This article details Systems Management Server event log codes 350 through
Event Log Codes 350 - 400
Code Description
---- -----------
350 New site installation initiated for site X.
351 Could not create send request to install site X.
352 Could not create Site Reconfiguration Minijob for site X.
353 Site reconfiguration for site X initiated.
354 Local site reconfiguration initiated.
355 Remote site reconfiguration job for site X failed due to problems
creating the minijob.
356 Site Hierarchy Manager is not functional. Unable to make connection
to SQL Server .
357 Unable to obtain status for Job X for site Y.
358 Received an ACTUAL site control file from site X.
359 Preinstall job for site X has failed.
360 Site Install Job for site X has failed.
361 Site reconfig job for site X has failed.
362 Creation of Minijob to parent site from site is failing.
363 Sites table is empty. Cannot do any processing.
364 Forwarding site control file(s) to parent site X.
365 Cannot post site control files to parent site X.
366 Cannot identify this site. No site code is in registry.
367 Attempt to add site X to the Sites table in the database failed.
368 Attempt to add domain X for Site Y to Domains table in database has
369 SQL Server Errors =>
370 X is not setup correctly.
371 Unable to create MAC volume X on server Y with path Z.
372 There is not enough free disk space on share A, server B. Available
diskspace is C MBytes, the package requires D bytes.
373 There is no NTFS drive on server X, which is needed to decompress or
copy the package.
374 The workstation install job has failed on workstation X in domain Y,
the description generated by the setup script is Z.
375 The package file is corrupted. It either has a bad internal format
or failed CRC check. Have the administrator resend the package to
correct this problem.
376 X caused an exception. Shutting down the SMS Executive.
377 Site X is attempting to produce an illegal site hierarchy.
378 Failed to install SMS_BOOTSTRAP service at the secondary site.
Possible causes are the service account doesn't have the proper
rights, the install drive doesn't exist or the server platform is
379 The SMS root directory X on server Y cannot be an existing directory
that is not empty. Either delete the directory by hand or choose a
different directory and redo the secondary site install.
380 An SMS alert has been triggered. Alert: (X) -- . The hit count for
the alert was Y.
381 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. The main site package
(BOOTSTRP.PK1) and/or the site control package (BOOTSTRP.PK2) have
disappeared from that site's installation directory, where they had
been previously stored. Installation or upgrade cannot continue. If
this was an upgrade, SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the
secondary site, attempting to restart the previous version of SMS.
If this succeeds, it should be possible to retry the upgrade using
SMS Setup to upgrade the primary site again.
382 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. The main site package
(BOOTSTRP.PK1) is invalid, failing internal consistency checks.
Installation or upgrade cannot continue. If this was an upgrade,
SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the secondary site,
attempting to restart the previous version of SMS. If this succeeds,
it should be possible to retry the upgrade using SMS Setup to
upgrade the primary site again. Possible causes are: a transmission
error during sending.
383 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. The site control
package (BOOTSTRP.PK2) is invalid, failing internal consistency
checks. Installation or upgrade cannot continue. If this was an
upgrade, SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the secondary
site, attempting to restart the previous version of SMS. If this
succeeds, it should be possible to retry the upgrade using SMS Setup
to upgrade the primary site again. Possible causes are: a
transmission error during sending.
384 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. SMS_BOOTSTRAP detected
insufficient disk space to decompress the main site package
(BOOTSTRP.PK1) or the site control package (BOOTSTRP.PK2).
Installation or upgrade cannot continue. If this was an upgrade,
SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the secondary site,
attempting to restart the previous version of SMS. If this
succeeds, it should be possible to retry the upgrade using SMS Setup
to upgrade the primary site again. Possible causes are: low disk
space on the secondary site server.
385 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. The main site package
has failed during decompression. Installation or upgrade cannot
continue. If this was an upgrade, the secondary site may now contain
a mixture of files from the previous and new versions and should be
considered unstable. SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the
secondary site, attempting to start the "mixed" version of SMS. If
this succeeds, it should be possible to retry the upgrade using SMS
Setup to upgrade the primary site again.
386 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. The site control
package has failed during decompression. Installation or upgrade
cannot continue. If this is an upgrade, SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered
a restart of the secondary site, attempting to start the new version
of SMS using the old site control file. If this succeeds, it should
be possible to retry the upgrade using SMS Setup to upgrade the
primary site again.
387 Installation or upgrade of site X has failed. After it was
decompressed, the main site package did not included a master system
map (SYSTEM.MAP). This file should have been in the install
directory. Installation or upgrade cannot continue. If this is an
upgrade, SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the secondary
site, attempting to start the new version of SMS without the system
map. If this succeeds, it should be possible to retry the upgrade
using SMS Setup to upgrade the primary site again.
388 Installation or upgrade of site has failed. SMS_BOOTSTRAP has run
for more than 48 hours at the secondary site without the site
successfully starting. Installation or upgrade will not continue.
If this was an upgrade, SMS_BOOTSTRAP has triggered a restart of the
secondary site, attempting to restart the previous version of SMS.
If this succeeds, it should be possible to retry the upgrade using
SMS Setup to upgrade the primary site again.
389 Cannot enumerate users for domain (X). Possible NT error: (Y)
390 Cannot enumerate user groups for domain (X). If this is a NetWare
domain, this may be due to the Gateway Service for NetWare not
running on the SMS site server. Possible NT error: (Y)
391 The package includes Macintosh as one its supported platforms.
However none of the package servers are able to support Macintosh
packages. Please make sure Service for Macintosh is running on at
least one of the package servers.
392 Drive X on server Y is not an NTFS drive, which is required for a
successful secondary site install. Please select an NTFS drive and
retry the secondary site install.
393 Failed to decompress the package on server X, the required space is
MBytes, the drive with most free space only has Y MBytes free.