BUG: sp_MSbackup_now Fails on Scheduled Dumps to Same Device (119266)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft SQL Server 4.2x
This article was previously published under Q119266
BUG# NT: 860 (4.21)
When more than one scheduled event exists to dump to the same logical
device name, the SQL Monitor backup stored procedure sp_MSbackup_now may
fail with Msg 512:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is illegal when
the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, or when the
subquery is used as an expression.
When scheduled backups fail in this scenario, the History Log Report
run from SQL Administrator does not report any errors or information
about the status of the dump.
The following two options can be used to avoid this problem:
- Create multiple logical dump device names that reference the same
physical device name.
- Execute the following script to replace the existing sp_MSbackup_now
use master
if exists (select name from sysobjects where name = 'sp_MSbackup_now')
drop procedure sp_MSbackup_now
create procedure sp_MSbackup_now
declare @now datetime, @dayofweek smallint, @hour smallint, @minute
smallint, @elapsed int, @monthyear varchar(30)
set nocount on
/* */
/* Get the current date and time. */
/* Parse out the relevant parts of the date */
/* */
select @now = getdate()
select @dayofweek = datepart(weekday,@now)
select @monthyear = substring(convert(varchar(12),getdate()),1,12)
/* */
/* Create a temporary table to hold data on what needs to be dumped */
/* */
create table #spdumptab
(id int Not Null, /* Unique identifier */
name varchar(30) Not Null, /* Name of database to be dumped */
owner varchar(30) Not Null, /* Name of the database owner */
ddump varchar(30) Null, /* Database dump device */
ldump varchar(30) Null, /* Log dump device */
datacntrltype smallint Null, /* Control type */
logcntrltype smallint Null, /* Control type */
status tinyint Null, /* extra dump parameters */
trys tinyint Null, /* number of attempts to dump */
emailname varchar(60) Null,/* email recipient(s) for notification */
dumptime varchar(32) Not Null, /* scheduled event time */
day tinyint Not Null, /* day of week for dump */
freq tinyint Not Null /* frequency of dump */
/* */
/* Check all databases that are dumped daily, weekly, and biweekly */
/* Note: The dump can only occur if the start time(HH:MM) is > the
last dump <= now */
/* */
insert into #spdumptab
select Event_id, Database_name,
from MSscheduled_backups
where Enabled = 1 /* Dump turned on */
and ((convert(smallint,Day) = @dayofweek) or Frequency = 1)
/* Dump today or Daily */
and Frequency <= 14 /* Freq daily, weekly, or biweekly */
and datediff(day, Last_dump, @now) >= convert(smallint,Frequency)
/* Freq time has elapsed */
and @now >= convert(datetime, @monthyear + Start_time)
and datediff(hour, Last_dump, @now) >=convert(smallint,Frequency)*24
/* Freq time has elapsed */
and datediff(minute, Last_dump, @now) >=
convert(smallint,Frequency)*24*60 /* Freq time has elapsed */
/* */
/* Check all the databases that are dumped monthly */
/* Note: First we get this week number, then do the same criteria as
the Daily, weekly, bi-weekly dump.The dump can only occur if the
start time(HH:MM) is > the last dump <= now */
/* */
declare @rundate datetime, @weekno smallint /* Get this week number */
select @rundate = @now
select @weekno = 1
while datepart(month,dateadd(day,-7,@rundate)) = datepart(month,@now)
select @weekno = @weekno + 1
select @rundate = dateadd(day,-7,@rundate)
insert into #spdumptab
select Event_id, Database_name,
email_name, @monthyear+Start_time,Day,Frequency
from MSscheduled_backups
where Enabled = 1 /* Dump turned on */
and (convert(smallint,Day) = @dayofweek) /* Dump today */
and Frequency >= 31 /* Freq monthly */
and (convert(smallint,Frequency) - 22) >= @weekno /* Week of month */
and datediff(day, Last_dump, @now) >= 22 /* Freq time has elapsed */
and @now >= convert(datetime, @monthyear + Start_time)
and datediff(hour, Last_dump, @now) >= 22*24
/* Freq time has elapsed */
and datediff(minute, Last_dump, @now) >= 22*24*60
/* Freq time has elapsed */
update #spdumptab set datacntrltype = (select distinct cntrltype
from master..sysdevices s where #spdumptab.ddump = s.name)
update #spdumptab set logcntrltype = (select distinct cntrltype
from master..sysdevices s where #spdumptab.ldump = s.name)
set nocount off
/* */
/* Output the values to the daemon */
/* */
select id = id, name = name, owner = owner, ddump = ddump,
ldump = ldump, dcntrl = datacntrltype, lcntrl = logcntrltype,
stat = status, attempt=trys, email=emailname,
from #spdumptab
order by (convert(datetime,dumptime))
Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SQL Server version
4.21.006. We are researching this problem and will post new information
here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 2/7/2002 |
Keywords: | KB119266 |