ComLyr Files Needed when Distributing VB 3.0 Applications (119732)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic Standard Edition for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows 3.0
  • Microsoft Access 2.0

This article was previously published under Q119732


The ACC2COMP.TXT file, which ships with the Microsoft Jet 2.0/Visual Basic 3.0 Compatibility Layer, describes a set of changes that you can make to the Setup Wizard's .INI file to enable it to build applications that use the Compatibility Layer. Also, if you are building your setup disks manually, you may find the following information useful.


Pages 580-582 of the Visual Basic "Programmer's Guide" list the files you need to distribute with your Visual Basic application. If you are using the Compatibility Layer, this list changes slightly. You no longer need to ship the MSAJT100.DLL file; however, in its place you must include both the files MSAJT112.DLL and MSAJT200.DLL.

The database engine for Microsoft Access version 1.1 used a set of DLLs to access installable ISAM databases. The database engine for Microsoft Access version 2.0 uses a separate set of DLLs for this purpose. Below is a list of the updated ISAM drivers that you should ship if your application must access an ISAM database:
   Database     Old Driver   New Driver
   --------     ----------   ----------
   Paradox      PDX110.DLL   PDX200.DLL
   Btrieve      BTRV110.DLL  BTRV200.DLL
   FoxPro/DBase XBS110.DLL   XBS200.DLL
Several Crystal Reports files are also updated by the Compatibility Layer setup. Make sure you distribute the updated versions of these files. (See the ACC2COMP.TXT file that ships with the Compatibility Layer for more information.)

NOTE: The updated Crystal Report files share the same name as the old versions, and therefore it is possible that a future release of Crystal Reports can cause problems. See the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article for further information:

118627 PRB: PD*JET.DLL Conflict Compatibility Layer/Crystal Reports

The table below is a fragment of the table from pages 580-582 of the "Programmer's Guide." It has been updated to list the new files mentioned above.
Table 25.1    Required DLLs for Distributing Visual Basic Application

DLL Name      Required by     Description
VBDB300.DLL   Data access     Required if your application uses the data
MSAJT112.DLL                  control or the data access features of the
MSAJT200.DLL                  Professional Edition.
BTRV200.DLL   Data access     Required if your application accesses data
                              in Btrieve format.
PDX200.DLL    Data access     Required if your application accesses data
                              in Paradox format.
XBS200.DLL    Data access     Required if your application accesses data
                              in xBase format.

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:11/18/2003