entries
For example, if the TemplateMax= line is set higher than the actual number
of templates, it will cause this error. To correct this problem, change the
TemplateMax= line to match the number of templates, save the MSWORKS3.INI
file in text format, and restart Works.
To correct other problems with the [Template Section] of the MSWORKS3.INI
file, remove the entire section and rebuild it. For more information about
rebuilding this section of the MSWORKS3.INI file, see the following
121622 Re-creating the [Template Section] of the MSWORKS3.INI File
Problems with the Math Coprocessor
It has been reported that this problem may occur on computers with math
coprocessors installed where the coprocessor is incorrectly installed or
configured. For example, the jumper or DIP switches may be set wrong, or
the math coprocessor may not be completely seated in its socket.
Contact the hardware manufacturer to verify the proper installation and
setting for the math coprocessor chip.
This cause of the problem has not been confirmed or tested by Microsoft.