The application name for Program Manager is "ProgMan." The topic available
in the Program Manager application is also "ProgMan." The following is a
list of commands available in the ProgMan topic that you can use in a DDE
conversation with Program Manager:
CreateGroup(GroupName,GroupPath) Creates a new group at Program Manager
or activates the window of an existing
DeleteGroup(GroupName) Deletes an existing program group.
AddItem(CmdLine,Name,IconPath, Creates a new program item (icon) in the
IconIndex,xPos,yPos, active group.
ShowGroup(GroupName,ShowCommand)Maximizes, minimizes, or restores a
group window.
You can also request the "progman" item to return a list of your Program
Manager groups.
Create New Group
The following example creates a group called "Excel Files" or activates an
existing group named "Excel Files" in Program Manager.
Sub CreateGroup()
Dim Chan As Integer
Chan = DDEInitiate("Progman", "progman")
DDEExecute Chan, "[CreateGroup(Excel Files)]"
' Terminate channel
DDETerminate Chan
End Sub
Delete Existing Group
The following example deletes the group "Excel Files." Note that the group
is deleted even if it contains items.
Sub DeleteGroup()
Dim Chan As Integer
Chan = DDEInitiate("Progman", "progman")
DDEExecute Chan, "[DeleteGroup(Excel Files)]"
' Terminate channel
DDETerminate Chan
End Sub
Add New Item
The following example prompts you to enter a path to the item
(c:\excel\excel.exe) and a name for the item (Excel), and then adds the
item to the active group:
Sub AddItem()
Dim qt As String
Dim Chan As Integer
Dim path As String, item As String
' Set qt equal to quotation mark character
qt = Chr(34)
Chan = DDEInitiate("Progman", "progman")
path = InputBox("Enter path for item")
item = InputBox("Enter name for item")
DDEExecute Chan, _
"[AddItem(" & qt & path & qt & "," & qt & item & qt & ")]"
' Terminate channel
DDETerminate Chan
End Sub
Maximize, Minimize or Restore Group Window
Sub GroupWindow()
Dim Chan As Integer
Chan = DDEInitiate("Progman", "progman")
' Maximize Excel Files group
DDEExecute Chan, "[ShowGroup(Excel Files,3)]"
' Minimize Excel Files group
DDEExecute Chan, "[ShowGroup(Excel Files,2)]"
' Restore Excel Files group
DDEExecute Chan, "[ShowGroup(Excel Files,1)]"
' Terminate channel
DDETerminate Chan
End Sub
Return List of Groups
The following example returns a list of your Program Manager groups to
Sheet1 in the active workbook:
Dim Chan as Integer
Dim listing as Variant
Dim i as Integer
Sub ListGroups
Chan = DDEInitiate("Progman","Progman")
listing = DDERequest(Chan,"Progman")
' Terminate channel
DDETerminate Chan
While i <= UBound(listing)
End Sub
Microsoft provides examples of Visual Basic for Applications procedures for
illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including,
but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness
for a particular purpose. The Visual Basic procedures in this article are
provided 'as is' and Microsoft does not guarantee that they can be used in
all situations. While Microsoft support professionals can help explain the
functionality of a particular macro, they will not modify these examples to
provide added functionality, nor will they help you construct macros to
meet your specific needs. If you have limited programming experience, you
may want to consult one of the Microsoft Solution Providers. Solution
Providers offer a wide range of fee-based services, including creating
custom macros. For more information about Microsoft Solution Providers,
call Microsoft Customer Information Service at (800) 426-9400.
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
72907 Manipulating Program Manager Groups Using DDE Interface